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Broken Bonds Updates - Tuesday 14 February 2023

Shubhra says you left me for Sam and now she’s leaving you for another person. You are so shattered seeing a few months-old relationship break. Kuldeep breaks the glass. Shubhra leaves. He was imagining her. Real Shubhra comes in. She says Kuldeep.. He says you are here to make fun of me? Why have you made this condition? You said Samaira loves you, trust her. You said she can never do anything. He says why are you taking her side? You should be happy. She says I can’t see you in pain. What are you scared of? That Anant and Samaira might have an affair and have old feelings relive? Everyone isn’t like you and Samaira. Maybe they are good friends. You have to trust her, you love her. She leaves.

Madhura says take care and stay happy. Shubhra says I hope Kuldeep finds out Vedika is Samaira’s daughter. Roli hears it. Shubhra says stop. Roli says Vedika I have to tell you a secret. Rishi says let her keep looking. They hide from Roli. Roli asks Phirki if she has seen Vedika. I have to tell her something very important. I have to tell her mom is alive and I know who she is. Rishi and Vedika can’t hear. Phirki is shocked. She says this girl will get my didi killed. Phirki takes Roli from there. Rolu hits her and runs. Phirki looks for Samaira. She says your secret will be out.

Roli finds Vedika and Rishi. She says your mom is alive. Rishi says how do you know that secret? Vedika says that can’t be true. Roli says your mom is alive. Vedika says who is my mom? Roli says Samaira aunty. Mama was telling someone on call. She never lies. My friend found her mom. Vedika faint. Rishi and Roli try to get her up. she gets an asthma attack. Shubhra and Anand come there. Kuldeep says let me call ambulance. Roli says what happened to her? Phirki says to Samaira Roli must have told her. They try to make her breathe. Vedika cry and says, mama.. Looking at Samaira. Kuldeep is shocked. Vedika says is my mom alive? Tell me, papa. I won’t take an inhaler. Is Samaira my mom? Tell me the truth. Anand says that’s true. Samaira is your mom. Kuldeep stands there in shock. Everyone is shocked. Shubhra says to Anand Roli heard me talking to ma. She heard it and told Vedika. I am very sorry, indirectly I was responsible for it. He says you saved her. I am the one responsible for it. I shouldn’t have lied to her. She says you were helpless. All parents have a soft side in them that wants to protect their kid. But sometimes, we become stone and hurt our kids ourselves. He says the body’s wounds heal. But the bruises on hearts and minds of kids don’t have treatment. Shubhra says I always ask this question and realizes I have to be there for them always and tell them not to worry. Everything would be okay. He says how are you tolerating all this? She says Roli taught me never to give up. If anyone takes her toys, she takes them at all costs. If someone teases Rishi, she takes revenge. Because of Roli I could come here and fight. She made me see this dream. Sometimes you have to snatch your happiness. What Roli did today will open Kuldeep’s eyes. He will leave Samaira and come with us.
Roli says I will give my doll to Vedika. Rishi says but you never give your toys. Roli says I messed up everything. What if she get mad at me? She says Vedika won’t take this doll. She can’t love it as much. Roli says why doesn’t Ravan aunty love Vedika? I love all my dolls, even the broken ones. Why doesn’t she love her daughter? Rishi says I don’t know, our mom can never be like that. She’s such a villain. No parents can leave their kids. Does that happen? Roli says don’t know. Rishi says I hope papa realises how bad Samaira aunty is. Roli says she’s such a bad person. Papa will leave her.

Samaira says please listen Kuldeep.. He says is there anything left to listen to? I always did everything you said. I was an idiot. You lied to me. You had a daughter? how many lies have you told me? And I was living in this impression that we have an honest relationship. and you have a great heart, you kept my wife and kids in this house. You must be laughing at me for fooling me. She says please calm down. He shoves her and says how? I left everything for you and betrayed me. You couldn’t be true to your daughter, how can you love me? I don’t trust you. Shubhra is a lot better than you.
Kuldeep says I don’t trust you Samaira. Shubhra is a lot better than you. She can die for her kids. She accepted my relationship with you because of her kids. Samaira says it’s not like that. He says I am not a fool. You left your daughter after birth. Nothing would change that sin. He opens the door, Phirki falls in. Kuldeep leaves. Phirki says is it over?

