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Guddan Updates - Monday 20 February 2023

AJ comes in as well and says what are you saying. Guddan shouts and says abortion? Who asked you to do an abortion. AJ says what have you done. The doctor says we did an abortion on her request and consent. Guddan says why would I want to kill my child? The doctor says you said your husband cheated on you and you don’t want this baby. Guddan says he is lying. I came here because I met an accident. He asked me to sign a paper when I begged him to save my child. The doctor says what accident? You came here walking. Everyone is shocked. Guddan says he is lying. I met an accident and told me the baby’s life is trouble. The doctor says if you met an accident why don’t you have bruises? Guddan says he is lying. Guddan cries. AJ says I trust you Guddan. I know you can never do that.. Antara says Guddan is confused between an actual accident and the fear of an accident. AJ says how did you do this? I will kill you. He says see this form. Guddan signed it. They show him the form. AJ is shocked. Guddan sees the form. Antara says she signed the abortion form. Guddan says this isn’t that form. I didn’t sign this. Laxmi says Guddan can never do that. AJ says I trust you Guddan. I know you can never do that. AJ says answer me. Who asked you to do this abortion. The doctor says Guddan, why are you lying. I will show you the CCTV footage. It will show that Guddan came here on her own. Durga says Guddan can never do this.

The doctor plugs in the video and shows them Guddan walking in herself. AJ is dazed. Saru says wow Antara is amazing. Antara says these idiots don’t know how easy it is to change faces in the footage. I came walking in the hospital and edited Guddan’s face on it.

AJ is crying. He recalls Guddan saying I don’t think we are ready for this child. Guddan cry and recalls AJ saying I see my child’s murderer in you. I hate you. AJ recalls the doctor saying Guddan got her abortion done because she wanted to take revenge from her husband. AJ puts his face in the water.

Guddan cries and says you know I didn’t kill you. Antara comes and says mommy, I know you can’t kill me. Only Antara could be this daring. Don’t cry. I did all did. Faking the video and reports. You said this child will make your relationship stronger. The child is gone now. He is a ghost now. Did he have a soul? It’s so much fun. She burns the doll in front of Guddan. Guddan is in tears. Antara says see, the funeral is done as well. Guddan sees the doll burning and cries. She recalls AJ playing with that doll and says we would have our baby in our lap. Guddan wipes her tears.
Guddan comes downstairs and recalls what Antra. She recalls Antara saying I killed Alisha and her baby. Guddan picks Trishul. Antara comes there. Antara says what are you doing? Guddan says you killed my child. No one can save you from me today. Saru and Perv come there. Durga and dadi come too. Guddan says I will kill you today Dadi says Guddan stop. Guddan is about to kill Antra. AJ holds the trishul and says what are you doing? Guddan says she killed my child. I will kill her. AJ says are you crazy? Guddan says she killed my child. You can’t kill her. Guddan says as a mother, I have the right to kill her. AJ says you lost all your rights when you killed our child. You’re not a mother anymore. Dadi says what are you saying? AJ says to take revenge from me, you killed our child. I can’t see you as a mother or as my wife anymore. You ended our relationship. I free you from everything. Guddan is dazed. Guddan says you’re saying all this for this criminal? Who killed Rawat and Angad? She killed Alisa as well. She killed my baby as well. AJ says it isn’t about Antara. It is about the truth. Truth is that you killed our child. There was nothing between me and Antara. Guddan says you used to meet her behind my back. AJ says to keep you and my child safe. Guddan says and she killed that child. She is still fooling you. AJ says enough, don’t always consider others fool. All proofs are against you. You went to the hospital and signed the papers. Guddan says so you need proof to trust me? AJ says I lose my child. Guddan says so did I. AJ says you killed my child in your ego. Guddan says you gave her space in your life. You enabled her and you made a mistake. AJ says I hugged her for a few seconds that didn’t mean anything. And you killed our child for that? I will do a bigger mistake now. I will give your place in my life to Antara. Guddan is dazed. AJ says everything I gave you in life, I will give it to Antara. Guddan says you can’t do this. You can’t give my place to our child’s murderer. AJ says I am taking that place from my child’s murderer. You are my child’s murderer. I can hate you as much as I loved you. I will marry Antara in next 24 hours. Dadi says no. AJ says I will marry her in front of you. Do whatever you want.
Durga says I saw all the proofs but my heart isn’t believing it. Laxmi says Guddan loved Alisha so much. How can she? Saru says yes, everyone is a liar just Guddan is right? I got you all the sweets. Antara and AJ are getting married. Are you sad? Leave Guddan. She did it. She isn’t as nice as she pretends. Laxmi, eat sweets. Durga shoves her and says AJ is a human. He can make mistakes. He lost two children. AJ will see the truth. Laxmi says get lost. Saru leave.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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