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Every Girl's Dream Updates - Sunday 5 February 2023

Devraj Tell Krisha Mystery Behind Maya's Death And Daksh Truth. Devraj lets Krisha go Back To Udaypur.

Maya and Daksh were in the car. She was speaking to Devraj on call and hit the car. Her dupatta fell on Daksh. his mental condition got worse and he saw Maya dying. Devraj says his condition was not okay and he kept saying Maya died because of him. Devraj says I couldn’t let police get to him. So we pretended that Daksh also died along with Maya. Jaya says how could we let police get to Daksh? What if he said Maya died because of him? What would happen to him? So we had to hide him. We hid him from the world. They all leave in anger. Krisha says but you could take your family’s help. He says it could be risky. So I burned everything related to Maya and Daksh. I didn’t want him to come in front of anyone. His condition got worse. So we had to give him medicine. 

Krisha says how long has this been going on for? He says months. Daksh wasn’t getting better. He would keep asking where is Maya? Then Roma came with this idea that if we find Maya’s lookalike and take her to Daksh he will come out of his trauma and think Maya never died. She lived. And for that.. Krisha says you used me. Devraj says yes. Devraj says Roma saw you and she planned to.. Krisha says so you made me Maya? Devraj says I only wanted to save my brother and lied for that. Krisha says you lied to me and acted like it was all love and I was dying to marry you? Krisha says you trapped me for this marriage. She recall everything. Krisha realize it was all plotted. She leaves. Devraj says please listen.
Krisha says when I met you the first I thought I met my dream man but I was your opportunity. Devraj comes there. Krisha says so many days you were in Udaypur. Didn’t you once think of telling me the truth? You could ask for my help. You know I would help anyone. I loved you. Once you should’ve asked for my help. At least I won’t have false hopes of your love. Why didn’t you tell me? You think these rituals, wedding all of this is a joke? All of this doesn’t mean anything to you? Devraj says I know your love and that you’re hurt. I don’t want to give any justifications. I couldn’t see anything beyond my brother. I was scared what if you say no. I couldn’t disappoint Jaya maa. Krisha says then why did you marry me? When I tried to go away from you, you threaten to harm my family? You could say all this? Threaten me earlier, why did you marry me? At least I would know the truth. Why did you marry me? Jaya says I asked him to do that. Devraj married you for me. 

Roma saw you in Udaypur. A simple middle-class girl who looked exactly like Maya. I told them we should bring you here. But then I thought what if you leave? What if our plan fails? And then I said a girl like you only stays in the bond of marriage. It’s a huge deal to break marriage. I knew a girl like you would never break her marriage so I forced Devraj to marry you. I thought once you come to this castle this glitter would make you stay. Every girl dream of getting married to a prince. You saw the same dream. Krisha cry. Jaya says I forgot you’re not like every normal girls, you didn’t want a castle. You wanted true love, just your prince. You only wanted to rule his heart. The culprit is me. I did it to save Daksh. If you leave this house and don’t become Maya his life would be dark again. Please don't say no, please pretend to be Maya for sometime. Please. We will do anything after that. I beg you.. She touch her feet. Devraj hod her. He says no. Devraj says I want to talk to Krisha alone. She leave. Krisha says you wanted the same right? What Jaya said. To be Maya for Daksh? He says I know what I did was wrong. There can’t be a pardon for it. But there’s one last thing that I want from you.

Ugra says so we all have to pretend that Krisha is Maya and she survived so Daksh can come out of this trauma? Ugra says if Krisha agrees. Kach says what choice does she have? We dragged her here, Devraj married her to save his brother. Menakshi sees the ring in Daksh’s hand and says I always wanted this ring. Ugra says I know middle-class girls like Krisha. They would do anything for money. Aarav says she’s not after money. Naina says really? Why didn’t she leave when she got to know about Maya? Rati says she could’ve if she was given an option. We all wronged her. Ugra says what about what Devraj did to us? Jaya says so we should have left Daksh to die? Menakshi try to steal the ring. Jaya says you know what was Daksh’s condition. His condition started with his parents death and then he started getting better when Devraj and Maya got married and then he saw Maya dying. If we don’t tell him Maya is alive he would hurt himself or someone else. We have to wait if Krisha says yes or no. Kach says it doesn’t matter. She doesn’t have an option. Devraj won’t let her go. Don’t waste our time. Come to the point? Jaya says what do you mean? Ugra says what’s our benefit in it?

Devraj and Krisha are on the way. She says where are we going? He says wait. They come to the end of Ambikapur. Devraj says your journey end here. There’s a car on the other side. Krisha says why am I here? He says you are free from today.

Devraj says to Krisha you are free from today. That car will take you home. I will never be around your family or you. Krisha says what will happen to Daksh? He says Daksh is my responsibility not yours. Krisha says but you said you have no other option. He says I can’t be your culprit anymore. Your life is yours. You’re free. And yes, I have kept your things in that car. I know you’re trying to understand. I wish you all the happiness in this world. Krisha says it was so easy for you, you gave me a lifetime of pain. Devraj says I promise you, I will always pray that you forget this house, the people and all bad memories related to it. Even me.
Ugra says you want us to hide Daksh is alive, and stop the investigation, and that Krisha is Maya? What’s our benefit? Jaya says you want benefit? He’s your nephew? She says and you hid his reality from me. Jaya says Kach you agree too? He nod. Jaya says what do you want? Kach says we will have to act a lot for this big secret. So we would need a lot of money. Aarav says what are you saying dad? He says relax. Kach says I am not greedy but not an idiot. I am Rathore son, yet I’ve lived like this in years.

Devraj says to Krisha you can go now. I will not bother you again. Krisha walk towards the car. They both turn and look at each other. Devraj is in tears. Devraj bend down and take off her tracker. He says you will never need it again. Krisha cry and walk towards the car. Krisha stops Devraj and says before leaving I want to ask a question, I might never get a chance again. Did you ever for a moment love me?

Menakshi try to take off the ring. Daksh grasps her hand. She screams. Jaya says what were you doing there? She gets her hand off. Naina says what is Daksh obssesed with Maya? She says she was his best friend besides Devraj. Ugra says can we get to the point. Jaya ask Singh to call Devraj. He says I told Devraj you people are snakes. He always forgave your mistakes. Kach says what mistakes? Jaya says your gamble, never working. And Ugra you have always backstabbed him. And Menakshi you lured all these jewelry out of Devraj. The servant says Krisha and Devraj aren’t in the house.

Devraj says in heart I always loved you. I loved you the moment I saw you. I kept coming close to you even when I tried to go away from you. I don’t want to say all that because I wanted you to move in your life. I love you so much, more than my life. Krisha walk towards Devraj and says answer me. Did you ever love? Krisha says did you ever love me? Devraj says good bye Krisha. Krisha walk away. The song do pal plays. Krisha recalls her moments with Devraj. She looks at Devraj. Krisha sits in the car. They both drive away.

Sudha and Krisha’s dad cook together. Yash says Krisha loved kheer but never knew how to cook. Sudha says she will never have to cook in her house. Her dad says I text her but she didn’t reply. She might be busy. I hope she’s happy. Sudha says Devraj loves her a lot, he will always take care of her. Krisha come in the house. They’re shocked.

Every Girl's Dream Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 7pm

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