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Guddan Updates - Saturday 18 February 2023

AJ says the one you added to kill Guddan and her child. Guddan says I ended your game before it started. Dadi says what? AJ says Guddan told me Antara killed Alisha. I was shocked too but then I realized we are talking about Antara. The Antara who killed her brother. I planted CCTV cameras in the whole house. I won’t repeat the mistake I did. Here’s the proof. Antara ordered these raisins and added them in the halwa. He says I changed the halwa. Hence, we are all alive. Guddan says you played the same game? AJ says she can never change. Dadi says my curse will ruin your life. You killed my granddaughter. You will never live happily. Guddan says she will cry because she killed our daughter. AJ says inspector, arrest her. Guddan says we will get Alisha justice. AJ says get out of here Antara.

Guddan hug Alisha’s photo. AJ says do you feel better? We got Alisha justice. And you protected our family and baby. Guddan says if you weren’t with me we wouldn’t get Alisha justice. AJ says I am always with you. Guddan hug AJ in tears. AJ says no more crying and stress. Everything is good now. Guddan says till you’re with me no one can harm us. AJ says I always trust you. Just take care of yourself and our baby. I am at your service. Now time for some good. He bring food in candlelight and makes her eat in music. AJ read Guddan books. Guddan sleep on his lap. The song tum dena saath mera plays.

At night, Antara wakes up. AJ turns on the lights. Antara says all good? AJ says yes. AJ says thank God you told me everything on time. Antara was leaving. AJ said where are you going? Antara said Guddan thinks I killed my daughter. It isn’t her mistake. Who would trust me. Now she’s pregnant. She has a cranky time. Why did she say all that? AJ says she would never accuse someone falsely. Antara says please see this. Guddan said to Antara I will kick you out of this house and send you to jail. Antara says anyone would think this way. I can’t let Guddan take the stress. Alisha isn’t in this world anymore. You should think about your future. I should go. AJ said if you leave, Guddan’s stress won’t reduce. And Alisha wanted you to live here. It was her last wish. Antara said if I can do anything for you please let me know. AJ said get arrested.

AJ said thank you for helping me in my plan. According to Guddan you’re arrested for killing Alisha. She can live without stress now. You’ve to leave this city now. I will arrange anything. You should leave this country. It will be good for my family. Here’s some money. Antara says I could do something for you and your family. That’s all that matters. AJ leave. Antara says wow I fooled him again and he trusted me again. He is going to fulfill her last with who wasn’t even her daughter. When Guddan find out AJ helped me, she will hate you. I will ruin your lives. Guddan was challenging me. Now everyone will say, Guddan’s husband is falling for his first wife again. A woman can never let her husband help another woman.

Guddan is sleeping. Antara comes there and picks her baby. Guddan’s feet are tied. Guddan screams and says leave my child. Leave my baby. Antra says I told you I will ruin your life. I will give you tears to live for only. Guddan screams Antara. Leave my baby. Guddan wake up. It was a nightmare. Guddan cry. Guddan says I saw a bad dream. Antara took my baby. AJ hug her and says calm down. She is far away from our baby. Let me get you water. Guddan says no please don’t go anywhere. AJ says relax, you’re safe. Guddan calls the police station and asks if Antara is still in jail? AJ takes the phone. Inspector says no Antara is here. AJ says thank you. AJ says the inspector said Antara is in jail. We have to move forward for our baby. Guddan hug him. AJ says relax.

Durga says this Antara can never change. We have to keep an eye on her. AJ says enough. You’re pregnant yourself. We have to focus on our good future only. We have to keep Guddan stress-free. Why don’t you all move on and forget Antara. Dadi says don’t worry. AJ says Guddan keep taking stress. I don’t want my child to be born in this stress. We all keep thinking about Antara only. Is it that difficult for us to focus on good things? Dadi says we’re all with you. Dadi says where is this Saru? I need to keep an eye on her. Saru says I should go for shopping. Antara calls her. Antara says are you with me or that stupid Guddan? Saru says I am always with you. Antara says I just had to confirm if you’re the same. Now start using your brain. Saru says tell me what to do. Antara tells her the plan.
Guddan comes to her room and sees a box. She sees a talking cat in it. It repeats what Guddan says. Guddan laughs. She asks who brought you here? The cat repeats. She reads a note if you liked it wear the dress inside the box and come to the pool side. Guddan takes out the dress and comes to the poolside. It’s all decorated. AJ hug her from behind. AJ says did you like it? Guddan says read my eyes. AJ says when I see your eyes, I forget the whole world. He says will you dance with me? Guddan and AJ dance together. AJ hug her and sprinkles petals on her. AJ says the world will change, you will get fat, and I will get older. I will still love you and keep you in my arms. Always safe and happy. We have been through enough. Just give yourself to me. Nothing would ever create problems for us. Guddan says I am all yours. I trust you the most. AJ says let’s cut the cake. AJ bring the cake. Guddan says did you make it? It’s so colorful. AJ says I want to fill all these colors in your life. Guddan says let’s cut the cake together. They cut the cake and make each other eat it. AJ says our relationship is so perfect. Our baby will benefit from it. AJ says let’s make some promises to our baby. Guddan says like we made promises to each other. AJ says are you ready?

