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Spoiler Alert Paritosh Humiliate His Father VANRAJ And Call Him A LOSER He Says Vanraj Is Jealous OF Him!!!

Toshu in bit to convince his father to take Rakhi'd help since they've been fired by Malvika, tell Vanraj that they lost their job and will not get another one easily as Malvika must have spoilt their name. Vanraj says he knows, they need funding for a business which they don’t have. Toshu says there is one person who can help them. Vanraj ask who is it? Rakhi enter and says its her. Rakhi says Vanraj has only 2 options, either give up or accept her offer. Vanraj says she doesn’t have to worry about them. 

Rakhi complain about kinjal going to the market and doing household chores and asked her to come to her house as she will take care of her. Vanraj tell Rakhi that until he is alive, she need not worry about Kinjal; he will take care of his family like he is doing till now. Rakhi ask how?  Toshu tell Rakhi that he wanted to talk to her. Vanraj says there is no need to take favor from this woman. Toshu says he need his MIL’s help as nothing will change until Vanraj changes his attitude, Toshu says he can not depend on Vanraj for long and he need to think about his future and career, he says it was his mistake that he shouldn’t have joined him as he ruined his career. Rakhi smirks hearing what Paritosh is saying to his father. Toshu continue that Vanraj rejected a good job offer and wanted to destroy Anuj and played mind games between Anuj and Malvika, he destroyed everything. Toshu finally says he became a LOSER like Vanraj. Vanraj stand shocked hearing that.  Leela ask if he knows whom he is speaking to? Toshu says he is speaking to a man who didn’t achieve anything in life, whom his mummy like doormat wife divorce, whose another wife Kavya is showing attitude towards, the one who couldn’t handle his job or business, the one who couldn’t gain respect. Paritosh says Vanraj couldn’t handle money, respect, or family and has nothing now; he lost the respect of even being a father today. Rakhi comment truth bomb boom.. 

Anupama ask Toshu to go to his room as he is not in his senses. Tohsu says he got into his senses now, he says thought Anu is the biggest loser, but he now realize that Vanraj is the biggest LOSER instead. Kinjal ask him to look at himself in the mirror and realize he is the biggest loser, he is tired of venting out his frustration on his mummy and now venting out his frustration on his father; she doesn’t like few things Vanraj does, but he always thought good for Toshu. Rakhi says if it was true, Toshu wouldn’t have been in this situation; Vanraj is not letting her help Toshu. Toshu ask what problem Vanraj has if he takes Rakhi’s hhelp Rakhi says just like a match stick which get jealous seeing others and burn itself. Toshu says now he got it, Vanraj is JEALOUS of him.  Leela interfere and says Toshu did nothing in life except begging in front of his MIL. Toshu says he is being humiliated even at home because of Vanraj. Vanraj says since Toshu was born, he loved him the most and preferred Toshu over Samar, he says never thoughtToshu would call him a Loser one day in front of everyone; he says had issues with his father, but he never misbehaved with his father; he kept Toshu like a prince and took loan to get the best education for him and did his best for his future, but he called him a Loser; he says thanks to Toshu for showing him this day. Toshu says in that sense, even he should thank him for raising issues unnecessarily, fighting with Malvika, creating enmity with Anu and Anuj, burning the opportunities they got, and destroying his future. 

Toshu continue venting out his frustration and says  he doesn’t want to become like his father who never think about his children’s future. He says he wants to think about his baby’s future unlike Vanraj.

Toshu then start blaming his parents and accusing them saying they never wanted to see him prosper. Anupama says one who didn’t want his baby in this world is saying this. Toshu asks her to stop and plead with Rakhi to give him a job.

Do You Think Rakhi Has Good Intention, Will She Really Give A Job To Toshu?

To Find Out Dont Miss Any Episodes!!!

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