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Broken Bonds Updates - Friday 3 February 2023

Samaira Accuse Shubhra Of Stealing Her Diamond Ring. Rishi Took The Blame Of Stealing The Ring. Shubhra Try To Find Sam’s Home Address.

Shubhra makes breakfast. Kuldeep comes into the kitchen. Shubhra says you didn’t transfer money this month, you bought a ring for Samaira I know your money must be out but I also need money. He says what if you get the money? She says can’t buy a house with it. He says now you want a new house? She says no. But our Pune flat is given to someone else by the landlord. I won’t go to my dad’s house. Can’t put the burden of our kids on them. Will have to stay here for some days. Don’t have a choice. Pass the sugar. He says I will transfer you some money. Sam and I are going on a date. Don’t come between us I will be the worst and I mean it. I will always have a place for kids in my heart and house, but not for you. Always remember that. He leaves.

Shubhra comes to Sam’s room. Samaira is getting ready in the restroom. Phirki comes there. Phirki says what are you doing here? She says we had to go out so was asking Samaira where can we go. Shubhra hides something. She leaves. Shubhra says to the kids we will go out. Do you know who is our guide? Your dad. Kids are happy. Rishi says but he was going out with Sam. Shubhra says I don’t think that would happen. Rishi says what did you do?? She says surprise.

Sam comes downstairs and says I kept it safe. how could this happen, and we made a special plan. Kuldeep says we will find it. Shubhra says what happened didi? She says the diamond ring that Kuldeep gave me is lost. Shubhra acts shocked and says what? Phirki says she stole it. I saw Shubhra in your room. Kuldeep says what rubbish. Ask her to shut up. She is saying Shubhra stole it? Sam says you might not like it but I am sure Shubhra took it. Kuldeep says you don’t use your mind when you are angry. She says think logically, she’s jealous. You didn’t give her anything or took her out. Roli asks Rishi did mama steal? Rishi says my mama can’t steal. Sam says I am sure she did. Shubhra says enough Sam.. Kuldeep says why did you stop? She says kids. Shubhra asks kids to go inside. Sam says they will stay here. Kuldeep says no. Sam says they should also know their mama is a thief. Kuldeep says Shubhra tell the truth. Shubhra gets teary that she’s being accused in front of the kids. Shubhra says how can you accuse me? Sam says Phirki saw you in my room. Shubhra says Phirki was also there. Sam says she’s been here for 10 years, she’s like a family. Shubhra says to Kuldeep I have been with you for 12 years. I am your family. Do you really think I could stoop so low? Kuldeep says no. Shubhra can’t steal, I am sure. Sam says we will find out who is right.

Phirki takes out her bags and says check my bags. I should have died before all this. Sam’s stomach hurts. Kuldeep finds weird things in Phirki’s bag. Rishi says aai.. Why was Phirki calling you a thief? Why did you go to Sam’s room. Shubhra tells him she went there to mix something in her breakfast. Shubhra says if she’s unwell only then your papa will take out. Kuldeep says your ring isn’t here. Shubhra says let me get my bags. Sam says stop. Samaira farts. Everyone is disgusted. Roli says you stopped us for this? Sam runs upstairs. Kuldeep goes after Sam.

Kids laugh at Sam. Rishi says but where did the ring go? Shubhra says must be in her room. Rishi says she is playing with you. You kept knives in her bag so she might be doing the same. Phirki says to Sam Shubhra made a plan to ruin your date. Sam runs to the restroom. Rishi says she will check your bags and the ring would be there. Then she will say she caught you. Shubhra says that could be true. Rishi says you are right.

Phirki says Shubhra must have mixed something in your coffee. She came to your room and coffee was there. Sam says right. You are right. I didn’t eat anything that would upset my stomach. We know she didn’t come here to steal the ring. Phirki says yes because we kept it in her stuff. Sam says to Phirki hide this ring in Shubhra’s room. Kuldeep thinks his wife is very innocent. I want Kuldeep’s trust to break on her. We will start today’s drama after I come out of the shower. Phirki hid it in Shubhra’s room. Phirki says let’s go find the ring in her room. Sam says to speak in low volume. Shubhra shouldn’t have an idea and if Kuldeep finds out he will get so mad. Kuldeep is standing there. They are scared to see him.

Rishi says she must have hid the ring and now will pretend to find it. They look for the ring.

Sam is scared. Kuldeep says I am sorry I was late in getting the med. He didn’t hear. Sam says it’s okay. Thank you darling. Shubhra and kids are looking for the ring.
Sam comes to Shubhra’s room and says nothing was found from Phirki’s room. Now your turn. Kuldeep says but.. Phirki says I have self respect too. If you don’t search her I will leave. Kuldeep says okay. They start looking for the ring. Sam drops something. Kuldeep gets down to picks and sees the box of ring under the bed. He says Shubhra.. How was it in your room? Sam says I was 100% sure she stole my ring. Kuldeep says how could you stoop so low? I didn’t even believe anyone. Only agreed so Phirki doesn’t feel bad. Shubhra says I swear on kids. He says you are a thief, a selfish woman. I don’t want kids to stay with a woman like you. Go from here. The kids hug her.

