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Guddan Updates - Sunday 5 February 2023

Guddan Asks Alisha About The Blackmailer. Alisha Tells Guddan Vikrant Is Her Blackmailer

Guddan come to Alisha’s room. She get scared and wakes up. Guddan says it’s me. Don’t be scared. I am with you. I am your mother, I won’t let anything happen to you. Tell me who is it? Alisha looks at the camera. Guddan says we don’t have time, I will get you out of this trouble. 

Vikrant look at his phone. He says Guddan in Alisha’s room. 

Alisha says go from here. Guddan says I know you’re hiding something. Tell me who is forcing you to do all this. Alisha says I will keep giving you pain. Get out of here. I am doing all this to see you cry. I can see everything you can’t see. I will ruin your life. Never come back to my room without knocking. Guddan says it’s all my mistake that I come back to help you every time. I won’t care anymore. Guddan leave. Alisha says in heart I am sorry Guddan. I can’t tell you, I know he is watching all this.

Vikrant wonder what’s going on. He says did Alisha double-cross me? 

Guddan says Alisha was trying to say something. He has eyes on her and that’s why she couldn’t say anything. 

Vikrant come to Alisha’s room and grasp her hair. Vikrant says why did Guddan come here? Alisha says she was asking me what’s wrong. You can watch in the recording. Vikrant says if you try to fool me, you have no idea what I can do to you. He leave.

Guddan says Alisha was trying to tell me his name. She gave me a clue that he is keeping an eye on her. She is trapped. AJ says I can’t trust her. I don’t want to repeat my mistakes. I have to be careful. Guddan says you have to help me. I can’t solve this alone. AJ says you are never alone. We can’t let her be in trouble. I will go and talk to Alisha and end all this. Guddan says that man has planned everything. We can’t be impulsive. AJ says I can’t wait for the right time. Guddan hold him and says please keep your anger in control. You’re mature, why are you acting like me? Count till 10 and calm down. AJ says okay, we will do it your way. Guddan says wait till tomorrow and we will solve it.
The next morning, Alisha recall what Vikrant said. Someone put hand on her mouth and pull her in a store. Alisha screams and says I didn’t tell anyone. Please don’t hit me. Perv says who scared you, Alisha? Who is doing all this? Alisha says there’s no such thing. He shows her the letter. Perv says tell me who is doing this? Who is forcing you? You can’t hide the truth from me. Alisha says who are you to question me? This paper is trash. No one can control me. She leave. Perv comes out and says Alisha, please listen. Vikrant come. He says what’s happening? Perv says I was looking for something. Vikrant says do you need my help? He says no it’s just a paper. Vikrant ask Alisha do I need to know anything? She says no everything is right.

Revati come to Guddan and says you’re worried here and your daughter there? Guddan says you are not my sister anymore, why asking all this? Revati says asking as an enemy. It makes me happy when you’re in trouble. Guddan says I can’t make you happy. Go from here. Revati says what was that letter? She said yes by tucking her hair. Am I right? Guddan says I have nothing to tell you. Revati says I will find out one way or another.  Laxmi says Guddan, what letter was she talking about? Guddan says there’s something that’s troubling her. Now Revati knows as well. Laxmi says they will take advantage of it. Guddan says I have to find out who that is. I know how to do it.

Guddan gets floor seating setup. AJ says what is all this? She says there’s such a stressed environment in the house. We can play passing the pillow. Dadi says really? Guddan says I am really stressed. It’s making me so hungry. Let’s play this game. AJ says there can be other ways. Guddan says we need this game, it will make the environment light. Perv says there’s something behind this game. AJ says would this game help? I am not interested. Guddan says you have to be everywhere. Moments like these are life. He agrees. Guddan says to everyone else, let’s play. Guddan says in heart through this game, I will find out who that person is.
Everyone sits down for the game. Guddan whispers to Alisha, play a song when the pillow is in that person’s hand stop the music. I will get who he is. Alisha says I don’t want to play all this. Guddan says I knew you won’t as always, I will control your game. I will control the music. Alisha says what do I care. The game starts. Guddan says in heart don’t be scared, Alisha, just show me who that person is. Alisha starts the music. Alisha is about to stop the music. Vikrant get a call and goes out. Alisha doesn’t stop the music. Revati says Alisha why are you not stopping the music. I will play music. Alisha says I will stop it when I want to too. Revati says you go I will play the music. Revati stop on dadi. Laxmi says dadi, you have to sing for us. Dadi says no I can’t. Guddan says please. Vardan says you sing so well. AJ says please. Dadi sings tujhse naraz nahi zindagi. Vikrant comes back in and says ma used to sing every day when we were in college. Alisha says Revati ruined the plan. How do I tell Guddan the person? Guddan says in heart I have to stop Revati. The music stops on Guddan. Revati says where are you going Guddan? Why are you not playing now? Dadi says Guddan knows how to make everyone happy. Dadi says Guddan you and AJ dance on a romantic song. Revati says she is a mommy now. Her son in law is here too. AJ says I won’t dance. Guddan says we will dance. Guddan take his hand and they both dance on tu nazm nazm. Everyone clap. Guddan says Revati, you also come here and play. You’re doing the music right. Revati says no one has any problem. She stops music on Perv. Perv says I should also dance with my wife if Guddan like. He hold Revati’s hand and says Alisha play music. Revati says what are you doing? He says do as I say. Revati and Perv dance. Perv says to Revati Alisha has to play the music. There’s something big going to happen. Wait and watch. Guddan says in heart now Alisha can tell me who that person is.

Alisha plays the music. Alisha stops on Vikrant. Guddan is dazed. Guddan look at Alisha. Alisha nod. Perv gets it too. Revati says I will give task. Revati says you should say something romantic for your wife. You’re married, you never proposed to her. AJ says shut up Revati. He says I don’t want to play. AJ leaves.

Guddan comes to AJ and says Alisha told me who that person is. AJ says who?

Perv says to Revati this was so much fun. I have something big to tell you. Perv says Guddan doesn’t know I am ahead of her. I heard what Guddan said to Alisha. Revati says that means? Revati is shocked.

Guddan says I asked Alisha to stop it on the person who is blackmailing her. She stopped it at Vikrant. He is the one who is doing this to her. 

Perv says yes Revati, he is the real mastermind. He is blackmailing Alisha. 

AJ says I will kill him. Guddan says calm down. 

Revati says so AJ and Guddan know now? Perv says we have to go and tell Vikrant before AJ comes to him. He is our friend now.

AJ comes to Vikrant’s room. He is close to Alisha. AJ says how dare you touch my daughter. AJ hit Vikrant. Vikrant says what are you doing. AJ says you tortured and blackmailed her. Revati says AJ and Guddan reached here before us. Vikrant says why would I do this? He show her a written with blood on his chest. He says Alisha carved this on my chest. She was forcing me. She did all this.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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