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Rudra with Bunty returns to lawyer Desai’s house. Desai says he doesn’t know anything much. Bunty says that is not enough. Rudra says he wants to know Saransh’s location and Desai will force Ahana to reveal the truth. They drag Desai to Ahana’s house and knocks door. Bunty says they must not be in. Rudra says they were here sometime ago, he will break the door. Desai warns he will be trapped in a legal case. Bunty says let us go and wait outside till Ahana and Mishka returns. Rudra says someone must have informed Ahana and Mishka about his arrival and threatens Desai he will not spare him if he has informed them. He then sees real estate agent and questions him about Ahana and Mishka. Agent says she vacated the flat just sometime ago. Rudra asks where did they go. Agent says they just gave the keys and left. Rudra threatens Desai again that he must have informed Ahana and Mishka. Desai says he didn’t. Bunty asks him to spare the lawyer and says they should return home as Sharda maa is waiting for him. They head towards home.

Sharda and Preesha worriedly wait for Rudra. Preesha gets Arman’s message that it has been too late since she left, hopes she and Rudra and fine and she should call him if she needs his help. Sharda asks her to go as Rudra will call her once he returns home. Bunty drops Rudra home. Rudra walks in and sees Sharda sleeping on floor. Radha hearing footsteps wakes up, stops him, and where was he. He says he had some important work. She asks why did she leave Preesha midway for Mishka, Preesha was very much worried for him and left just now, and if he was happy with Preesha, what happened that he left her midway. He thinks he cannot give them false hope about Saransh until he is sure. Sharda insists. He says he had some work and he cannot reveal the details.

Next morning, Rudra goes to meet Preesha. Servant informs that Preesha is not at home. He walks to parking lot to call her and finding her standing in window thinks she is hurt and hence doesn’t want to meet him. Preesha eagerly waits for Rudra’s call and hopes he is fine. Chachaji takes her phone for a phone call as his battery drained. Rudra calls her. Chachaji angrily disconnects call and thinks Rudra will not easily spare Preesha, he will delete Rudra’s call details and will do whatever it takes to separate Rudra and Preesha. He goes into flashback where during breakfast Preesha lost in thoughts eats Arman’s burnt toast. Arman alerts her and asks if she is thinking about Rudra. Presha says Rudra didn’t call her yet. Arman says maybe he will directly come to meet her. Chachaji hopes Rudra doesn’t come here to ruin Arman’s happiness. He notices Rudra coming and orders servant to inform Rudra that Preesha is not at home. Out of flashback, Chachaji thinks he will not let them meet.
Bunty calls Rudra and says he found out some important thing. Rudra rushes to meet him. Preesha calls Sharda to find out why Rudra left her midway. Sharda says Rudra came late, didn’t inform why he left her midway, and just told he will at the right time; he has gone out even now, she should speak to him and find out why is he doing this. Preesha agrees and thinks she needs to find out what is Rudra doing. She walks down and asks the servant to inform the driver to take out the car. Servant says driver is on leave today. Arman noticing her asks where is she going. She says to meet Rudra. He says he will drop her to Rudra’s hotel. Rudra meets Bunty who informs that he searched Ahana everywhere and didn’t find her. Rudra blames Desai and asks what he wanted to inform. Bunty says his hacker friend hacked Ahana’s bank account and shows Ahana getting huge funds after selling studio and regularly transferring money to Sania Dubash. Rudra thinks who is this Sania Dubash that Ahana is transferring money to her regularly, maybe she knows some important secret about Ahana. Bunty says they can find out Sania’s address via Sania’s bank account. Rudra says let us do it.

Ahana with Mishka shifts to a small rented flat and says she had to give fake documents to procure it. Mishka cribs that a chawl would be better than this lower middle class flat. Ahana says they need to hide from Rudra till they get out of India and surely Rudra must be searching in all high class hotels and apartments. She remembers Desai calling her and informing her about Rudra finding out that she got the trust fund opened and warning her to hide before he comes searching her. She panics and plans to rent a lower middle class flat. Out of flashback, she scolds Mishka that all the problems happened because of her. Mishka reminds her Goa conspiracies and asks to stop blaming only her. Rudra reaches Sania Dubash’s bank and requests manager to give her address. Manager denies citing client confidentiality. Bunty takes Rudra from there saying they will find her address via some other way.

Arman drops Preesha to Rudra’s hotel and says he will wait for her. She asks him to go as she will go home with Rudra. He thinks he will wait for her as she is already upset and will go only after he sees her with Rudra. Preesha asks hotel receptionist about Rudra who informs that Rudra didn’t come for work today. Preesha walks out lost in thoughts worried for Rudra when a speeding truck heads towards her. Arman rescues her on time. She continues that Rudra is not even in hotel and at home and shows her concern. He angrily asks her to stop running behind Rudra and risking her life, how would he live if something happens to her. She looks at him in shock. He says he means Anvi.
Rudra tells Bunty that they should check Ahana’s old flat for Sania Dubash’s clue. Bunty says its a good idea. They reach and search Ahana’s flat and don’t find any clue and standing outside thinking where to find Sania Dubash. A lady walks to her and asks about Ahana. Rudra says she has left this flat and asks why she needs Ahana’s address. She says its none of his business. He asks to stop showing her attitude. She says she has seen him somewhere. Bunty says he is famous rock star Rudraksh Khurana who left singing 7 months ago. Sania realizes he is Preesha’s ex-husband and thinks of taking revenge from Preesha via him. He asks why she needs Ahana. Sania says Ahana took a huge money from her. Rudra reminisces Ahana transferring money regularly to Sania and asks what did she do for Ahana. Sania says she lent her huge money, but Ahana is paying it in installments. Rudra says Ahana is hiding. Sania says she knows how to find Ahana. Rudra thinks he can reach Ahana via her and offers to have coffee with her. She asks if he knows what it means. He asks not to think about the meaning. She agrees and thinks she will use Rudra instead.

Arman takes Preesha back home. Anvi gets happy seeing him and asks where had she gone. Chachaji asks Anvi to let Preesha rest as she looks tired. Arman takes Preesha to her room and consoles her. She cries that she doesn’t know why Rudra is behaving like this and what she should do. He asks her to rest nothing thinking much and makes her sleep, thinks why Rudra is hurting Preesha so much. Chachaji sees Arman in Preesha’s room and thinks he wants them together forever and Rudra out of Preesha’s life forever.

Rudra takes Sania to a cafeteria. Bunty says they should concentrate on searching Saransh instead. Rudra says Sania can lead them to Ahana. Sania walks in. Rudra asks if she had some important work. She says she is doing same. He asks if she knows about Ahana reopening trust fund and getting big money. She says Ahana didn’t discuss about it as they are not friends. He asks if Ahana spoke about Saransh. She says Ahana discussed about Saransh once.

Precap: Sanya in a hotel room tells Rudra that if he needs Ahana and Saransh’s complete information, he needs to romance her. Chachaji reaches same hotel to meet his friends and seeing Rudra romancing a woman clicks pics and shows them to Preesha. Rudra asks how she felt when he left her midway between their date. Preesha angrily tries to slap him. Sania stops her, warns not to touch her husband, and pushes her way. Arman holds Preesha and says they will not see tears in Preesha’s eyes again. He tells Chachaji that he doesn’t know if he will get Preesha or not, but he will not let her with Rudra.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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