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Broken Bonds Updates - Thursday 23 February 2023

Kuldeep says thank you Samaira. Thank you so much. You have always helped me. On valentine’s day I want to be with you not Shubhra. If it wasn’t for Biji I would be with you. You’re not only my love but my strength. You never let me lose and you did the same today. I feel so free. Please help me solve my last problem. Please.

Chandrani cries. Shubhra says please stop acting. Shubhra says there’s nothing left between me and Kuldeep. We are only tied by kids. I only came here to get my kids their dad’s love and their right. Chandrani says you make his life. What about you? Chandrani kisses her head and says you will also get your right. Kuldeep can’t live without kids. Samaira won’t let him live with kids. Why should we give her a chance? This isn’t the time to give up. We will kick her out of Kuldeep’s life. Chandrani ties a thread on her hand.

Kuldeep says Biji wants to accept you as well. Just say yes for her test then our way would be clear. No one would come between us. She says can’t you say no to her? He says if you accept this challenge for me, I will be the happiest. Make me feel proud of you.
Kuldeep and Samaira come out. Kuldeep says Samaira will take your test. She’s ready. Samaira says I will do anything for Kuldeep. Chandrani says very well. Just one week. Samaira says what? She says make trust you in one week that your love is for a lifetime. Shubhra will leave with the kids. Chandrani says first challenge is to show that you can handle the house and kids. Shubhra says who will take care of the kids? Kuldeep says me. Shubhra says you never have time. Shubhra says their online classes start at 7. They are both very different. Kuldeep says Samaira is good with multi-tasking. She will handle it all. Chandrani says I knew it. She will love your mom and your kids. Samaira says Kuldeep how will I handle the kids? Chandrani says what? She says how will I leave now? She cries and says how will I die with such heavy heart. Kuldeep says Biji, please. He looks at Samaira. She says okay I will take care of the kids. Chandrani says well done. She hugs her. She says good night.

Shubhra is worried for the kids. Shubhra says I know how insensitive she is. She locked Rishi is a storeroom. I can’t let my kids be at her mercy. Chandrani says we will be there for them. It’s a test for her, not the kids. They will always have us. Kuldeep also cares about the kids. These kids will bring their papa back.

Roli wakes up Rishi and says we are late. The sunrise is gone too. Shubhra looks at the clock. She doesn’t go to the kids. The kids come to Shubhra. She pretends to sleep. Rishi checks her temperature. She says I am off. I will sleep more. They are confused. Roli says who gave you off? Chandrani says I did. Rishi says what? She says you all are happy when it’s Sunday right? Mama also deserves a day off. Rishi says I am glad. She will get ready. Roli says but who will get us ready? Rishi says breakfast? They say studies? Chandrani says Samaira will. Kids are shocked. Shubhra says Samaira will do it all. Roli says but why? Shubhra says because se will stay here with us.

Rishi asks will Samaira do all our chores? She says yes. Rishi says why? Roli says we don’t want her here. Shubhra says like we stayed at her place I will stay at her place. Barter service. When money wasn’t invented people used to exchange services. Rishi says we can give her money now. I don’t want her here. Roli says I will make her work so much. This is a good chance to annoy her. Rishi says okay. Roli says we will make her cry. Chandrani says go to her room.
Kids come to Samaira’s room. Roli says full drama. This is our revenge. He says let is be.

Chandrani makes tea. Shubhra gets ready. Chandrani says take some rest. She says a mother can never be off. Chandrani says you should have fun for today. Shubhra says I can’t have tea until kids eat. Chandrani says don’t worry. I will make you tea. She says you have always multi-tasked. Your heart and body needs rest. Shubhra says kids are so used to me. They were happy but they can’t live without me. I can’t rest here and leave their responsibility. They will think I am selfish. Chandrani says you’re super mom. You are there for kids. Your kids have world’s best mom. Even their father doesn’t have such a good mom. Chandrani hugs her. Shubhra says I will be with my kids even if I am not in front. Sama can’t do anything to them. Chandrani says well done.

Kuldeep brings Samaira to a decorated room for valentine’s day celebration. They enjoy their date. The kids say Samaira aunty wake up. We will get late. She says someone is calling me. She was dreaming. The kids throw her from the bed. Samaira says what are you doing in my room? phirki comes with tea. Roli says your dreams wont come true now. Samaira says go out of here. Why are you here? Rishi says our online classes are happening. We need to be in uniform. You have to get us ready.

Shubhra calls Madhura and says when I was young did you ever take a break from being a mom? Madhura says what is it? She says Biji is taking Sam’s test and asking her to be my kids’ mom for today. Would that make me good? She says you have to go a little distant from them to give then sun. Chandrani comes to Samaira and says good luck. Kuldeep says just one week Samaira. Roli says Samaira aunty asked us to eat mama’s head. Kuldeep says what? no she will get you ready.

Precap: Shubhra says I will make breakfast. Chandrani says you have to run after them with the food. Rishi says make me wear shoes? His shoes stinks. Phirki says I think the test has ruined your mind. It’s Sunday today. Samaira asks Shubhra your kids have school on Sunday? The teacher this woman is speaking between the class. She’s so uneducated. Rishi says now we will be punished because of you. Roli says say sorry to the teacher.

Broken Bonds Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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