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Broken Bonds Updates - Monday 6 February 2023

Samaira To Humiliate Shubhra Asked Her To Become A Maid. Samaira’s husband stays with Chandrani Unknown To Her

Kuldeep says Rajeev will get the partnership if I don’t win this client. Ask kids to do a drama. This is for their future. Shubhra says by lying? Why don’t you talk to the kids? He says you are the mother you do it. He leaves. Samaira asks Phirki to take off for two days. She says but why? Samaira says because there’s not better chance to show Shubhra her worth.

The kid’s dad comes. Chandrani gives her up. She says I am fine. Chandrani says she’s okay. The guy says thank you for helping her aunty. She says where do you live? He says I came to see a flat here. The girl says you are so cute. Chandrani says this kid reminded me of Roli. She recalls playing with Roli. Chandrani asks the guy did you like any flat? He says I am a single parent so have to care for Vedika’s security. She says you can stay at my place until you find a place. I live alone. He says thank you so much.

Shubhra says how do I tell the kids their dad wants them to lie? Shubhra says to kids a client is coming here. Papa has to win this client to get a promotion. He will get you gifts. We will have to face a small defeat for the big win. Samaira told papa’s client she’s your mom. The kids are shocked. Shubhra says if he finds out your papa won’t get the client. Rishi says so we would have to lie? Shubhra says no just act normal. Samaira says outside Rishi and Roli did this. They are so spoiled. Shubhra comes out. Samaira says Phiki left. Shubhra reads her note, I am going to my village. Kaju will kill me. Shubhra says I will tell her kids were kidding. Kuldeep says her phone is off. Samaira says who will cook and do everything? Rajadaksh will be coming any moment. Shubhra says I will do it. Rishi says no you are not a servant. Shubhra says the kids only locked him to have some time with him. I can pay back for it. I will handle it.

Shubhra cleans the house and cooks. Kids ask why are you making rangoli? She says so good luck is welcomed with colors. Shubhra says Kuldeep can you hang this garland on the door. I can’t do it on stool either. He picks her and says hang it. Shubhra falls down on him. Her mangalsutra gets stuck in his shirt. Samaira comes and says help me wear a saree shubhra. She plucks the mangalsutra.

Shubhra gets Samaira ready. She recalls getting dressed for Kuldeep used to hug her and tell her she’s beautiful. Samaira says did your mom teach you? She says mom didn’t talk to me after the wedding. My first maid told me. Kuldeep comes in. Samaira says how do I look? Kuldeep says Kasturi mai.. He says what? Kuldeep says you look good in modern clothes. In this attire.. you.. Samaira looks at Shubhra and says only one thing is left. Mangalsutra. Shubhra can you give your mangalsutra please? She says what? Kuldeep says give it. It’s just a thread. Don’t have time to argue. Samaira says if you can share your husband why is mangalsutra a problem? Or are you staying here with another plan? If not, give it to me. Shubhra recalls Chandrani saying lock can lock you with your husband like your mangalsutra. Shubhra takes it off.

Shubhra says forgive me for this God. She takes off her mangalsutra. She drops it on the floor and it breaks. Kuldeep says what did you do.. Shubhra says sorry it slipped from my hands. It must have gotten weak. He says you can’t do anything. Kuldeep says Samaira don’t worry we will get one from the market. You look so good. They go out. Shubhra says in heart I couldn’t let her use it so I had to do it. 

Chandrani wakes the up. The guy and Radhika are doing arti. They give arti to Chandrani. She says I used to do Pooja alone. I am so happy. Let me make breakfast. He says breakfast is ready. I did the dishes. She gets emotional. He says do you miss your son? She says no my DIL.

Shubhra gets kids ready. They aren’t happy. Shubhra says you are doing this for papa not Samaira. Promise me you will behave well in front of the guest. She leaves. Roli says I crossed my finger.
Chandrani says your wife must be very happy with you. What does she do? He says she.. I.. Please excuse me. He leaves. Radhika says mama passed away. Papa doesn’t like talking about her. I never saw her face. She says papa will be okay, let’s do breakfast together. He looks at her photo and says whenever someone talks about you I get so emotional. How can a woman be so selfish. The picture is of samaira. Scene 2Rajadaksh comes in. He says I love house decorated with Roli. He says do you know the purpose of it? Samaira is confused. He says to welcome blessings. Kuldeep says Roli Rishi come out. Samaira says they will mess things up. The kids meet Rajadaksh. Shubhra says I knew my kids won’t disappoint me. Rajadaksh says nothing smells better than our desi food.

Aaju ba comes out. Vithaal says I have hidden all the knives. Madhura says Vithal what’s going on here? Aaju baa says tell her she can’t work on her plan with Chandrani. Madhura says you can’t lock me here. He says if you rob a bank you will be in jail all your life. What’s in your hand? Gun? She says umbrella. We were joking. You don’t care about your daughter but Chandrani is doing so much for her. 
Rajadaksh enjoys the food. He says please pass Julka. Samaira is confused. She says sure.. Rishi says this is Julka. Cool mama.. Rajadaksh says what? Roli says she’s so cool so we call her cool mama. Samaira spills the juice and says Shubhra please come and clean it. Shubhra says she wants me to be the servant? I can do this for Kuldeep. She comes out. Kids look at her cleaning. Rajadaksh says she.. Samaira says our maid. Rishi says she’s our mom. Roli says don’t call our mama your maid. Rajadaksh says what? Samaira says our servant Phirki is out. Shubhra helped me with raising the kids. They treat her like their mother. I taught the kids to respect whoever cares for you. Shubhra says in heart I know you are hurt Roli Rishi but we have to expose Samaira. Kuldeep says to Samaira why did you call Shubhra? She says I was confused. Rajadaksh says it would be unfair if Shubhra made such good food and doesn’t eat with us. He says a business man keeps his eyes open. If Samaira made this she would know things. He asks Shubhra to sit with them. He says my mom made all food with raisins. Samaira is angry. Samaira drops hot curry on Roli’s hand. She screams.. My hand is burned. Shubhra and Kuldeep run to her. Samaira says I need to clean my clothes. Rajadaksh says yeah come fast and tell me the reason to pretend to be fake Mrs. Chadha and take Shubhra’s place. Everyone is shocked.

Shubhra and Kuldeep take Roli upstairs. Samaira says let me also clean my saree. Rajdaksh says yeah go and then come back to tell me why do you have to pretend to be Kuldeep’s wife and take Shubhra’s place? Samaira is shocked. She goes upstairs.

Madhura says to Chandrani thank you for being there to Shubhra and taking care of her. She got another mother in you. Chandrani says we need to find out about Samaira’s family. Chandrani says we need to become more focused. Vedika’s dad runs after her with food. Chandrani looks at them.

Rajdaksh asks Samaira. She says no you are getting it wrong. Rajdaksh says yes I saw who the mother was she Shubhra was the one worried for Roli not you. Kuldeep and Shubhra come downstairs with Roli. Rajdaksh says I always had doubts that you guys were lying to me. I came here for the same reason. He asks Shubhra why are you tolerating all this? I know you are doing this for your family. But you don’t have to go through all this. After knowing that your husband is cheating on you, you don’t have to tolerate him and his affair. Shubhra is silent. Rajdaksh leaves. Kuldeep says sir please, give us one chance. Please stop. He says if you couldn’t be loyal to your wife and kids how would you be loyal to my brand? He leave. Samaira says to Shubhra it all happened because of you. Your kids are so spoiled. Shubhra says don’t blame my kids, it was your fault. Kuldeep says stop it both of you. He goes to Roli.

Broken Bonds Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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