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Vasu confronts Rudra that she will end all her ties with Rudra and his family and curses him that he will bear only sorrows from hereon and Preesha will never show her face to him. She further says that Sania is fit for Rudra and orders Preesha that Rudra is out of her life forever. She drags Preesha from there. Sania praises Rudra and says he will get Saransh’s clue in the morning. Sharda says she needs to talk to Rudra. Sania walks away. At Thakur Mansion, Arman gets worried for Preesha. Preesha with Vasu walks in and runs to her room without speaking. Arman worried asks what happened. Vasu says let her speak to Preesha first. Arman tells Chachaji that Rudra must have done something wrong again. Sharda asks Rudra why did he tell Preesha that he defamed her father and doesn’t love her while he bailed out her father. Rudra says he doesn’t love Preesha. She says he is lying as his eyes reveal that he loves Preesha immensely, if Sania is making him do all this.

Preesha cries remembering Rudra accepting that he doesn’t love her and character assassinated her father to get rid off her and asks why did Rudra do this. Vasu says he wants to destroy her and reminds Rudra’s all wrongdoings and says Arman truly loves her and does so much for her happiness, she should choose Arman as he deserves her love and not Rudra, so she should go and tell Arman that she loves him and wants to marry him. Preesha says she knows what to do. Sharda tells Rudra that he cannot hurt Preesha and should reveal truth. Rudra nervously says he told truth. Sharda threatens that he will see her dead face if he doesn’t reveal truth. He stops her asking not to say that and accepts that Sania is blackmailing her.
Arman worried for Preesha tells Chachaji that he cannot see her pain. Preesha walks to Arman and says they should turn their drama of husband and wife into real and become Anvi’s real parents, will he marry her. He amazed asks if she is sure about it. She says she cannot live in lies anymore and wants to become Anvi’s real mother. He happily hugs her. Tumse hi bas tumse plays in the background. She doesn’t hugs him back though and closes her fists. Rudra reveals Sharda that Saransh is alive. Sharda gets happy hearing that. Rudra informs that Saransh is with Ahan and Sania is supporting Ahana; if he had informed Preesha, she would have directly confronted Ahana and Ahana would have harmed Saransh, so he wants to hide truth from Preesha till he finds Saransh. Sharda hugs him and asks why did he suffer alone so much, they will find Saransh soon. Chachaji gets happy hearing Preesha’s decision and says they will be happy forever, Preesha took a right decision and he is happy for them. Preesha thinks she tolerated Rudra hurting her, but cannot tolerate him hurting her parents. Chachaji congratulates Vasu and feeds sweets to all 3. Vasu says she will go now and inform this good news to GPS. Preesha says she will also accompany her. Chachaji says he will meet pandit and fix wedding muhurat.

Rudra insists Sania to give Saransh’s clue now. Sania gives him pen drive. Rudra sees Saransh’s captivated video pleading Rudra to save him. He cries that he will get him out, but nobody is informing his location. Sania says she feels bad for Saransh. He twists her arm and threatens to give him Saransh’s location. She says she doesn’t know as only Ahana knows. He asks to go and find out from Ahana. She asks how can she. He asks her to get out then as she is waste for him if cannot give him Saransh’s location and will send her to jail by filing Saransh’s kidnap case against her and will even di vorfce her. She gets afraid and thinks she needs to speak to Ahana.

Society people throw out GPS’ stuff. GPS pleads not to throw his stuff out. Preesha with Arman and Vasu. Society secretary shouts a womanizer cannot stay in their society. Arman confronts him and threatens a legal action. Secretary says he got got committee orders and challenges him. Arman takes Vasu and GPS to his house.

Ahana tells Sania that she doesn’t care if Rudra stays with Sania or leaves her, she supported Sania as Sania had her secret, but never agreed to return Saransh to Rudra and it was not part of a deal. Sania thinks then she needs to bend her finger and silently leaves thinking Ahana will not sacrifice Saransh as he is her blank cheque, so she needs to do something. Ahana thinks Sania is not simple as she portrays herself.

Arman with Preesha takes GPS and Vasu home. Chachaji are surprised to see GPS and Vasu. Arman says amma and appa will stay with them. Preesha says for a few days. Chachaji she needs not worry as this house belongs to them also and its good they came here for wedding arrangements. GPS asks whose wedding Chachaji says Preesha is marrying Arman. GPS asks what about Rudra. Vasu says he is responsible for all their problems. GPS thinks Preesha is doing wrong as Rudra is innocent. He meets Sharda and informs that Preesha is marrying Arman. Sharda asks aren’t they already married. GPS revealed they were not married and were just acting as couple. Rudra hears their conversation and gets happy saying Preesha is only hers. GPS informs that Preesha thinks he made all this drama and hurt her family, so she hates him now and hence marrying Arman. Rudra cries that if had know before, he would have brought Preesha home, why did she hid the truth, then thinks she wanted to inform him during their anniversary, but he made a mistake and left her miday. Sharda says Preesha hid truth for Anvi as she doesn’t want a child to suffer. GPS says if Preesha had found out about Saransh, she would have directly confronted Ahana and risked Saransh’s life. Rudra continues his emotional speech. GPS says Preesha is marrying in 3 days, so Rudra has to do something before that.
Ahana and Mishha before leaving for shopping give instructions to Nanny to bring Krishna from school and not let her play outside. Preesha and Rudra cry remembering the recent events. A sad song plays in the background. GPS walks in and consoling Preesha asks her to rethinking about her decision as she doesn’t love Arman. Preesha says she cannot forget what Rudra did to him and how he betrayed her for Sania, etc. GPS fails to convince her and thinks he cannot help Rudra much. Nanny informs Preesha that she will go and pick up Anvi from tuition. Preesha says she will and goes to pick Anvi where she sees Krishna crying alone. She identifies Krishna as Ahana’s daughter and asks if Ahana didn’t come to pick her up. Krishna says Nanny picks her up and gives her number. Preesha calls nanny and asks why didn’t she pick Krishna yet. Nanny says her car broke down midway. Preesha says she will take Krishna home and ask her to inform Ahana that her friend friend Krishna took her home. Nanny agrees. Krishna holds Preesha’s finger, and Preesha feels connected to her. Tere Mera Rishta Purana Hai.. song plays in the background. Preesha leaves in car with Anvi and Krishna.

Nanny calls Ahana and informs her to pick up Krishna as her car broke down and her friend Preesha Thakur took Krishna along. Ahana panics and scolds nanny for sending Krishna with Preesha. She tells Mishka that Thakur house is near Khurana house and Rudra will catch her, so she should take Sania’s help. She calls Sania and briefs her about the situation. Sania repeats that Thakur house is near Khurana house, so how will she get Krishna back. Ahana asks her to bring Krishna out of Thakur house.

Precap: Rudra asks Sania to return to Arman as Preesha and Arman are not yet married, hence he will bring back Preesha. Sania asks what about Saransh. He says she will bring Saransh to him. Preesha tries to change Krishna’s dress, and she pushes Preesha away. Preesha gets suspicious. Sania meets someone saying their plan is about to fail. Arman asks Sania if Rudra will stop their marriage. Sania informs that Rudra will search Saransh in 3 days and will bring him in front of Preesha. Arman says Rudra shouldn’t find Saransh. Anvi informs Rudra that mamma and papa are getting married. Sania informs Rudra that she found out Saransh’s location and is sending him GPS location.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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