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Broken Bonds Updates - Friday 10 February 2023

Party starts. Shubhra serves drinks to everyone. People talk about her and call her disgusting. Samaira says no one will insult Shubhra. She said sorry to me for selling her marriage. I felt bad for her. Calm down and enjoy. Shubhra says in heart in a few moments Kuldeep would be here and everyone will know the truth. Samaira says Kuldeep couldn’t believe she did this. He said he has nothing to do. she’s lonely now. So least we can do is to forgive her. Cheers to forgiveness, a girl says to Shubhra one drink for madam. Shubhra says I don’t drink. People mock her and say get her milk. Samaira says there is soft drink for her. She says take it before they make more fun of you. Shubhra drinks it. Samaira winks at Rajiv. Samaira says Kuldeep is about to come. I have to execute it.

Rajiv says to Shubhra where is washroom? She says there. Samaira says take him to my bedroom. Shubhra says it’s upstairs, she takes him there. Rajiv walks after her. Samaira smirks.

Anand says why Meera? Wasn’t it enough to ruin your own house that you are doing this to others. She recalls when he gave her a ring and she said fake gem. He said I will get you a new one. We will get married. Anand says Chandrani wants to know Meera’s past. And see, that past is in her house. No, I cannot get into this mess. I got out of it after so long. I need to stay away from her mess.

Shubhra takes Rajiv to the room. He says what was the point of that fake drama yesterday? That acting was flop. You kept pretending to be a bad woman. Shubhra says I have to go. He says this isn’t a movie. In real world, who does this? You must be so hurt. Shubhra says I am fine. She trips. Rajiv holds her and says are you okay? She says my head hurts. He says sit and relax. She tries to stand but he makes her sit. Rajiv says is your husband not enough to fulfil your needs. Shubhra shouts what rubbish. He locks the door. Shubhra says what are you doing? Open the door.

Roli wakes up Rishi and says you have to talk to papa. Everyone is enjoying music. Shubhra says stop it. What are you doing? He says you are young and beautiful and husband isn’t with you. You must have needs too. Shubhra slaps him and says don’t even try. I don’t need to tell you what’s between me and Kuldeep. He holds her and says Kuldeep is a lucky man. Shubhra shoves him and says enough. Wasn’t one slap enough. Shubhra is losing her senses. Rajiv comes close to her. Shubhra says leave me. He says don’t shout. If someone comes in it would affect you not me. Shubhra shoves him.

Shubhra calls Kuldeep. He enters the party and can’t hear. Kuldeep is surprised with the party. He says wow all this.. he hangs up. Shubhra cries. Kuldeep says all this for me? Samaira says I was waiting for you. Welcome back baby. Shubhra calls Kuldeep again but he isn’t picking. Rajiv holds her, Shubhra shouts leave me.
Rishi says I won’t sleep now. I will tell papa everything. He sits on the chair. Kuldeep thanks everyone and says let me get fresh. Samaira says if he goes early, the plan would fail. Samira says darling.. some people have to leave early, so sit with them for 5 minutes. Then get fresh. Samaira says now Rajiv has enough time to end Shubhra’s game.

Rishi falls asleep. Shubhra is fainting. Rajiv shoves Shubhra on bed and gets on top of her. Kuldeep comes in. He is shocked to see them.

Kuldeep comes in. Rajiv is on top of Shubhra. Shubhra shoves Rajiv and cries Kuldeep. This man.. kuldeep hits Rajiv and says how dare you touch my wife. Shubhra cries and says he tried to rape me. Rajiv says Shubhra called me here. Kuldeep is shocked. Rajiv says she said I have needs too, Kuldeep goes to Samaira. Kuldeep shoves him. Shubhra says he’s lying. Rajiv says ask her why is she drunk? Shubhra says he’s lying. He says there are so many people outside. I couldn’t drag her here. She came here on her own. Shubhra cries and hugs Kuldeep. Rajiv says first you invited me now this drama. Look at her. Shubhra says don’t listen to him Kuldeep. He’s lying. I can never do that.

Samaira comes there. Rajiv says Shubhra came here on her own. Shubhra says Kuldeep won’t know. But out of respect you should have stayed away from here. Rajiv says his own wife doesn’t respect him. His wife is done with him and he’s being an angry young man. Samaira says enough. Get the hell out. This party is over.

Shubhra cries and says do you believe me? He says I can see everything. I can understand the difference between truth and lies. You can’t even stand. You are disgusting. He leaves. Shubhra says Kuldeep.. she cries.

Kuldeep drinks with Samaira. Samaira says every day I saw new face of Shubhra. She doesn’t want kids with me. She feels lonely. But I never imagined she would get this desperate. It wasn’t his fault. Kuldeep says I don’t wanna hear her name. Everyone must know now. Samaira says calm down. People are laughing on me. What was my mistake? He says I am sorry Sam. I don’t wanna see her face.

Phirki brings Shubhra and says where should I take her? Kuldeep says I will send her to Pune tomorrow. Let her be one sofa. Phirki shoves unconscious Shubhra on sofa. Samaira says this is called grand finale.
Rishi wakes up and comes out looking for Shubhra. He sees her on sofa and tries to wake her up. Rishi cries and says Aai has fever. She isn’t waking up. Kuldeep says how do I tell Rishi that she’s drunk. Kuldeep says she is fine. Rishi says she has fever. Call a doctor. Kuldeep says Phirki will call a doctor. You come with me. Rishi says nothing is okay since you went to Dubai. Samaira has made aai cry so much.

Anand is leaving. Chandrani says why are you leaving? He says I need to find a place. She says do you have a problem here? He thinks about Meera. Chandrani says what is it? You can tell me.

Anand recalls how he used to take care of Meera. And he found out though a report that she’s pregnant. He looked for her in the house. He called her but she didn’t pick. He read her letter I am not ready for marriage. I have to earn and be successful, I will abort this child. Anand ran to the hospital. He said if you loved me for a second don’t abort this child. We will go far away from your life. She said okay.

Anand walks out. Chandrani runs after him. she runs out of breath. He says you are not a superman.

Rishi says when you went to Dubai. Phirki says doctor isn’t picking phone. Samaira says Kuldeep bring a doctor. No matter what she has done, we have to take care of her. Samaira says to Rishi were you gonna tell your dad I locked toy in storeroom? You thought your papa would believe? So stupid. Your papa doesn’t care about your mom. He went to get the doctor when I asked. I can make your papa do anything. If you tell your dad, your aai won’t get a doctor or meds. She might die. Rishi says don’t do this. He says I won’t tell anyone. Samaira says I will send him away again if you try to do anything. Rishi says I won’t tell papa.

Roli cries and calls Chandrani. She says dadi mama has fainted. Doctor says she has fever. Will she be okay? Chandrani says nothing will happen. Don’t cry. You have to take care of mama and Rishu. You are strong like dadi. You have to take care of them. Don’t cry. Chandrani holds her hand. She says what do I do to that witch. I can’t even help my family. It’s my fault I gave birth to such a useless son. Because of him Samaira is ruining their lives. Anand says she is a witch, she doesn’t have a heart. She provoked your son. So much that he cannot see difference between. right and wrong. She did the same to me. Chandrani asks do you know her? She’s shocked.

Broken Bonds Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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