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Sania pleads Rudra to save her from police arrest and threatens him that she will not return if she goes and will never reveal Saransh’s location. Rudra says Sania is mischievous like a kid and don’t intent to harm anyone, so he apologizes on her behalf. GPS says its evil act and not childish behavior and he is supporting her. Inspector says he can free her only after getting her bail. Rudra says he knows commissioner and get bail via him and walks away with police. Vasu confronts Preesha that Rudra is under pressure, but Rudra looks happy and she looks under pressure. Arman says he is tired explaining her that Rudra has moved on and is happy with Sania and even she should move on. Sharda apologizes her for Rudra’s act. Vasu says she doesn’t know what to say. Preesha asks her to stop as she knows her Rudra very well and he married Sania under pressure, he saved Sania as she murmured something in his ears and she is blackmailing him for something, etc.

Rudra speaks to commissioner and bails out Sania. On the way home, he listens to his old song and remembers his romance with Preesha, their love for her, and then hurting her. He thinks he is hurting her a lot and is doing it for their son Saransh’s sake, he loves her immensely and is hurting her the most. Sania says its a beautiful song and wishes he had sang it for her. He stops car and asks her to get out. She asks if he is serious. He shouts enough of her drama, she should give Saransh’s information or else get out; he thought woman’s heart is sensitive, but she is cruel; he loves Preesha immensely and wants to gift their son back, but she is hurting Preesha instead, he will not let her hurt Preesha more, she should give Saransh’s information or get out. She says he spoke a lot, if she goes he will never know Saransh’s location and gift him to Preesha. He shouts that when he can marry her, he can go to any extent and find Saransh’s location somehow and will not hurt her Preesha anymore. Sania thinks he is mad behind Preesha, Preesha is very lucky; if she doesn’t reveal him Ahana’s location, he will divorce her and she cannot complete her task. She says she will take him to Ahana’s location.
She takes him to middle class house. They knock door. He finds it open, enters and calls Ahana, says there is no one else here and angrily strangulates her for lying. She says let her speak and shows Ahana’s pen drive for him. He plugs pendrive and sees Ahana who says he found her at last, she didn’t know Sania would easily give up and give her address; he must have realized by now that Saransh is alive and is with her, he may never be able to reach him, but he obeys her order via Sania, he will get closer to Sania after solving each clue; if he tries to reach her directly, he will never find Saransh again, so he should wait for a clue soon. He shouts at Sania that she is a cheap woman who just used her. She says Ahana is cheap who took money from her and ordered to be with Rudra and give his information if she needs her money back. Rudra shouts to tell what are they up to or else he will kill her and Ahana both. Sania says Saransh’s life is in Ahana’s hands and if he tries to misbehave and strangulate her, even Saransh will be punished similarly and she will never help him. He stands fuming. She walks away saying he looks dashing in his angry young man look.

Sania meets Ahana. Ahana asks what is happening. Sania remembers messaging Ahana that she is bringing Rudra to her house, she should keep recorded pen drive and leave her out. Ahana panics followed by Mishka. Mishka records her video, and she keeps pendrive with a note leaves house. Out of flashback, Ahana threatens Sania that only she knows her secret and asks what is she up to. Sania threatens to expose and orders to do as she says. Ahana walks away fuming.

Preesha meets GPS and requests him to give a good personal investigator’s number. He asks if its for Sania. She says she wants to know about Sania’s past and personal details to find out why she is with Rudra. GPS gives her a number. She thinks she will not accept defeat and will find out truth soon. On the other side, Sania removes Preesha’s clothes from cupboard. Rudra shouts how dare she is to do that. Sania threatens she will not reveal Saransh’s information and says when Preesha is not here, her stuff should also be not here. Rudra warns her that nobody can take Preesha’s place in his heart even in 7 lives and warns her to get out of his house if she wants to. She thinks he is mad behind Preesha. He keeps Preesha’s clothes back in cupboard.
Preesha meets personal investigator/PI and asks him to find out Sania’s personal details. He asks her Sania’s photo. She calls Sharda who asks if she is fine and she says not without Rudra and asks to send Sania’s pics. Sharda clicks Sania’s pics hiding and sends them to Preesha. Preesha sends pics to PI in return and asks him to find out Sania’s information soon. He assures her that he will as soon as he gets an info. Preesha then returns home where Chachaji informs her that Arman cracked a big deal and the client is in the city, so they want Preesha to organize party for their client. Preesha agrees.

Rudra returns to his job and thinks he will work for a whole week and stay away from Sania. His boss calls him and asks him to host Thakur family’s party as hotel industry’s bigwig Mr Arman’s Thakur is throwing party in their hotel. Rudra denies citing personal reason. Boss insists him citing immense trust on him, and he agrees. Boss then thinks he needs to inform Preesha that her work is done, remembering Preesha requesting him to let Rudra handle the party. During party, Preesha asks waiter to inform manager to bring her drinks. Rudra walks to her and she gets romantic with him. He in professional way asks what is she doing. She says she got romantic seeing him here and tries to hug him. He walks away. She thinks she will find out truth at any cost. Arman and Chachaji notice Preesha’s behavior. Preesha insists Rudra to fill her glass and feed her snacks. Rudra hesitates, but agrees and feeds her snacks. Chachaji fumes seeing that and tells Arman that Preesha should hide her feelings and stop hurting herself, so Arman should go and stop. Preesha forces Rudra to taste her bitten food and says he can’t hide his feelings for her. He tries to leave. She stops him and insists to dance with her. He says no sorry. She insists. Arman walks to her and she says she will dance with her husband.

Preesha sensuously dances with Arman on Khamoshiyan…song to make Rudra feel jealous. Rudra feels jealous and walks away from there. Preesha stops dance and says she is tired. Arman asks her to stop trying to gain Rudra’s attention why he is not bothered at all. She says she knows what is in Rudra’s heart and says no need to bother about her. She then drags Rudra to men’s washroom and seduces him. Main Tera Banjaoonga.. song. He finally reciprocates but then controls. She says she can clearly see in his eyes that he loves her and was jealous when she was dancing with Arman, then why did he marry Sania and if she forced him to marry her; he should tell his problem and they both together will solve it.

Precap: PI gives Sania’s London address to Preesha. Preesha asks Arman if he knows this address. Anvi reads address and says its their London house address. Arman asks Sania about Anvi. Rudra says how does Sania know about Anvi. Preesha informs that Sania is Anvi’s mother and Arman’s ex-wife. Rudra confronts Sania that she wanted to take revenge. Sania agrees that she wants to take revenge from Arman. Goons molest Preesha. Rudra beats them. Preesha says he couldn’t see goons molesting her as he loves her and insists to accept it.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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