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Season Premiere On Broken Bonds - Friday 13 January 2023

The show starts with a kid runs in a dark school building. There are many birds. He screams and cries mama papa I am scared. I got locked in the school. I am so scared. He sees shadows and cries. He says mama papa I am here, take me home, please. A kid Roli comes. He says please get me out. She says I won’t. He sees a snake coming towards him. The kid wakes up. His sister throws water on hin. She says you were screaming in the sleeping mom save me. She says mouse.. He says where? He gets scared. Roli locks him in the room. He shouts Ai.. Their mom does arti. She wakes up her husband Kuldeep. He holds her hand. She says you were sleepy. Let’s go. She says you were sleeping last night. He says don’t worry about my sleep and pulls her closer. He caresses her face. He says I am not used to waking up to such boring mornings. She says I am not used to sending kids late to school. He says don’t you worry about me? She says I do. But I am not just your wife now. I am Roli and Rishi’s mom. Them first and then you. you are also getting late for the presentation.

Roli and Rishi get ready. Roli says I did the goal yesterday. Rishi says you didn’t. Kuldeep says call her mummy not ai. Talk in English. He says in heart papa never says anything to Roli. Rishi says I only like mama’s hand’s poha. He says mama we will make new parathas tomorrow. We saw recipe on the internet. They looked so yum. Kuldeep asks how many goals did Ronaldo did yesterday? He says in heart why does papa keep asking sports questions. Kuldeep says how many centuries has Rohit made? He says ai.. Kuldeep says don’t call her ai once more. Rishi gets shoes. The kids go out. She says why do you always take Roli’s side you never keep taking Roli’s side only. Ever appreciate Rishi? He says Rishi doesn’t do anything appreciating. she says in counseling they were treating kids equally is so important.

He says please don’t teach me how to behave my own kids. She says is salary transferred for today? He says no. She says we have to buy so many things. Have to send kids to a birthday party, we have to give return gifts. He says what is this drama? Another company fired 300 employees. I will have to start my own business. She says please don’t leave your job again. He says we have to take risk, your fear doesn’t let me move ahead. Where will we go? He says if you can’t say anything good to say stay quite. He says I have an important meeting. I have to go. She says I need some cash. Why don’t you get a joint account opened. I won’t have to ask you for money again and again. He says I will bring it in the evening.

Rishi says ai keep all this money but don’t fight. She hugs and says this is your money. We will buy you a good thing from it. Don’t worry. We aren’t fighting. They leave for school.

A kid says sit with me Rishi. Roli says he will sit with me. Tell him you have a sister. You are jealous. He says Rishi won’t say anything. Rishi says stop it. I will sit here. Papa outside, and this Roli. Roli says papa loves me more than you. Now even mama loves me more. I am so cute. He says ai loves me more. She says then see how many laddus did mama give you. I have two. He opens her lunchbox, there are non. She says see mama loves me more. He says she must be busy. He says in his heart is it true? Does mama love me less?

Kuldeep leaves for work. Shubra answers questions on radio and wins a gas lighter. A woman comes in and says gas lighter?

A kid tells Rishi his friends parents are getting divorced. Rishi says so when mama papa fight they get divorced? Roli says Rishi I love you. Eat Laddus with me. She says you will have to do something for me. You will have to pick my school bag for two days. Amul says she’s bullying you. Roli says he is bad boy. Rishi says he is my best friend. Amul takes the laddu. Rishi fights with him. Teacher comes.

It’s Shubra’s mom. She says I don’t eat non veg. Why did you bring all this? Shubra says you are keeping your faith, I also have to do my responsibility. She says how are you? Her mom says very happy my daughter won gas light. She says I brought modak and puran poli. I got one saree extra by mistake as well. So thought I should keep it. Shubra says it’s pretty. Mom asks how are Rishi and Roli? Shubra says Rishi is very wise, but Roli keeps messing. Her ai says she’s Kuldeep’s blood. She will show her colors. Shubra says I have my family. Stop saying this. Mom says I knew he isn’t a good boy. You ran and married him, Shubra says I have to go to market. She goes in the kitchen. Ai is teary, she puts some money in her wallet.

