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Broken Bonds Updates - Monday 13 February 2023

Shubhra says I have decided Biji, I am not staying. I am coming back to Pune. Chandrani says you said when Kuldeep finds out the reality of Samaira he will leave her. Anand is there to expose her. Try one more time, trust your Biji one more time. Shubhra says okay Biji as you say. Chandrani says it’s a weird thing to say but save Vedika from her own mother. Shubhra says don’t worry I will take care of her. Chandrani says give the phone to Anand. Shubhra gives him the phone. She says something to him. Anand says okay sure. Chandrani says you have to make her cry blood tears. The slap should be heard here. He says but how? Chandrani says you have to take revenge for the injustice she did to your daughter and my DIL. He says yes. She says louder.

The doctor checks Samaira and says she’s okay. I don’t know why is she not conscious. Anand comes in and says I can bring her to her senses. You got to see the doctor off. Kuldeep says I won’t leave Samaira alone. Anand says how long have you know her? Kuldeep says few months. HE says I know her for years. Go and drop the doctor. Phirki is here. Anand says I have perfect treatment. He takes his shoe near Smaira. She says don’t you dare. Samaira locks the door and asks what’s your problem? Why are you here? He says your memory brought me here. she says you promised me. You won’t ever show me your face if I don’t abort the baby. I have no relationship with you and your baby. I love Kuldeep. Anand says selfishness isn’t love. Even seeing your own child doesn’t melt your heart? Kuldeep has a wife. Samaira says he is very happy with me. Shubhra couldn’t give him all that I did.
Shubhra looks at kids playing. She sits with Vedika. Shubhra says hi.. You’re Rishi Roli’s friend now. They call me mama, so I am like your mother as well. Vedika hugs her. Roli says don’t worry mama. Vedika is in our team already. Shubhra hugs her. Rishi says Aai why are you teary? She says sometimes they are happy tears. I am very happy today.

Anand says he has become blind. The day he gets to know your reality, he will stop loving you. She tries to slap him. Anand holds her hand. He says I am not that old Anand. Don’t even try to do a mistake like this again. I can expose you in front of everyone. Imagine Kuldeep knowing you left your daughter for money. Would he like to stay with you?

Shubhra says our team is big and strong now so we have more chances of winning now. People starting supporting Ram ji.
Kuldeep comes in and says which truth is he talking about? Anand says she gets stressed with work and faints. Does Kuldeep know about your condition? He will take care of your treatment and meds. Samaira says I didn’t want to worry you. I should take meds regularly. Bring my prescription, please. Kuldeep says I live with you still don’t know as well as this Anand does.

Kuldeep comes downstairs. Roli says papa see, what I made. He says don’t shout, Sam isn’t well. Always being loud. Eat the food. Roli gets upset. Shubhra serves food and says stop being mad at kids. He says control them. Shubhra says they are kids.You always said they can have fun in this age only. I think you’re irritated by someone. Shubhra gives food to all the kids.

Samaira comes downstairs. Anand sits with her. Kuldeep doesn’t like it. He sits on the other side.

Chandrani and Madhura enjoy noodles together. Chandrani says if you have to tune with the kids learn to eat the noodles. Madhura doesn’t like it. Chandrnai tells her how to eat.

Samaira says Anand has some work here so he will stay here for 5 to 6 days. Anand says and nights as well. Tonight I will stay in Meera’s room. There’s a lot to listen and say. We need to talk. Kuldeep coughs. Shubhra says don’t you like it? He says why would I not like what Anand said. She says I asked about food. Kuldeep says you can talk to her and spend time with but why stay in room? He says haven’t you ever done night out with your close friends? It’s the same thing. We are doing night in. Shubhra asys Kuldeep will also get a chance to spend time with Rishi and Roli. They’d get so happy. Samaira is angry.

Shubha comes to Samaira’s room. She says what are you here for? She says I came here to see if you’re okay. Samaira says I am fine. Shubhra says yeah I can see that but you consider others idiot but not everyone is. Kuldeep trusts you. Only him and Phirki believed you fainted. I came to ask if you’re okay mentally. Samaira says what do you mean? Shubhra says why this drama? Your ex is here. And your daughter Vedika are here so you must be shocked. Samaira is shocked.

Samaira is shocked at Shubhra’s words. Samaira says how do you know about Vedika? Shubhra grasps her face and says I guessed it by your expressions. But now you have accepted. Samaira says don’t you dare to tell Kuldeep. Shubhra says I won’t tell him because I don’t want to hurt him. Shubhra says but you should tell Kuldeep yourself before he finds out from somewhere else. It’d be worse. Samaira says just go from here. Shubhra says I was going to Mumbai but I won’t now. I would wait to see your defeated face. Shubhra leaves, Samaira gets angry.
Kuldeep plays with the kids and recalls Samaira and Anand being close. He is upset. He loses the match from roli. Roli says yayy I wont. Shubhra comes and hugs her. Shubhra asks Kuldeep to give treat to the kids for losing. Roli says I want candy ice cream. He says okay. He says lets go roli and asks Rishi. Rishi says no. Kuldeep says Shubhra will get boring kulfi. She nods. Shubhra tells Rishi they are staying here. She says we will expose Samaora and get kuldeep with them. She says God has sent Anand to help us. She says take care if Veeika. Rishi says okay. Shubhra says Vedika is also in our team. We have to defeat Samaira. Kuldeep comes inside. She asks you.. he shows her earpods indicating he’s on call. He goes inside.

Samaira looks at Vedika in her room and gets angry. Vedika says you’re special for my dad. Anand smiles. Samaira shows her certificates and trophies to Vedika. Vedika says why aren’t you asking about? Samaira says I will later. Vedika says anand says tell her Samaira. Samaira says no I don’t have a baby. Anand asks Vedika to play with the kids. She leaves. Anand says you treat her like a stranger. Samaira says you’re both strangers to me. Anand says you’re so heartless.

Rishi and roli eat their ice cream. Kuldeep says kulfi is so boring pointing at Shubhra. Vedika comes. Shubhra offers her ice cream. She says no it troubles my breathing. Shubhra gets sad for her. She says come sit with her. Rishi makes a family tree. Vedika says we also have one at home. Kuldeep says who is your mom? Vedika gets silent.

Samaira says to Anand stop this drama and leave from here. I will give you the money. She gives him cash. He says I will expose you. Samaira says Kuldeep is not gonna believe you. He says but he will believe the DNA test.

Vedika sits in Shubhra’s lap. Vedika says I only want to see my mom once. Rishi and Roli are so lucky to have a mom like you. Roli says you can consider her your mom too. Vedika says my dad is the vest father. Kuldeep says where is he? Vedika says with Samaira. Kuldeep gets angry.

Kuldeep drinks thinking about Anand and Samaira. He gets angry. Shubhra comes and says are you drinking because of Samaira? Where is she? You left me for her, will she leave you for him?

Broken Bonds Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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