Rishi says my mama isn’t a thief. I will go with her. Roli says I will also stay with my mama. Kuldeep says shut up. You’re my kids. I will decide where you will stay. Sam says calm down Kuldeep. Don’t come between me and Shubhra. It was my ring that she stole. I will punish her. She stole because she was hurt because you didn’t get her anything. So I forgive her. Phirki says how can you? You were so worried about this ring? Now you will forgive her? I won’t tolerate that. She will have to apologize to you by rubbing her nose on your feet. If she wants to stay here. Kuldeep says come on. I am ashamed of you. Apologize to Sam. How will kids feel about all this? Kids are teary. 

Shubhra sits down in front of Sam. Shubhra is about to touch her foot. Rishi says I stole the ring. Everyone is shocked. Rishi says my aai isn’t a thief. Papa got such an expensive ring for Sam and nothing for mama so I stole it. Shubhra says he’s lying to protect me. Sam says don’t lie to protect your mom. Rishi says how do you know I am lying? How are you sure who stole it? Sam says don’t you know how to behave with elders? No one has spoken to me like this. But he’s getting this training, it isn’t his fault. Kuldeep says you stole and now misbehaving. He drags Rishi and says bring your hand forward. Shubhra says let him go. He didn’t steal. Kuldeep says Roli must have learned how to steal from him. You must have hidden his habits. Kuldeep shouts extend your hand. He’s about to hit Rishi’s hand, Shubhra puts her hand on his hand. She says it’s my mistake. I should be punished. He says yes it’s your upbringing’s fault. Kids are ruined with you. Shubhra hits her hand in tears. Kuldeep leaves with Sam.

Rishi is upset. Roli says you’re thinking mama is upset because you lied? Mama is happy because yous saved her. See I got you gifts. She gives him a rubber arrow. He says you fixed it? It was your favourite. She says you’re my favourite brother.

Shubhra comes to Kuldeep’s room. Sam gets ready for date night and says you got the cake? Place it here. Sorry Phirki is out to get wine. Shubhra says I am sorry about what Rishi did. Sam says I am sure you knew all of this would happen. Kuldeep comes. He says Shubhra what are you doing here? She says I got the cake. Sam says Kuldeep was upset, so I thought we can have a date night here. She gives him the ring and says make me wear it. Shubhra says let me see the kids. Sam says can you capture this special moment for us? Shubhra says of course. She takes their photo while Kuldeep makes Sam wear the ring. Shubhra is teary. They cut the cake. Shubhra makes a video. Sam says thank you. Shubhra leave. Sam says why do you feel so uncomfortable? You’re nothing to her anymore. You are only mine. Kuldeep says of course. He hugs her.
Shubhra calls Chaandrani. Chaandrani says Rishi lied but to save you. Shubhra says you’re right but kids would start lying. I can’t let their innocence go away from them. This is my wrong upbringing. Chandrani says he took a stand for you like Kuldeep never did for me. Shubhra says Kuldeep is gone. Chaandrani says you can’t give up Shubhra says I will make them pay for hurting my kids. Chaandrani says this Sam is clever. Have to get her background.

Sam says in office our company is having another board of directors today. Rajeev says it would be me. Sam says it’s Mr Kuldeep. Sam says congrats Chadha. He says it all happened because of you. Thank you. Sam says you deserve it. He says if I didn’t meet you I would still be in Pune doing nothing. She says now you know what I can  do for you. She says let’s go to Mr. Toshi. Kuldeep says I forgot the file at home. Sam says he can reverse this decision. He says it must be at home. She says we can’t lose this meeting. Get the file.

Shubhra calls ChandRani. She asks Shubhra to look inside the room. Kuldeep calls Shubhra. Shubhra is in Sam’s room. Shubhra takes out the files. Phirki comes to the kids and sings bach ke tu rehna. Kuldeep calls Phirki and says give phone to Shubhra. Phirki looks for Shubhra. Shubhra says to Chandrani I looked in the entire room can’t find it. Shubhra comes out of the room. Phirki says you were in my didi’s room again? What were you stealing now? 

Shubhra says you can’t question me. She says let me call Kuldeep.. She calls Kuldeep and says here’s Shubhra. Kuldeep says where were you Shubhra? There’s a purple file in my room in the right drawer. Please bring that to office. Shubhra says in heart might find Sam’s Pune address. Shubhra goes to the room and finds the file. Kuldeep says come to the room. Phirki says let me search you first. She searches Shubhra. Rishi is looking for Shubhra. He comes upstairs. Shubhra says to Phirki get done with this. Rishi comes upstairs.

Precap: Shubhra searches for the address in Samaira’s office, cabin. She finds her passport. Before she is able to put it away and leave the cabin, Samaira and Kuldeep come there. Shubhra gets nervous. Phirki confesses that she put ring in Shubhra’s room to trap her. Kuldeep asks why she blamed Shubhra for robbery. Phirki says she did that as someone told her to. Kuldeep asks who told her to? Phirki gets quiet and nervously looks at Samaira.

Broken Bonds Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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