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Guddan Updates - Sunday 19 February 2023

AJ says listen Guddan. It isn’t what you think. Let’s go home, I will tell you everything. I have done all this for you and our baby. Please try to understand. I know what are you thinking. Guddan recalls AJ making promises to her. AJ says are you listening? Guddan shoves him. AJ says you have to listen to me. Trust me, please. It’s not what you think. I did this to keep Antara away. Guddan sits in her car. AJ says Guddan please listen.. He screams. Guddan and Durga leave.

Guddan is crying. Durga try to console her. AJ comes home. Dadi says is it all true what Durga told me? AJ says let me tell Guddan, I will explain everything. Dadi says to Antara. You Weren’t you in jail? What is happening here? Antara says I will explain everything to you. Saru says this house is so boring without you. I am glad you’re back. The sixer that you hit last time and now you killed your own daughter. Durga says shut up Saru. And you, tell us what is your side of the story? Antara says I didn’t plan anything. AJ asked me for help. Durga says AJ would never ask you for help. Antara says he can do anything for Guddan. Guddan think I killed Alisha. And she think I would kill her child too. How can I kill my princess? How can I do the same to Guddan? Thank God AJ knew. He knew Guddan won’t trust me. He asked me to help him and I did. Did I fo wrong? Dadi says shut up. AJ will talk to Guddan. Their relationship isn’t weak. You can’t come between them. I trust them.

AJ says please trust me Guddan. Please try to understand. I went there for you and our baby. Guddan break something and says fix it? He ties it. Guddan says you tied it but this knot tells you that once it was broken. It isn’t as strong as we thought it was. It is like our relationship that has a knot now.
Guddan says our reltionship is like that too. It’s broken. AJ says please don’t say that. We made so many promises for our child. Guddan says but you broke it. All promises were lies. AJ says what are you saying? Guddan says don’t act innocent. I will show you everything.

Saru says Antara, you’re such a player. Antara says to Saru you did a fabulous job by changing their phone cases. Antara says a girl can tolerate anything but cheating. When she sees her husband hugging another woman. Antara says this crack will never fill up. AJ and Guddan will be parted. She breaks a globe with a couple’s dolls in it.

Gudadn bring AJ to roofs. She asys eveything is ruined like your promises. How could you do this to me? How could you lie to me? What was my mistake. This destruction is proof of your lies. You fooled me. AJ says I did it for you and our baby. Guddan says you did a drama with Antara for the baby? AJ says I promised you I will keep you and my baby away from Antara. Guddan says what about the promise to get Alisha justice and put Antara behind the bars? AJ says we can’t send her behind the bars because she has not done anything. Guddan says so you trust her over me? AJ says no. But I have seen proofs of her innocence. She can’t kill her daughter. Guddan says she did kill Alisha. She changed the proofs. She told me she killed Alisha. You trust her over me? AJ says please calm down. I know you’re very emotional and protective about our baby. She isn’t a harm. Guddan says you want me to trust her after she killed our daughter? If you can trust her and stand with her, I can’t stand with you. Once again she used you and you’re on her side. I can’t trust you anymore. I will keep this child away from you. You broke all your promises. I will decide what happens in my life because your life decisions would involve Antara. AJ says stop saying that. Guddan says then you stop trusting her. I can’t let my child be around Antara. I am enough for my child alone.

Guddan lights fire and takes rounds around it alone. Guddan says I won’t let you be a priority of my child. My child’s problems would only be mine. I will take care of my child alone. You have nothing to do with him. I will teach him value of trust so he doesn’t do this with anyone. I will make my child so strong that he never has to bow down in front of you. Whatever happens, I will never let him be like you. People who lie and trust liars, I won’t let him be that. AJ says Guddan please. Guddan says like you cheated on me, I will teach him a lesson out of it. My child and I would be in front of you but never close to you. AJ is shocked. He says what are you saying? I am your life partner. Guddan says I don’t forget my promises. I will fulfil them. AJ says please dont’ say that Guddan. I did all this for you and our child. Guddan says you only fooled me. You hugged Antara, met her behind my back, lied to me. I don’t know what to do. If I could, I would run away from this house. I won’t let my child suffer because of you. I don’t think we are even ready for this child. She leaves.