Amul says it’s Roli’s friend. Roli says he ate my laddu. Never mess with me. Teacher says I want signatures of your parents on notes. rishi says mama will be so mad. Roli says I will get it signed from papa. Mama won’t even know.

Shubra calls Kuldeep and asks about his meeting. He says you keep calling what will I do? It will start anytime now. She says all the best. smile, please. It will be good if you smile. He hangs up. She prays Kuldeep gets all that he wants.
Kuldeep tells his friend I have to find a new job. He rejected my idea. Some Samaira is coming from Mumbai. Nothing has gone right in my life after marriage. Marriage means problems. Sameara collides with him. Kuldeep says Sameera? She says do I know you? My name is Samaira now. You called me from my old name. He says I was your junior in college. A big fan. She says Chadhay? Your surname was so famous. She says yo have changed a lot. He says you’re the same, hot. I mean.. She hugs him and says nice to meet you Chadha.

Rishi says to Roli tell mama. Shubra says how did you like the laddus? I kept one in each’s box. Rishi looks at Roli. Shubra says there’s so much spent this week. I hope Kuldeep brings cash. Kuldeep comes home. He says hello princess. Won’t I get hug from the princess? Rishi hugs him. He says good evening. Kuldeep says how was your match? He says it was good. Kuldeep says homework? He says I will do it. Kuldeep says good boy.

Shubra says to Kuldeep I kept rent cheque. Also, you have to fees on Thursday. HE says do you know who did I meet today? She says did you hear? He says you keep saying the same things. I met Samaira today. She says who samaira? He says that hot beautiful, my senior. She says Sameera? He says yes. She says how did you meet her? Kuldeep says she is still the same. She uses the same perfume. She says did you bring the cash? Have to send kids to the birthday party and some kitchen stuff. HE says I am sorry I forgot. Shubra says you met Samaira and forgot everything? He says what do you mean? Why do you have to bring it in between? She says I was asking for money today so I could get gifts today. He says only want a chance. You will never know how much stress is there in office. Roli comes there with diary and goes back. Shubra says kids will hear.

Roli says they are fighting again. Rishi says no God please. I hope they don’t fight. Kuldeep says you get insecure. She says I was joking. Roli says what will I do? Papa will be angry till morning. Rishi says do what you want. Kuldeep says everything looks good in home. You have no idea how important is it to make a career. I always wanted to do my own business. I have to trash all my dreams because of you. She says I also saw dreams. They didn’t get fulfilled either. He says I couldn’t even do my MBA. She says I also felt bad. I even said I can do job. But you.. He says enough I am sick of your fights. Roli signs Shubra’s signatures. Rishi says I will tell mum. He looks in the room.

Shubra says enough, I am sick of all this. I will leave you then you will realize. She says I am sorry. Please end this. What did I say that you get so mad? Rishi recalls Amul said if papa mama fight they get divorced. Rishi imagines Roli and him separating as their parents part. He holds his ears. Rishi runs out. roli says where are you going? She says mama.. Rishi ran. He cries and left. Shubra says where? Kuldeep says don’t overreact. He must be nearby. Kuldeep asks people. Shubra asks Amul. He says I haven’t seen him.

Roli is also looking for him. Kuldeep says I couldn’t find him. Neighbors also look for him. Roli says mama he is there. He is on a tree. Shubra says Rishi.. Come down. Roli says you will fall. Kuldeep says what is this drama? Get down. Shubra says come down, please tell me. He says you and papa will get divorced right? Everyone is shocked. All neighbors start talking as well. Rishi says amul told me if papa mama fight they get divorced. Shubra says there’s no such thing. A neighbor says arguments happen. It isn’t fight. No one is getting divorced. Kuldeep says papa loves mama. If you get scared, we won’t argue either. Come down. He brings Rishi down. Shubra hugs him. Kuldeep goes home.

Kuldeep says your son embarrassed us in front of the whole building. She says we shouldn’t be fighting in front of kids. He’s very sensitive. He says I didn’t start the fight. She says okay, I did. I am sorry. Kids come out. Roli says mama please open. They come in. Roli says can we sleep here? Kuldeep says of course. Come in. They sleep with the parents. Roli says see, they are all good. Kuldeep holds their hands together and they sleep.

Broken Bonds Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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