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Preesha insists Rudra to tell if he still loves her or not. Rudra remembers Sania warning that if she leaves, even his hope of Saransh will go with her. He pushes Preesha away and says he is married to Sania now. She says he married Sania under some pressure and still loves her. He says he loves Sani and not her and walks out of washroom. She follows him. Sania walks in and scolds Preesha to spare her husband, she came here for her husband and not watch Preesha’s drama. Preesha thinks Sania must have found out that she is also here. Rudra shows PDA and asks what is she doing here and if she informed maa. She says she brought tiffin for him and says let us have it. He agrees. Preesha gets jealous and orders him to perform his duty. Chachaji with Arman notices them and says he is feeling happy seeing Sania for the first time as only she can keep Rudra away from Preesha. Sania says Rudra can take a break and send someone else to serve Preesha. She notices Arman and Chachaji and asks him to control his wife and ask her to stop bothering newly wedded couple. Arman says Rudra that he can take a break. Chachaji says they can enjoy the party on our expenses. Sania says so kind of sasurji. Rudra and Preesha look at her in shock. She says Preesha’s sasurji and walks away holding Rudra’s hand.

Rudra gets angry on Sania for hurting Preesha and says he will never have her prepared food. Preesha walks near them. Sania shows him that Preesha is around them. He acts and eats food from her hand. Arman confronts Preesha to stop being mad behind Rudra as he has already moved on. Preesha gets her personal investigator/PI’s call who informs that he found out Sania’s details and asks her to visit his office. Preesha lies to Arman that she is feeling headache and leaves party. Rudra noticing Preesha leaving angrily scolds Sania to stop her drama as he hates her and leave silently.` Sania walks away. Rudra feels once he finds out Saransh’s location, he will return to Preesha. Preesha meets her PI who informs that Sania is born and bought up in London and went missing since 6 years and hence it is difficult to find out where she used to live and or who her relatives are, he found her old social media account and shows it. She checks Sania’s old pics. He says he asked his UK sources to find out more details about Sania. She asks to inform her once he gets more information.
Ahana records video and informs Sania that she did as she ordered. Sania says she will give her further instructions later. Rudra enters and asks what is she up to and rudely holds her hand. She reminds that Saransh will be troubled if he troubles her and walks away. He thinks she was talking to Ahana for sure. Preesha meets PI again who gives Sania’s old London address. She thinks of seeking Arman’s help as he used to stay in London before. She meets Arman and asks him same. He says he doesn’t know about this address and asks why she is behind Sania. Preesha says she will inform later. Anvi walks to Preesha later asking her friend’s party pics. Preesha asks her to bring her mobile. Anvi noticing address says its their London house address. Preesha sends her away and confronts Arman for lying as Anvi told its their London address and even Sania’s address is same. Arman says Anvi is lying and is confused seeing London’s address. Preesha thinks he is lying and she needs to confirm with Ani again. Anvi shows her London school ID card with same home address. Preesha thinks Arman really lied and will not tell truth without proof, so how will she find out truth. She looks at Anvi’s birth pic and thinks she perform Anvi’s delivery and should find her details.

Preesha reaches hospital and asks nurse to find Anvi’s mother’s name. Nurse informs that Anvi’s father’s name is Arman Tkahur and mother’s name is Sania Thakur. Preesha is shocked to hear that and realizes that Sania is Arman’s ex-wife and Anvi’s mother, Arman will not accept easily, so she has to find proof and expose this truth in front of Rudra. Arman takes soup for Anvi and calling Preesha asks if Anvi is with her. She lies that she is at her parent’s place. Arman reads Sania’s message that she is taking Anvi with her forever.
Arman angrily walks to Rudra’s house calling Sania. Sharda asks him what happened. Rudra asks why is he shouting. Arman asks to call Sania. Sania walks to him. Arman asks where is Anvi. Sania asks how does she know where Anvi is. Rudra backs her. Arman says she brought Anvi along leaving a note. Sania reads note and denies. Rudra says Sania’s name is not written in note, why would Sania take Anvi without any relationship. Preesha enters and says Sania and Anvi are deeply related, Sania is Anvi’s mother and Arman’s ex-wife. Sharda ins shock asks if Sania is Armana’s wife. Preesha says Sania is Arman’s ex-wife and reveals that she wrote this letter to get out truth from Arman, Anvi is safe at Vasu’s house. She goes into flashback where she informs Anvi that she will take her to her parent’s house, write a note for Arman and thinks Arman will think Sania wrote it and will go to meet her. Out of flashback, she confronts Arman and says he disappointed her and asks Rudra why he married a woman who lied to him about her past life. Rudra thinks Sania will not reveal him Saransh’s location and says he doesn’t want to know about Sania’s past as he didn’t inform her about his past, he loves Sania and hence married her. Preesha asks him to reveal why he married Sania. He says he wanted to get rid off Preesha, hence he married Sania and he loves her a lot, Preesha should stop her drama and return home with her husband. He takes Sania to room and confronts her that he thought she married him for a deal, but she wants to take revenge from Arman. Sania agrees that she wants to take revenge from Arman as he married Preesha and gave her place to Preesha and made her Anvi’s mother. Rudra says Anvi is very small and needs a mother’s care. Sania says he could have kept a nanny, she will not tolerate anyone giving her right to someone else. He asks if she has gone mad. She says she can leave anyone, but nobody can leave her or give her place to anyone else. On the other side, Preesha asks Arman if he too revenge from her by hiding Sania’s secret. He says Sania left him and he didn’t inform her truth as he didn’t want to her hurt her and is not like Rudra to give her pain, he has kicked Sania out of his life now. Sania tells Rudra that she will destroy Arman for giving her place to Preesha. He asks what about Saransh. She says once she completely destroys Arman, he will get Saransh’s information and till then he has to support her for Saransh’s sake.

Preesha hires goons to act as eve teasing her in front of Rudra and let him rescue her. Rudra watches good misbehaving with Preesha and trashes them brutally injuring his own hand. Preesha clean his hand and kisses it, then touches him emotionally and asks if he doesn’t loves her, then why did she rescue her from goons. Rudra sees Sania watching them and says he doesn’t love her and would have done same for any other girl, so she stop misunderstanding him. He walks away thinking he has to hurt Preesha until he finds out Saransh’s location. Preesha runs behind him and he drives car away. She thinks he left her today, but he cant tomorrow as its wedding anniversary tomorrow and she will not let him forget it. Goons return and take money from Preesha. Sanai watches everything hiding and thinks Preesha went to this extent to get truth out from Rudra, tomorrow is their anniversary and what if Preesha plans something again, she will not not let it happen again and will give them a big shock.

Preesha returns home and asks maid if she is going to pick up Anvi and drives car herself giving leave to driver. Sania follows her and thinks she didn’t think she would have to do this to Preesha, Preesha is interfering between her and Rudra even after her multiple warnings, now she will get her out of their ways. She rams Preesha’s car from behind and Preesha’s car hits a sidewalk and she collapses httting her head on a steering. Sania says good bye and drives her car away.

Precap: Maid informs Arman about Preesha’s accident. Sania informs Rudra that Ahana wants to meet her. Ahana says she wil give him one more clue of Saransh if he character assassinates GPS and make even Vasu hate him. Rudra calls GPS and requests to meet him.  Rudra and Preesha cut cake and celebrate anniversary. Sania thinks their anniversary gift is waiting. A hooker brings inebriated GPS home. Society people call police and get him arrested. Vasu calls Preesha and informs that police arrested her appa.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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