AJ takes Guddan around the fire. AJ says you and my child will always be my first priority. Guddan says I will never let any harm come to him/her. AJ says I will give him love and trust. Guddan says I will make him strong like you. AJ says as you taught me, I will teach him to live life to the fullest. Guddan says I will teach him how important trust is. AJ says I will teach him to respect you. Guddan says I will teach him to respect you. AJ says I will always be with you. I will never let you both go away from me. Guddan hug him. AJ says this is a new beginning. You have to promise me you won’t take any stress. Our life would only revolve around happiness. Guddan says I never imagined this day. It’s the most beautiful day of my life. Guddan says I will tell my child about this day. AJ says every day would be special. It would take us closer to our baby. I am going to the restaurant. You take care. No stress. He leaves.

Guddan sees AJ’s phone and says he took mine. She calls him but he doesn’t pick. Guddan says my phone is always on silent. He might need his phone. I should go and give it to him. Suddenly strong winds blow. The entire setup AJ arranged is ruined. The cake smashes on the floor as well. Guddan is upset. Saru comes and says this happens, things are ruined within a moment. We think everything is perfect, yet it’s all over in a moment. Guddan says I was only talking about the setup. Guddan says I don’t have time. I need to return AJ’s phone. Saru says what kind of wife are you? You have your husband’s phone. Why don’t you check it? When wives are pregnant, husbands cheat on them. This is your chance, check it. Guddan says AJ isn’t like every other man. I trust him. And he trusts me. You can’t work with your ideas here. She leaves. Saru says it will be fun to see how Antara ruin your marriage.
Guddan says how do people come up with things like these. Why would I check AJ’s phone? I trust him completely. Durga says where are you going? Guddan says to return AJ’s phone. Durga says I will go with you as well. These are your first days. Please don’t take the stress. Guddan says a DIL is giving suggestions to the MIL. Durga says AJ has asked us not to let you take any stress. Guddan says I should take flowers to him. Durga says he would love it. Guddan says when he comes back today, he will see a Guddan who doesn’t take stress at all. I will make him so happy he will forget Alisha’s tragedy. Durga says you can do anything. Guddan says let’s go.

Guddan comes to AJ’s office. She says I had to meet AJ. Call him outside. The receptionist says sir didn’t come to the restaurant today. Guddan says no he had a very important meeting. The receptionist says but he put all the meetings on hold for a personal matter. Durga says what personal matter that you don’t know? Call him, please. Guddan calls but he doesn’t pick. Guddan says where could he go? Did Antara do anything? Durga says she is in jail. Durga says let’s go home. Guddan says I am really worried. We should go and find him. I can see his live location. Let’s go there.

AJ is in a deserted place. He says where is she? Guddan is waiting for me. Antara comes there and says how is Guddan? AJ says she is better and that’s how she should be. Antara says I only want you to live happily with your child. I don’t deserve a home. AJ says I hope Alisha’s loss has made you a better person. I hope that’s the case. Guddan says I am really worried. Why would he come to a place like this? Durga says he would be fine. AJ says why did you call me here? This is the last time I am meeting you. I have arranged your passport and everything. Say what you want. Antara sees the car coming. Antara says one last hug. AJ says that can never happen. Antara says for Alisha? AJ says we aren’t alike. I am not like you. AJ says we are different. Antara says please once for Alisha. AJ says whatever. Antara hug him. Durga says AJ.. Who is he hugging? Guddan gets out of the car and sees AJ with Antara. Guddan is shocked. Durga is dazed as well. AJ sees Guddan. Guddan recall AJ lying to her and Antara being arrested. 

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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