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Preesha tells Rudra that he inform her truth now, but got revealed already that Krishna is Saransh. She shows Saransh’s birth mark on his bag and reminisces Krishna searching her and hugging her afraid telling she doesn’t want to go away from her as Ahana is taking her out of country. Preesha says she will speak to her mother and not let her go. She takes her to room, and her wig falls down. Shocked, she asks why was she wearing wig. Krishna says Ahana makes her wear it to hide that he is a male instead. Preesha thinks why Ahana wants to disguise Krishna as female. Vasu calls nanny to bring Preesha down. Preesha introduces Krishna not nanny as Anvi’s friend and asks her to take her to Anvi’s room and feed her something. GPS enters and asks Preesha not to marry Arman and reveals whole story happened from Rudra finding that Saransh is alive and with Ahana, marrying Sania to get Saransh’s information, Ahana ordering him to character assassinate GPS, etc. He says their Saransh is alive. Preesha gets emotional hearing that and thinks if Krishna is with Ahana, he is Saransh. She rushes to Krishna and checking his birth mark on back realizes Krishna is Saransh. She happily pampers Krishna and says he is her Saransh. Serial’s title track plays in the background. Krishna asks what happened. Preesha says he is her son Saransh and returned to her; Ahana changed her face to hide her from Rudra and her, she had a feeling when he held his hand that they are connected, he is her Saransh. Out of flashback, Preesha tells Rudra that Ahana changed Saransh’s face and voice to hide his identity. Rudra emotionally hugs and pampers Saransh.
Arman calls Sania and scolds her that due to her carelessness, Rudra reached here and stopped marriage. Sania says Rudra locked her in a hotel room and escaped, she will come there and handle situation. Arman says Rudra and Preesha will not separate now as they found their son Saransh; he doesn’t want Preesha to hate him knowing truth, so she should come here and handle the situation. On the other side, Ahana panics not finding Krishna and firing nanny from job warns her not to inform about Saransh to anyone. She thinks how will she find Krishna now. Mishka says let Krishna go wherever he wants to as they gained the wealth they wanted to via him, so he is a burden on them now. Ahana says she is right, why didn’t she think this way, they should run away to London soon.

Rudra continues pampering Saransh and asks if he doesn’t remember him. Preesha says when Ahana can change Saransh’s face and voice, she can erase his memory. Rudra says he will not spare Ahana, Mishka, and Sania now. Sania brings Ahana and Mishka. Arman thinks what is she up to, why did she come here. Sania says Ahana and Mishka troubled him, he can punish them now. Rudra asks how did he come here. Sania says she knew Rudra would come have come here locking her in room, so she thought of punishing Ahana and Mishka and reuniting Saransh, Rudra, and Preesha. Rudra shouts she is lying. Sania says she knows Rudra and Preesha are inseparable, so she accepted truth and thought of reuniting them with their son. Preesha says she is lying, how did she easily find Ahana and Mishka when she couldn’t earlier. She says she thought like them and caught them from their hideout, now Rudra and Preesha can punish them the way they want to.

Preesha asks Sania how did she find out Ahana and Mishka. Sania says they are intelligent, but even she has a brain and goes into flashback where she reaches Ahana’s hotel and finds out that she already checked out. She thinks Ahana after grabbing all wealth would try to escape from India, so she waits for them outside airport and once they reach, she orders her goons to bring them to her. Goons kidnaps them and gets them into car. Sania says surprise, how are they feeling in a van instead of a flight. Ahana and Mishka resist and yell at her in vain. Out of flashback, Sania says this is how she brought Ahana and Mishka here, they know anyways that Krishna is Saransh. Preesha asks if she already knew that Krishna is Saransh. Sania says yes. Rudra asks if she was blackmailing Ahana for same. Sania agrees and says she got Saransh’s surgery on Ahana’s order and goes into flashback again where she meets Ahana via a friend whose plastic surgery was done by her boyfriend and shows other women’s pics whom her boyfriend transformed. Ahana asks if her boyfriend can change Saransh’s face. Sania says she will ask her boyfriend. Ahana says she need not worry about money. Out of flashback, Sania tells Rudra that Ahana gave her a big offer which she couldn’t resist and helped Ahana. Ahana says she gave her so much money, but she betrayed her. Sania says when Ahana betrayed her dear ones Rudra and Preesha, and Saransh, why should she spare Ahana and asks Preesha to punish them the way she wants.
Preesha slaps Mishka that she did a heinous act and asks how did she take Saransh away after bomb blast. Rudra shouts to reveal it if she wants to be alive. Misha reveals that she and Ahana planned everything and goes into flashback where she hides goons to arrange a her and Saransh’s body double, arrange passport and London tickets, and help her escape and thinks her plan is better than Kabir. Goon arranges what she ordered and helps her escape after blast after exchanging dead bodies with her and Saransh. Out of flashback, Ahana says she forgot that if Saransh dies, all trust money will be seized. Arman records her confession. She says she knew she can prove Saransh is alive via his DNA, so she changed Saransh’s voice and face. Rudra asks what about Saransh’s videos. Ahana says she recorded them before and is not a fool to send him Krishna’s videos, but Rudra and Preesha are smart and identified Saransh. Rudra asks what did she do with Saransh that he doesn’t remember them. Ahana says she give him heavy medications to erase his memory.

Rudra shouts he wants to kill her for torturing his son, but is helpless. Preesha says he is helpless but not a mother and slaps Ahana repeatedly reminding her sins. Ahana reacts. Preesha shouts shut up and continues yelling at her. Ahana says she was ruthless as Saransh is nothing to her, but Saransh is Preesha’s adopted son and his own mother Mahima used Saransh, how can she forget her husband betrayed her. Preesha shouts not to compare herself to her. Ahana says she will not as she is better than her, she made a mistake of sparing Saransh instead of killing him after getting his wealth. Preesha continuously slaps her. Arman stops her and asks Rudra to stop Preesha. Rudra supports Preesha. Police comes and arrests Ahana and Mishka and takes Sania along to give evidence. Preesha and Rudra hug each other.

Precap: Rudra tells Preesha that they should take care of Saransh and get back his memory. Arman gets angry on Sania that she ruined everything, says Preesha is still with him and he will not let her go. Sharda tells Preesha and Rudra to return home. Arman stops Preesha. Anvi asks Arman what is roka. He says ring exchange ceremony. Anvi asks if he and Preesha will exchange rings. Sania asks what is he doing. He says Anvi will stop Preesha’s engagement. Pandit asks Rudra and Preesha to exchange rings. Anvi stops Preesha.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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