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Anuj return home after jogging while Anupama is busy cooking. She stand smitten seeing him. He alerts her that she burns thepla. She blames him for garnering her attention. He helps her prepare thepla and kisses her forehead. Barkha notices their romance and says good morning lovebirds. Anupama try to touch her feet. Barka stops her and says good morning is okay from a distance. She then asks Anuj about breakfast and says he knows she doesn’t have theplas. He says Anupama prepared something special for her. Anupama says she prepared pancakes and cornflakes. Sara and Adhik enter calling mamma and dadda. Anupama excitedly rush towards the door to welcome them. Barkha asks why is she excited when she doesn’t even know them yet. Anuj says that is how Aupama is.

Shahs return home from Leela’s mother’s house. Hasmukh misses Anupama. Samar ask him not to be disappointed as mummy is coming tomorrow for the paghphera ritual. They all talk about Anupama’s paghpera ritual tomorrow. Once they all leave, Vanraj takes out a gift box from his bag.

Anupama performs Sara and Adhik’s aarti and welcomes them home. Sara says she already knows Anupama and a fan of her since she saw her wedding proposal video on social media. She call Anupama as chachi/aunty. Anupama gets emotional. Adhika and Sara get confused seeing her in tears. Anuj asks them not to worry as these are tears of happiness. Sara and Adhik feel happy meeting Anuj after a long time. Sara requests Anuj to recite a shayari/poem for her. He does. She then praises Anupama. Anuj feel happy hearing that. Ankush tells Barkha that its good that Sara is bonding with Anupama well. Barkha ignore him as usual. Ankush says she should feel happy at least about something.

Later, Anuj, Anupama, Ankush, Barkhha, Sara, and Adhik have a chat. Adhik try to inform Anuj about their US business being shut, but Barkha stops him. Barkha informs Anuj that she has organized a brunch party at 5 star hotel to announce that Anuj has returned to the Kapadia empire. Anuj asks her to postpone the party as he and Anupama need to attend pagphera ritual at Shahs and apologize to her. Sara supports Anupama. Anuj reveal to them that Anupama is the owner of the business and house now. Barkha stands shocked hearing that. Anuj says there should be a grand party for Anupama then. Barkha feels angry hearing that.

Shahs show Leela her nameplate at the entrance of the house. She get happy and thank Vanraj. Vanraj says he learned from Anupama that women can equally run the house and deserves a name on the nameplate too. Kavya ask him then why her name is not on the nameplate? Vanraj says she is a guest and would be leaving the house in a few days. Leela gifts house keys to herself and decides that she will run the house from hereon.

Barkha says Anupama can not run a vast business alone and hence Adhik will help her. She think she will not let Anupama take over both the house and business. 

Anupama ask Anuj if Barkha is upset as the party got canceled? Anuj says Barkha will throw a party some other day for sure. After some time, Anupama says she doesn’t want to own his business and house as she doesn’t want to lose her own identity again. Anuj walk away from there.
Anupama says sorry to Anuj. Anuj says he felt bad when she said sorry and with who else than themselves will they share their problems. He says he knows being a signing authority of his business doesn’t matter to her. She ask then why did he make her a singing authority? He says they all have to leave the world one day and should plan family’s future, whether they are alive or not. Anupama get angry and warns him not to say that or else she will not talk to him. He cheers her up. They both laugh and enjoy each other’s company. Barkha notice them and get jealous.

Anuj helps Anupama get ready for paghphera ritual and seeing her happiness asks why girls glow more when they are visiting their maika/parental home. He fix gajra in her hair. Anupama ask him not to wear black shirt as she heard from Pakhi that girls comment on his social media post and put an evil eye on him. Sara with Adhik walks in and compliments Anupama’s saree look. She says even she wants to learn how to wear saree as she like fusion look. Adhik asks if she is going somewhere? Anupama says she is going to her maika for paghphera ritual. Sara insists to accompany them. Adhik remind her that they are going for shopping. Sara expresses her business idea of exploring a local market and checking if she can export goods to US. Anupama likes it. Sara says she wants to be an inspiration like Anupama and says Anuj told her everything about her.
Barkha gets upset hearing their conversation. She offers her debit card to Sara. Sara demands cash. Her and Adhik’s nok jhok starts. Anuj offers them cash for shopping and says they are kids. Barkha says he is right, they are like his kids. Ankush returns from jogging. Barkha expresses her wish to start interior decoratoin of the house from today. Anuj asks Anupama to accompany Barkha for shoppping and ride car for her. Barkha is surprised to hear that and says she thought Anupama is a reserved housewife. Anupama says she was like that before, but now she is so confident that she can even fly an airplane. Ankush jokes that Barkha failed to learn flying and even canceled her paragliding classes. Barkha says she has vertigo.

Pakhi, Samar, and Partiosh visit Anupama dancing on a song to take Anupama for Paghphera ritual. Anuj and Anupama join them. Anuj then introduces them to Ankush and Barkha. Ankush and Barkha are stunned to know that Anupama is so fit even after having three grown up children. Ankush praises Anupama’s fitness. Anupama says she got married and had had children at an early age. Anupama introduces Barkha and Ankush to her children . Pakhi asks where were they till now? Anuj says they were in USA. Anuj tells Anupama that she can visit her maika now and he will come to pick her up. Anupama excitedly leaves for her maika with her children. Ankush feels glad that Anupama is fit even after having three children. Barkha says he should use his brain and think that Anuj’s property will be divided among so many people and feel upset.

Shahs happily welcome Anupama at their house. Children inform family about Anuj’s cousin Ankush and SIL Barkha. Kavya ask how Anuj’s relatives barge in suddenly? Anupama says let us discuss about it later as it’s a long story. 

On the other side, Barkha gives furniture bills to Anuj and ask him to check it. Anuj ask Ankush to check the bills. Barkha feels jealous thinking Anuj is treating Ankush as a servant. Anuj says he will ask Anupama to sign the cheque. Barkha ask Anuj doesn’t he think he should make someone else also as signing authority in Anupama’s absence? Anuj thank her for her concern and says he doesn’t think he needs another signing authority.

Precap: Anuj invites Shahs for Anupama’s new house warming ceremony. Vanraj thinks of maintaining a distance. Anuj and Anupama feel excited for their new house’s graha pravesh. Barkha tells Anuj that they will first enter Anuj’s new house and then business. Reporters ask Anuj to show his new house. Barkha excitedly says yes. Anuj stops her and says let the whole family come first. Barkha says don’t know when they will come and takes reporters in. Guards stop Shahs from entering the house and Barkha insults them. Anupama comes to their rescue.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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