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Anupama and Anuj continue to chat with a little girl Anu. Anu ask them to pray Kanhaji to send her mummy papa soon and build pressure on him. Anuj says they definitely will pray to Kanhaji. Anu ask how will they feel when mummy papa arrive. Anu ask her to stop so many questions. Anu says Abhay uncle says people become friends when we question them. Abhay meet Anuj and asks him to introduce sister inlaw to him. Anuj introduces Anupama to him. Abhay says even the little girl's name is Anu and thank Anuj for supporting his orphanage.

Samar teach dance online to his students and wraps up the class. Toshu ask him to teach that step to him. Toshu dances. Samar asks if he learnt dance hiding from mummy? Toshu says he got mummy’s dance and papa’s swag in his genes. He hug Samar emotionally and says he is proud of him, the team they considered a loser actually turned out to be the winner.

Anuj tell Anu that she deserves prize for such a nice dance. Anupama back him. Anu looks at Abhay and says she likes beaches. Anuj agrees to take her to the beach. She rejoices. He asks how does he manage both work and home so effortlessly. Samar gets emotional and hugs him. Toshu seeks his laptop to search for a job and says they both need to manage now. Samar says, house, family, papa… then says Mr Shah is acting as emotionally upset, but he doesn’t bother what Mr Shah does. He walks away excusing himself. Vanraj hears their conversation. Toshu congratulates Vanraj that his second son is also on his side and assures him that he need not worry as his both sons will manage everything.

Anuj expresses his anger towards people rejecting girl child and performing female feticide while they pray female gods. Abhay says sadly 2-3 girls don’t have parents and rest are disowned by their families, each month some or the other baby girl is left on the orphanage door. He says even Anu was left here when she was a few days ago, she is a brilliant kid who has lots of dreams. Anupama says the happiness won’t stay long due to the harshness of the society and hence some family needs to adopt them, etc.

Abhay tells Anuj and Anupama that along with basic needs, children also need something else. Anuj says they need love and feeling of dearness and only parents can give them. Abhay says everyone should take at least one girl’s responsibility. Anupama says childless couple visit religious places, but don’t visit orphanage. Anuj says people are obsessed with biological children and if they change their mindset and adopt a child, a lot can change. Anupama says childless couple when they realize the cannot conceive, they should adopt the child. They both continue discussing about normalizing adoption.

Kinjal happily speaks to her unborn baby and waits for its arrival. Toshu smiles seeing that. Kinjal slips and falls. Toshu in shock calls her name. Kinjal panics. Toshu comforts her and assures her that everything is normal.

Anuj offers a money cheque to Abhay on his and Anupama’s behalf and shows a girl’s bracelet. Abhay says it’s Anu’s bracelet. Anupama says she will return it to Anu. Anuj expresses his desire to take Anu for a beach visit. Abhay says its his ashram and he sets rules here, so Anuj can take Anu and bring her on time. Anuj excitedly thanks him. Anupama and Anuj continue to discuss about spreading happiness among the orphan kids. Anu walks to them ready and her slipper slips. Anuj fixes it in her foot and recalls doing same with Anupama during the first visit after 25 years.
Anuj and Anupama take Anu to a beach. Anu writes their names on the sand and asks which one is her and Anupama’s name. Anu says the one with big letters is Anupama’ss and small one is Anu’s. Wave washes off name. Anu gets sad. Anuj explains her in a poetic way to write it far from water. She asks if he is a poet. Anuj asks how does she know. She says he can directly tell to write it far from water instead of giving long speech. Anuj laughs and says there is something special in Anu name. They both continue to spend quality time with Anu.

Little Anu enjoys at the beach while Anupama and Anuj enjoy her watching playing. Anuj thinks something deeply and tells Anupama that little Anu got happy hearing about flying. Anupama says one wouldn’t have flown doesn’t feel bad, but one who flew for for sometime and then fall would feel very bad. She prays god to protect Anu. She then notices him thinking something and asks him to express it out without any filter.

