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Every Girl's Dream Updates - Monday 13 February 2023

Ugra tells Naina that Rati was in the room but suddenly she went missing. She was not moving after taking the medicine. Naina says just think about the property papers for now.

Aarav tells Krisha that Kach was so sure that there were no property papers which means that he might be hiding those papers. I will go and check his room. Krisha guards him.

The lawyer comes back and asks if they found the papers? Krisha comes there. He asks if she has the papers? Krisha says I was looking for papers but someone else is bringing them. Aarav brings a file there. All look on. Kach asks Aarav to not get involved in all this. Aarav says I found these papers in your room. Jaya says you stole the papers? Kach says I don’t know about these papers. Krisha asks the lawyer to look at the papers. Minakshi snatches the papers from Aarav and says these are not real papers, I won’t give them to the lawyer. Krisha tries to take it from her and says why are not letting him check those papers. Minakshi gets angry and says I am telling you these papers are not real as I burned the real papers. All are shocked to hear that. Krisha looks at Devraj and smiles. He nods at her. Kach opens the file and it’s empty. 

Krisha tells Kach that I had to do a drama to bring out the truth. Jaya tells Minakshi that it’s a crime to tamper with legal papers, you might go to jail because of your greed. Minakshi gets scared and says I can’t go to jail. Krisha says then sign a new paper which says that you people can never claim the property again. Kach is angry. Jaya smirks. Krisha shows the papers to Kach and says if you don’t sign these papers then you might have to go to jail. Kach says fine. They all sign the papers, agreeing that they will never claim the property. All leave from there. Jaya tells Krisha that you did a great job. Daksh says wait, there are some papers behind the sofa. Krisha checks the papers and is shocked. Daksh asks what happened? Devraj checks the papers and looks on. Daksh checks the papers and says these are Dev and Maya’s divorce papers. All look on.
Krisha asks Devraj if he and Maya signed divorce papers? He says yes. Krisha says you always hide things from me. I know you don’t like to share your feelings but you lied to me. Devraj says nothing was right between me and Maya so we signed those papers. Then she got into an accident so I forgot about these papers. I didn’t even know that these papers were in the house but it doesn’t matter now. Jaya comes there and says it does matter. She says it will matter to Daksh. If two people who are going through a divorce shouldn’t have this connection that you both have, when I look at you both, I find a connection between you both so how will you pretend in front of Daksh? 

Devraj says Daksh has seen me fighting with Maya before. Jaya says but he would question Maya living here when you both are going through a divorce. Devraj says so you want us to fight? I am tired of lying. Krisha says I think it’s time to end this drama. Jaya says you think if Daksh is ready? Krisha says we don’t know but we can’t keep hiding it for long. Jaya says I am with you both, she leaves. Devraj tells Krisha that Daksh should move on. Krisha asks if he is ready to give a place to Krisha in his life? Devraj says don’t start again. Krisha says we have to unite so tell me now. Devraj says what? Krisha says confess that you love me. Devraj leaves from there. Krisha says I love him and I know he loves me too. Daksh has hidden a microphone in their room and hears all that.

Krisha tells Devraj that he should confess that he loves her. Devraj leaves from there. Krisha says I love him and I know he loves me too.

Daksh and Roma hear Krisha and Devraj’s talk. Daksh says it’s good that you set up this mic in their room when they were busy with the papers. We will hear their conversations now. He asks Roma to massage his shoulder. Roma says I am not your helper. Daksh says you are my partner. Roma says why don’t you tell them that you are totally fine? Daksh grabs her and says I won’t tell them about me and I won’t let them tell me that Krisha is not Maya. I want Devraj to be in pain of seeing Krisha as Maya. He says this way you can also get Devraj as Krisha will have to keep acting like Maya. Roma says what else do I have to do? Daksh says you will find out soon.

Ugra is worried about Rati missing. Naina asks her to relax. Ugra says Rati is missing. Naina says just think about losing property. The servant comes there and says Rati has sent milk for you. Ugra asks where is she? She says she is in the kitchen. Ugra goes to look for her but Rati is not there. The servant says she was here only. Naina asks her to relax. Ugra says let me just find Rati and then I won’t spare her. She leaves. Aarav, Rati and Krisha were hiding and heard all that. Aarav says Ugra was up to something so we have to scare her and she will blurt out her plan herself. Krisha asks Rati to follow the plan and we will find out what Ugra is up to. Rati asks if everything is okay with her? Krisha says soon I will be free from doing the drama of being Maya and then everything will be fine.

Krisha does aarti in the mandir. Ugra comes there and asks where is Rati? Krisha she is upstairs. Ugra says there was no one there, are you involved in some plan too? Krisha says what are you talking about? Ugra says I am sure Rati is not here. Krisha says why would she hide from you? Did you do something with her? Ugra glares at her and says no. She leaves from there.

Krisha is applying lotion on her arms and says it’s cold here. Devraj asks if she wants him to turn off the AC? She says now, I am fine. He starts leaving but Krisha stops him. She asks what will he eat? He says anything will work. Krisha stops him and says I love you. Devraj says I will never answer this. Krisha says you will. He leaves from there. Krisha smiles and says he loves me but just doesn’t confess.
Krisha is working in the kitchen. Ugra and Naina hide. Ugra asks Naina to do as planned. Naina comes to Krisha and asks about her oats. Krisha says I don’t know, I will find them. Naina says I want them right now. Krisha says okay, I will look for it. Krisha starts checking the cabinets. Naina stands on a stool and deliberately throws flour on Krisha. Naina shouts at Krisha that you should have held me on the stool.

Krisha takes a bath. She sees Devraj in the washroom and says you here? I thought you were working. He hugs her from behind and is shirtless. Krisha finds out that it’s Daksh. She pushes him away and what’s this? Daksh laughs and says I was just joking. We used to talk about your divorce and you said you would come to me. We have got another chance so we shouldn’t waste that. He asks her to make breakfast and leaves. Krisha recalls how she talked about breakfast with Devraj and says how does Daksh know I was about to cook it?

Krisha tells Devraj that Daksh did something weird, she tells him about his act. Devraj says you must be mistaken. Krisha says we should start giving hints to Daksh, I will stop wearing clothes like Maya.

All sit down to have breakfast. Jaya says Maya made all this. Daksh says she is not a traditional woman so it’s surprising. Krisha comes there wearing a saree. Daksh freaks out and says what kind of clothes are you wearing? you are not Maya. He starts getting jitters and coughs. All rush to him. Krisha runs to get his inhaler. Aarav takes an inhaler and gives it to Daksh. Krisha thinks this inhaler was empty so how did he become fine? Krisha tells Daksh that I am wearing traditional clothes because this family likes them. Jaya says I asked her to. Krisha says I am experimenting. Krisha says I am thinking to grow my hair too. Daksh says that’s fine. He goes from there. Krisha looks on.

Krisha is thinking about Daksh’s asthma attack. Daksh comes to her and says you are looking pretty. She says thank you, he smirks and leaves. Krisha thinks I am not sure what kind of a relationship Daksh had with Maya.

Every Girl's Dream Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 7pm

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