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Every Girl's Dream Updates - Tuesday 14 February 2023

Devraj tells Krisha that we can’t just tell the truth to Daksh, just let things be as they are. She says okay.

Daksh acts like Devraj with Roma. Roma says Maya can never understand you as I do. Daksh laughs and says I can imitate Devraj easily. Daksh says I went to Krisha’s washroom and she recognized me easily. She says what? Krisha comes there and sees them laughing. She thinks he was scared of Roma and now he is laughing with her? Roma leaves from there. Daksh says I like Roma now, she came to see my painting. Krisha tries to check the painting but he says it’s a surprise. He says I will tell about the plan that we were planning. She says what? He says I will tell everyone about it on Valentine’s day.

Krisha tells about Daksh and Maya’s plan. She says it seems like a big plan. Krisha thinks I have to find out what’s going on before telling him anything. Devraj starts leaving but Krisha stops him and puts a muffler around his neck. They both smile at each other. Mere Yara plays. Krisha says I made this muffler. Devraj says this is valuable to me. Krisha smiles. He says thank you and leaves.

Daksh says Devraj loves Krisha but I want him to cry. I will break their hearts.

Ugra finds Rati in the room and asks where were you? Krisha says I will bring out her real face now.

Rati calls Krisha. Ugra is shouting at Rati and tells her that you were trying to scare me? Rati says why do you think so? Ugra says I know you got to know about my plan. Rati says what? Naina says don’t act over smart, you drank that milk then how come you are alive? Rati says it means you were trying to kill me? Ugra says yes. Rati cries and says I can’t believe you were trying to kill me. Ugra says you won’t be alive for long, did you eat Krisha’s parsad today? I know you never deny parsad, I mixed poison in it. Rati is stunned and cries. Krisha and Aarav run to get to Rati. Ugra tells her that Raghav is coming back. Rati says what? She holds her stomach and cries. Ugra says my son will be free from you so he can start his new life. Ugra says soon you will die. Rati runs from there. Ugra says it’s too late for her and smirks.
Rati is running to find Krisha. Krisha and Aarav see her coughing and rush to her. Krisha asks what happened to you? Rati faints.

A doctor checks Rati while all family members are there. Krisha asks if she will be fine? Devraj asks her to calm down. Krisha thinks if something happens to Rati then I won’t be able to forgive myself. Jaya tells the family that Rati and the baby are fine. Minakshi says Rati is pregnant? No one knew about it. Ugra and Naina come there. Krisha says Rati didn’t tell anyone about her baby because she wanted Raghav to return first. Jaya says so you knew about it? Krisha says yes and I also know who did this to her. All look on. Krisha says Ugra and Naina did this to her. They were giving her some poison slowly to kill her. Ugra says you are lying. Aarav says Krisha is saying the truth, we were keeping an eye on Rati. Krisha says Ugra was behind her and she gave her something to kill her. Ugra says enough, you are making up stories to trap her. Jaya says this is a huge allegation. Ugra says ask her if she has any proof? Does she have any test done on the food I gave to Rati? Aarav says yes, we got the food tested and it was clean. Krisha says still I doubt her. Ugra says wow, you have no proof against me but you keep blaming me? She tells Minakshi to control her son. Krisha says you can make up stories but I will bring out the truth. Rati also knows about this. Naina says what proof do you have? Krisha says we do have proof. All look on.

Aarav asks Krisha what proof does she have? Krisha says we planned on Rati calling us when Ugra was hurting her. Aarav says but we couldn’t hear anything. Krisha says Rati’s phone records all the calls, we just have to find her phone. Aarav says let’s go and find it. Krisha says I can’t trust Ugra, keep an eye on Rati while I will go and look for her phone. Aarav asks her to take care and leaves.

Krisha is looking for Rati’s phone but Daksh stops her. He says I have brought your costume for valentine’s party. Krisha says Rati is not well so we shouldn’t party. Daksh says she will be fine when she comes to the party. Krisha tries to leave but Daksh grabs her and says you have to try this dress first. Krisha is scared and says leave my hand. Daksh shouts no.. Devraj comes there so Daksh moves away. Daksh tells Devraj that I will prepare for the party, he tells Krisha that you can try the dress, later on, he leaves. Krisha tells Devraj that I have to find something, she leaves.
Krisha comes to Rati’s room and looks for her phone. She says what if Ugra got her phone? I have to find it. She calls Rati’s phone and it rings. She looks around and finds the phone under the bed. she checks and finds the recording of Ugra threatening Rati. She tries to leave but Naina stops her. Krisha says you can’t stop me, Rati will wake up soon and tell the truth to everyone. Naina says mom will take care of Rati today only. I will take care of you here. Krisha tries to leave but Naina grabs her. Ugra comes to Rati’s room and is about to give her an injection to kill her. Krisha pushes Naina away and runs. Ugra is about to kill Rati but Raghav arrives there. Ugra is happy to see him. Aarav comes there and tells Raghav that you must have seen what she was about to do. Ugra says Raghav you are back? I am so happy. Krisha comes there too. Raghav asks Ugra what were you doing? Ugra says I.. Krisha says I will tell you what your mom and sister were doing with Rati these last few days. All look on.

Krisha tells Raghav that Ugra tried to kill Rati. Ugra says she is lying. Krisha plays the recording in which Ugra was telling Rati that she would kill her. Raghav says she is pregnant so how could you do that? Ugra says I did all that for you. Raghav says I had time in jail to understand what’s right or wrong. You were about to commit a crime. Naina says but.. Raghav says stay out of it. Minakshi says so she will go to jail? Devraj says she is right, he tells Ugra how could you try to kill her? Aarav says I will call the police. Jaya says no.. she tells Devraj that her crime can’t be forgiven but she must have forgiven that she is a sister of Devraj’s father, I promised to take care of her so I can’t send her to jail. Krisha says how can you let her stay here? Jaya says she won’t stay in this palace from now on. Naina says what? Where will we go? Ugra tells Jaya to stop doing this drama, you always wanted to throw us out. Devraj says she is sparing you from sending you to jail and you are calling it a drama? Ugra says you people are throwing me out of the house? I am your Bua. Jaya says you shouldn’t talk about relationships, just pack your bags and leave right now. Rati comes there and says one minute… All look on. Rati says I want to say something.

Daksh is dancing around with Krisha’s photos. He says I will break Devraj’s heart, it’s time to work on my plan. He holds his gun and says I will need it.

Rati comes to the family and says my husband is back, I will have a baby so I don’t want any hatred in this house. We shouldn’t punish anyone, we should forgive and move on. She pleads Jaya to let Ugra and Naina stay here. My baby would need them too. You all are here to take care of me. Jaya tells Ugra that you can stay here because of Rati but you have to follow the rules. Ugra glares at her and leaves.

Every Girl's Dream Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 7pm

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