Kavya video chats with Anirudh discussing about visiting club with him. Vanraj walks to her and says she should be ashamed to speak to her ex in front of her husband. Kavya reminds even he used to speak to Anupama and celebrate every occasion and festival with her, why is he jealous if she spoke to her ex. Vanraj says its different. She says she doesn’t want to argue, just say hmmm and move on. He thinks till when he has to bear all this.

Anuj emotionally tells Anupama that he has only question from god why he made children an orphan; he says each orphan kid think why only he should suffer; his wound had healed after getting his adopted parents, Muku, and GK’s love, but it became raw after seeing little Anu. He says he remembers his childhood seeing little Anu. He then says its not wrong if Anupama desires to have a family, similarly even he desires to have his own family like Anupama’s. He continues describing his emotional feelings and desires to adopt little Anu. Anupama looks stunned hearing that.

Devika visits Shah house. Kavya asks how come she is here. Devika gives her Hasmukh’s medicines and says Samar had called her to get Hasmukh’s medicines. Kavya thanks her. Devika says she overheard her and Vanraj’s conversation. Kavya says nothing is hidden from her. Devika says Anu is her friend and hence she openly suggests her, and since feels connected to even Kavya, sh wants to suggest her something. Kavya asks her to go ahead. Devika says she Anupama, and Kavya suffered in their marriage, but it wouldn’t be classy to stoop love like their husband and take revenge from them. She reminds Kavya how hard she tried to get Vanraj in his life and suggests her not to waste her efforts, but even then if she wants to walk out from Vanraj’s life, she should do it wiht dignity like Anupama.

Anuj continues pouring out his emotions and tells Anupama that God sent him to Mumbai for little Anu and wishes to adopt Anu. Anu gifts bracelet to Anupama and Anuj. Anupama gets emotional. Kavya tells Devika that she wishes to have a friend like her, anyways drama at Shah house never ends and thus she knows what she is doing. Devika asks her to call her any time if she needs her help and leaves from there.
Anupama and Anuj drop little Anu back to the orphanage and give gifts for the kids. Anu thanks them for making her day special. They kiss her and ask her to take care. She asks them to pray that her parents should be like them. They both stand more emotional hearing that.

Kinjal feels leg pain. Kavya presses her feet. Kinjal tries to stop her as she is elder to her. Kavya shares an incident where she had forced Anupama to press her legs and says that woman is amazing. She then suggests her to shift to her mother’s house for some time wher she may feel comfortable. Kinjal says she feels more happy here as her mom would be busy at work and she would feel lonely there. Kavya asks her to tell as a woman if she is doing wrong.

Anu sits in the cab lost in thoughts. Anuj asks cab driver to stop the cab and goes out to bring water. Devika calls Anupama and gives a detailed report of Shahs and says they are fine. Anupama thanks her. She taunts Anupama and asks how is her honeymoon going on. Anupama explains her the situation and Anuj’s wish to adopt little Anu. Devika says they can’t understand Anuj’s emotions, but she should be practical as taking care of a child is a biggest responsibility and she shouldn’t accept it or else it would be very unfair to the child and even Anuj. She should be just human and inform her decision to Anuj who would definitely hunderstand. She disconnects call and thinks why his new issue immediately after marriage and prays God to show them some way. Anuj returns and sees Anu still lost in thoughts.

Precap: Barkha notices Anupama checking price tags of groceries in a supermarket and asks her to stop behaving like middle class woman as she is Kapadia now. Anupama asks if it will make the food more tastier. Cashier asks 40 rs extra for the bag. Anupama takes out back from her purse. Barka asks her not to show her middle class mentality everywhere. Anu says this mentality maintains a balance in life.  Anuj’s cousin praises Anupama. They all 4 celebrate with a champagne. A boy walks towards Pakhi while she is partying.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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