Kuldeep comes downstairs. Kuldeep looks at Shubhra. She says he will take time to heal. Help him make the right decision. Roli comes and says sorry mama, I told Vedika. Shubhra says it’s okay, you didn’t know she would fall sick. It’s okay. Roli says are you not mad? Shubhra says you didn’t hurt anyone. But don’t overhear people’s conversations. Always ask mama before telling anyone anything. She kisses their foreheads and says you both play, I will sit with Vedika.

Vedika isn’t well. Anant is trying to make her sleep. She cries in sleep. Shubhra comes in. She says everything would be okay. Please sleep. Samaira calls Kuldeep. Shubhra comes and drags Samaira downstairs in anger. She shoves her inside Vedika’s room. Samaira says are you crazy? How dare you? Shubhra says someone had to dare for this innocent girl. What was her mistake? She’s your daughter. She needs you. Samaira says oh really? You’re using her to accomplish your mission. You brought them in. Anant says she doesn’t even know me. Samaira says I know this entire drama. It was all prepared to take Kuldeep away from me. Shubhra says I have nothing to do with all this. All I want is for you to give this kid her mother’s love. A lot of women die for a child, you’re lucky. God blessed you with a child. Keep your ego aside. Anant will accept you with an open heart. You will have a happy and complete family. Anant says it’s so unfair that her mother is alive yet she can’t get her love. Everything would be like it used to be. When we were together. We have a daughter too now. Shubhra says try to understand Samaira.

Samaira laughs and claps. She says you’re too good Shubhra. What a game. I took your husband from you because I love him. But darling, this morality and right wrong don’t sound good. Look at yourself. You used my past to take Kuldeep from me. Did you think about Vedika before doing all this? She got an asthma attack because of you. Shubhra says as a mother I want you to understand that your child needs you. Samaira says who are you to tell me that? Anant stops Shubhra and says let her be. She will decide it. You can’t force it on her.

Shubhra calls Chandrani and Madhura. She tells them Kuldeep was mad at her. they are happy. Shubhrra says I am worried for Vedika. They came here to help me. I know somehow I am responsible for what is happening with Vedika. Chandrani says forget about Samaira. Shubhra says I hope I will get back to Pune soon with Kuldeep and the kids. All problems are over. Madhura says yeah as if that man.. She says Kuldeep might not be a good husband but he’s a good father. Chandrani says I should have slapped him in childhood. Now our next mission, make Kuldeep and a good husband. Come back fast. I so want to see you both. Madhura says so do I. Shubhra says please rest. It’s in our hands now. Madhura says we will party.

Madhura and Chandrani dance on old songs. Chandrani drinks. Madhura says I online ordered this cake. They eat the cake together.

Samaira comes to the office. No one is there. Samaira calls Kuldeep but he cuts the call. She says you can’t do this. Samaira breaks her phone and cries. She breaks things in anger. Samaira sits down crying and sobbing.

Chandrani applies cake on Madhura’s face. She says you look like monkey’s nani. Madhura runs away with her glass. Chandrani says it hurts my legs. Give me this. They laugh and dance together.

Samaira cries. She recalls what Kuldeep said that she couldn’t love her daughter and he doesn’t trust her. Shubhra is better than her. She recalls what Shubhra said.

Shubhra clears hourglass. She says we are too close to winning this race. You and Vedika came as strangers to help me. Now you feel like family. Like I have known you both always. Anant says when pain is the same two strangers can become friends too, who haven’t met. Shubhra says I gave up. I was going back and then you came. I will never forgive your favor. Thank you so much. She leaves. Anant says life is like an hourglass. You feel like it’s all over, but if someone turns it upside down, it’s a new start. So never give up on hope.

Samaira calls Anant. He tells Shubhra. They are shocked. Anant picks, Samaira says Anant, I was thinking about what you said. I want to talk to you. Can you come to my office? Please? He’s shocked.

Precap: Kuldeep holds Shubhra’s hand and says one minute. Anant comes to Samaira’s office. She hits him with a metal rod. Anant falls down. Kuldeep comes to the office. He looks at everything and says how did this happen? Kuldeep brings her home. Shubhra asks where were you all night? Phirki brings injured SAmaira in. Shubhra is shocked.

Broken Bonds Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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