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Razia Sultan Updates - Friday 20 January 2023

The episode starts with Sultan Atlamash showing 2 swords to Nasir and Ruknuddin and asking them to select one. Nasir moves his hand towards well-decorated sword, but then takes a plain sword. Ruknuddin gets happy and takes decorated one. Sultan prays for their victory.

Althunia/dessert man also wears war attire. His friend says he is looking like a king. Althunia rides on a horse in dessert. Razia is seen praying in shrine. Althunia reaches his destiantion and stops his horse. His friend says he reached destiny in short time and says he would have won horse riding competition easily. Althunia asks him to stop buttering.

After praying at shrine, Razia buys perfume. Althunia instead of going to shrine starts walking in market. His friend asks why did not he go to shrine. Althunia says he came ot buy perfume. Razia takes her servant to do charity among beggars. Althunia enters shrine and they both pass around each other.

People throng to enter competition venue and soldiers control them. Qutub prays for Nasir from the viewing venue. Shazia asks her to stop praying. Shamshad asks her to let her pray as winning is like a prostitute which cannot stay with one person.

Ruknuddin tells Nasir that he is fool to not select a well-decorated sword. Nasir says he did not see what is written on it and reads its message. He says he is fool instead. Ruknuddin gets irked.
Althunia reaches shrine and asks priest to give him perfume. Priest says princess took it. Althunia says it is partiality and says he will get his share of perfume at any cost and runs outside. He sees Razia distrubuting money betwen servants holding perfume. His friend says she looks like princess and he should not mess up. Althunia says he will get perfume at any cost and starts following her. Razia pours whole perfume on cloth and tells she will give it to Nasir. Althunia gets irked. His friend says let us go now. He says bottle is empty, but perfume is on cloth and continues following Razia. Razia senses him following and asks servants to check. Mere maula mere maula…song…continues in the background. Razia and Altamash come in front of each other . Flowers fall on them. Razia gets tensed and beraks flowers. Althunia continues staring at her. Razia asks if he cannot see. He says he can only see her now. Razia asks to control his tongue, else his guards will punish him. Fathima and Chanda/Razia’s servants come and see Razia entangled in flowers and free her. Razia runs, but Althunia continues staring at her. Friend says he lost even this chance of getting perfumed cloth. Althunia says chance is searching him now instead.
Razia sees Althunia coming in horse. He comes near her and runs snatching her performed cloth.

Sultan Altamash’s minister inaugurating competition and telling sultan does not believe in religion, race, or cast and believes everyone are equal, so he wants all caste’s people to participate. He introduces neighborhood rajas, prince Nasir, prostitute shah turkan’s son Ruknuddin. Turkan smiles seeing him. Sultan addresses people and greets all the warriors present. He says Delhi is not anyone’s ancestral property and whoever wins this competition will be given subedari. He says as a rule, nobody will ride horse and will have to fight on ground. He takes out his sword, throws it on plank and says many sultans came and went, but this sword is same, whoever will win will get this sword. He says all warriors will have to fight with monster like men. Heavy bodybuilders come out and surround the warriors. Sultan then says all these men’s only aim is to stop warriors from reaching sword and can even kill warriors to stop them. Turkan gets tensed hearing this. Sultan says either take life or give life. Minister says whoever wants to leave can leave now. A few of them leave. Nasir asks them to stop, they all can  together fight with monsters. They say their life is important to them.

Sultan asks to start fight. Warriors and beats start fighting. Nasir says warriors they will have to unite and fight. They team up and fight wit beasts, except Ruknuddin. Beasts overpower Ruknuddin. Nasir goes to rescue him. Shamshad tells Qutub that her son Nasir is very brave and did get afraid of beasts/monsters. Razia says she got afraid seeing them, but Nasir is very brave. Shamshad says that is way war is done by men always. Razia says if women are taught, even they can fight. Shamshad’s mom taunts turkan if she is not thinking of dancing now. Turkan makes her usual weird ugly faces.

Althunia who has come for competition sits silently sniffing perfurmed cloth. His friend asks him to go and join, but he does not.

Turkan starts panicking and making ugly faces when Ruknuddin is pinned down by beast. Beats is about to hit him with hammer when Nasir saves him and asks not to get out of ring. Altunia says Nasir is very pious and saved selfish Ruknuddin, he would not have done it. Ruknuddin runs. Nasir asks him to come back. Ruknuddin says he came not to help him, but win himself and runs. towards sword. Turkan makes ugly faces and smirks. Nasir reminisces Razia telling not to believe Ruknuddin as he is untrustable and will betray him to win. Ruknuddin runs and tries to pick sword, but Nasir confronts him on time and holds sword.

Precap: Nasir overpowers Ruknuddin, but he tricks him and hits him with hammer. Althunia comes into competition field with his sword. Althunia defeats Ruknuddin and leaves silently. Turkan says if winner does not come back, Ruknuddin should be announced Delhi’s subedar. Razia says she will find the winner.

Razia Sultan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8:00pm

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