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Anuj and Anupama return to their hotel room. Anupama stands silently. Anuj ask her to express her thought and break up her silence. Anupama recall Anuj’s wish to adopt little Anu. 

At Shah house, Kinjal tell Kavya that in a relationship, sometimes they get confused between right and wrong and explains that what a MIL may feel right, DIL may feel its wrong and what a husband feel right, wife may feel its wrong; she loved papa and felt it right, but mummy felt it wrong and hence only she can decide what is right and wrong for her. She says she can move on in life but should do it with dignity like mummy did. Kavya says she is excited to see Kinjal’s baby and will go only after her delivery. Kinjal jokes that her baby would be excited to see a hot dadi. Kavya says not dadi.

Anupama tells Anuj that everyone retire in the world, but a mother won’t; she become a mother thrice and any woman would get tired walking on a path of motherhood; motherhood is the biggest happiness and also the biggest task. She concludes that its difficult for her to take up the responsibility of bringing up a child again as she is becoming a grandmother and already has Pakhi and Samar’s responsibility. Anuj feels bad for for insisting her to take up the responsibility. Anupama says what she like in their relationship is their unfiltered and straightforward talk. She then agrees to adopt little Anu.

Anuj gets very happy hearing that and thanks her, then asks if she think he is adopting Anu as he doesn’t have his own children? Anupama says not to say that. Anuj ask what about people? Anupama ask since when they started bothering about people and after a long dialogue says she doesn't give a damn about the society. Anuj repeats and laughs. He then says even he is afraid as Anu should also agree to stay with them, he need to leave his bad habit of staying awake till late night, keeping TV on, etc. He continues his excitement and thanks her.

The next morning, they both visit orphanage. Abhay tells little Anu that she always prayed to god to send her parents soon, god listened to her and sent them. Anu gets happy seeing Anuj and Anupama walking to her. Abhi Mukh Mein Kahin.. song plays in the background. Anuj tells Anu that even he met his parents similarly when he was of her age and talking about rainbow says he has one color missing in his house and it will complete when she comes to their house. She happily hugs him. Anuj says they will take her home once the legal formalities are over and Abhay allows them. Anu says whenever they take her home, it would be her birthday. Anu asks if only her name would be on the cake. Anupama nods yes. Abhay says its time for Anu’s school. Anu asks them to return soon to take her home and walks away. Anuj and Anupama continue to express their happiness. They then return home and ring door bell. Anuj talks about them reaching middle age. Anupama says he must be of middle age, she is still in a honeymoon period. He gets romantic and is about to kiss her when door open and they are shocked to see Barkha.

Anuj gets excited seeing Barkha and hugs her. Barkha asks how is her surprise and says after marriage, hubby has turned chubby. Anuj says its amazing and introduces Anupama to her. Anupama touches her feet. Barkha gets confused. Anuj says Anupama is seeking her blessings. Barkha blesses her and says the culture of touching feet is not in USA. Anupaam says wherever Indians go, they carry their culture. Anuj says Barkha looks India but is born and bought up in America, she used to speak Hindi in accent. Barkha says Bollywood has spoilt NRI’s image, hence relatives from India who come to US think she will wear a blonde wig and hold wine glass, but the fact is culture can be different but not relationships and bhabhi is always bhabhi. She asks Anupama what would be they called. Anupama says sethani and devrani. Barkha says right. Anupama gives her a tight hug.

Leela stops Kinjal from attending a music concert. Kinjal requests to let go as her vanar sena Pakhi, Paritosh, and Samar are there to protect her. They all 3 also insist leela to let them take Kinjal with them. Leela gets adamant.

Anupama gets teary eyed emotionally. Barkha asks why is she crying. Anuj says these are tears of happiness. Anupama thanks Barkha for being Anuj’s family. Anuj also gets teary eyed. Anuj laughs seeing Arun’s message asking if devrani and jethani’s fight started. Arun walks to them. They discuss about the old myths of devrani and jethani’s fights. Arun says says forget all this and celebrate as they are meeting after a long time. He opens a champagne bottle. Barkha clicks pics and gives an evil smile.
Leela explains to Kinjal that there would be crowd in the concert and she may get hurt. Kinjal agrees and backs off. Partiosh too decide to stay back with Kinjal. Vanraj and Leela assures that they will take care of Kinjal and ask Paritosh , Samar, and Pakhi to go. They all three feel excited. Samar, Pakhi and Paritosh enjoy at the concernt. Samar and Pakhi dance with the young crowd. Paritosh goes to bring drink for them.

Arun asks Anuj about his six pack abs. Anuj says Anupama cooks really well. Arun praises Anupama’s beauty. Anupama gets emotional hearing that. Barkha and Arun ask what happened to her. Anuj explains again that Anupama gets emotional often. They both see an empty photo frame. Anupama says she was a wife and now became a daughter-in law too and feels very happy find a family. Arun asks Anuj and Anupama to have a drink. They both hesitate Arun praises Anuj for being a good husband. Barkha asks Arun to learn from Anuj and give an evil look at ech other. Samar’s friends call him. Pakhi asks Samar to go. Samar says he can’t leave her alone. Pakhi says sye not a kid now and says Paritosh is around to protect her.

A boy from the crowd tries to get close to Pakhi. Another boy holds her. He sees her getting uncomfortable and defends her. Pakhi thanks the boy and then is shocked seeing his face. Samar criticizes his friend painting and asks paints such a bad painting and gives him some advice. He then interacts with a girl and gets smitten with her charm.

Anupama and Anuj sweep the floor. Arun apologizes them. Anupama says she wil cook for them. Barkha says she has already cooked the food and taunts Arun to learn from them. Arun says they both are cute couple. Barkha says Anuj expresses his love so much. Arun says when there is love, it shows off. Barkha gets offended hearing that.

Precap: Paritosh shouts at the boy for troubling Pakhi. Pakhi says the boy was helping her, it was another boy who troubled her. Barkha plans to interior decorate the house. Anuj reveals that Anupama is the owner now, leaving Barkha and Arun in shock. Anupama and Anuj feel happy thinking their family is complete. They both stand shocked hearing Barkha insisting Ankush to seek his business right.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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