AJ sits there and recalls what Guddan said. Guddan cry inside. AJ is crying as well. AJ looks at everything destroyed. The song judai plays. Guddan hug the toys and cry. Antara comes and says hi. Guddan says how dare you to come here? Antara says I am here to meet your baby. Kids love stories. Let me tell him a story. She says there were king and queen. They were really happy. They loved each other and they were expecting. They didn’t know, you would be the reason for their separation. I am very proud of you. Guddan says shut up. Guddan is about to slap her. Antara says you don’t even have worth of touching me. I told you I will be back. I killed Alisha. There’s nothing you can do. I separated you and AJ. I took everything from you. You will be a burden in this house now. She leaves. Guddan is in tears. Guddan says why did you do this AJ. She cry.

Guddan comes downstairs. AJ look at her. Guddan is walking out. AJ holds her hand and says where are you going? Guddan says I am going home to my papa. AJ says this is your home and your condition.. Guddan says I am in this condition because of you. Promise me on this child you won’t come in my way or I will do anything. She leaves. AJ is in tears. Dadi comes to him. AJ says I am not lying. I did all this for my baby and Guddan. I can never cheat on her. I don’t know how to make her understand. She isn’t listening. Dadi says don’t cry. Let me tell you a story from my childhood. Dadi says once heart and mind loved each other, they fought who loves more. It got so big, heart and mind didn’t understand each other. Then mind said, talking won’t work. You have to show love. Mind took out everything and only gave space to the heart. Heart stopped beating to show that it loved the mind more. In this stupid war to show who loves more, they both died. Love is about keeping it not competing. Your intention wasn’t wrong but your way was. To save her from stress, you broke her trust. Trust takes time to regain. You can fix it. She would change, but life is about change. I know you two can’t live without each other. It would take time but everything would be fine. AJ says I can give her time, but I hope she doesn’t take the stress. I can’t see her like this. Dadi says she is hurt. She went to her papa. Everyone will take care of her there.
Guddan is walking on the street. She recalls her moments with AJ. Guddan recalls AJ making promises and then hugging Antara. AJ said Antara is innocent. Antara is behind her in a car. She says I will use your anger against AJ. It will part you two. You will stop hoping for him to be in your life. Antara drives towards Guddan. She is about to hit her but she stops. Guddan faints. She says God, please protect my child. Antara comes out of her car. She says I wish I could send you to God. But I can’t. If you leave the world, who would entertain me? I want to see you dying every moment? Let me show you the next surprise. She takes Guddan in her car.

Guddan wakes up in a hospital. There are doctors inside. The doctor says you met an accident. We have to do an operation to save your baby. It can risk your life as well. Guddan says please save my baby. I promised AJ. Please call AJ. The doctor says we can’t wait for him. Please sign this form, it says hospital won’t be responsible for anything. Please sign it. Guddan signs it and faints. She says please save my child.

AJ calls Bhushan and says what? Guddan didn’t reach there? Bhushan says she had to come here? She didn’t tell me. Is she okay? Where did she go? AJ says oh sorry. She just came in. She went for a walk. He says it’s okay. Please take care of her. He hangs up. Dadi says you lied to Bhushan? AJ says what else could I do? Guddan doesn’t understand anything when she’s angry. What if anything happens to her or our baby. Dadi says is our Guddan. She will take care of herself. Antara says what happened? Where did Guddan go? Dadi says file an FIR. Durga says we have to find her on our own first. AJ gets a call from the hospital. The nurse says your wife’s in a bad condition. Please come here. AJ rush to the hospital.

AJ comes to the hospital and asks about Guddan. The receptionist says she in ward 8. The doctor asks Guddan how do you feel? She says, my child. The doctor says you will feel weakness for a few days. As per your instruction, we have done your abortion. Guddan is shocked. 

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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