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Guddan Updates - Thursday 16 February 2023

Antara says people are right. Antara can never change. I am the master player of this game. I made a re-entry. You’re the main lead of this story. With your help I will ruin Guddan’s life. She won’t even know who did it. Alisha is crying. Antara says now you will do exactly what I ask.

Alisha cries at night and recalls what Antara said. Alisha says only Guddan can help me. Alisha comes to Guddan. Guddan says what happened? Alisha hug her. Guddan says did you cry? What happened? Antara says what would she say? She met me after a while so she is emotional. Thank you because of you I am able to spend time with her. Guddan leave.

Antara hits Alisha and says I shouldn’t have done a favor on you. You haven’t seen my demo. Let me show you. She brings her to shower and puts her under it and says cry under it. No one should see your tears. now listen, I am not your mother. Guddan isn’t your mother either. The moment she finds out AJ isn’t your father and she will kick you out. AJ think you’re his blood, he is an egoistic man. He will throw you out of the house in a moment. I can even burn you. She gives her towel. She says you have no other option but to help me. You’re my investment and you have to give me results. You have to arrange my stay here forever.
Everyone comes to the breakfast table. Antra brings the trolly and says Alisha asked me to cook so I made poha for everyone. Alisha says I am so excited. Thank you ma. Dadi says I am not hungry, Laxmi says neither am I, Durga says neither am I. Guddan says we can all eat for Alisha. You all have to eat too, please. Antra serves everyone. Alisha says it’s so tasty. Antra says eat it for two days. Alisha says if you go I will go too. AJ says what are you saying. Guddan says you will never leave us. Dadi says I will be really mad if you say something like this. Alisha coughs, Guddan gives her water. Guddan says are you okay? Come with me. She takes her to the room. Durga says Alisha and Guddan have such a good bond. Antra says looks like they have a good relationship now. AJ says Guddan became her mother with her love and affection. Antra says Alisha will always be scared of me. She knows Guddan can never help us.

Guddan says Alisha, how were you eating. All your clothes are dirty. Alisha says why do you love me like this? When I am not even your own blood. Guddan says why did you ask that? Do you doubt my love? Alisha says I was wondering if I wasn’t related to this house anyway, would you still love me? Guddan says ma Yashoda didn’t give birth to Kanha ji. But she was so close to him like ma Devki. Alisha hugs her and says you have loved me more than my real mother. No one is more important than you. Guddan says you made me Yashoda ma right? I know you must have a lot of feelings at the moment. Take your time, everything would be fine. I know you love Antra. But I love you as well. I will never let you go anywhere. Alisha hugs her.

AJ says do you think we did right by keeping Antra here? Guddan says I did it all for Alisha. Antra is her real mother. We can’t part them. AJ says we are all here for her. You’re her mother. You gave her the vision to see life. Antra only ruined her life. She was in jail because of Antra. Alisha doesn’t need you. She has the world’s best mother. Guddan says I know but it’s for two days only. I also want to give her all the love. Make her successful. AJ says and one day we both do her Kanyadaan.

Alisha recalls what Antra said. Antra comes and says don’t shed tears. Have some juice. It’s so difficult to pretend to be nice. Alisha says do you have any shame? You’re fooling such nice people? Antra says have the juice. Alisha throws it and says I don’t want it. You can’t force me. Go and tell AJ and Guddan everything. Your love is fake, Guddan isn’t. She won’t leave me. Antra says do you know what would happen when they know the truth? Alisha says nothing would happen. They will love me anyway. I will go and tell Guddan everything. Antra gives her an injection. She says now run fast.
Alisha runs inside and screams. She says Guddan ma, AJ.. She cries. Guddan comes and says what happened are you okay? Alisha says I want to tell you something. She faints. AJ takes her to the sofa and says what happened Alisha? Everyone is worried. Durga gives her water. Everyone is worried. Antra says in heart you will get a stroke that will make you useless. Antra says please call a doctor. AJ says it looks like a stroke. Everyone is worried. AJ says take her to the doctor. Alisha tries to tell them but she can’t. Alisha faints completely. Everyone is worried. Guddan screams and says Alisha open your eyes. Guddan cries and says this can’t happen to Alisha. Everyone is in shock. AJ says Alisha has left us.

Guddan and Akshat are utterly shocked and stunned with the sudden death of Alisha. The veneration of the funeral of Alisha is going in the Jindal Bhawan. Guddan is remembering the words of Alisha and is feeling heartbroken. AJ comes there with the pot of ashes of Alisha and is reminiscing the moments they spent together and how Alisha used to feel good being with him and Guddan.

The priest calls for the mother of the child and everyone asks for Antara, AJ feels disgusted to call her but Guddan made him go and call her for the sake of ritual and for the sake of Alisha’s last rites completion. AJ goes to call Antara to complete the rituals, he knocks on the door and says without you the process will not get complete. Antara opens the door and AJ gets shocked to see the state of the room of Antara and it looks devastating. Antara asks ashes? You burnt down my princess? She walks out from there and AJ calls for her but she didn’t listen to him and goes down. Antara does drama in front of the family and behaves as if she is very much hurt with the whole thing. Antara suddenly goes from there and brings kerosene and try to burn herself. Everyone is shocked and moved with her activities but Guddan remains unmoved from her place and sits there quietly. Saraswati noticed her behaviour and finds it shocking. Antara faints and AJ brings her to her room and everyone in the house get up from the puja.

Saraswati try to instigate Laxmi and Durga against Guddan but they didn’t go under her spell. Saru says I am not a puppet of Guddan and I will say what I feel like. Saru keeps on bad mouthing about Guddan and Laxmi says can’t you stop speaking nonsense? Durga asks keep in mind the situation of the house and behaves accordingly. Durga asks Laxmi not to react on the evil words of Saru and we know about the noble intentions of Guddan and that is what is enough.

Antara is sitting alone in the pool area of the house where Dadi comes to meet her. Dadi comes to give Antara a shawl as the weather becomes windy and cold with time. Dadi asks Antara to take care of herself and asks her to go inside but she remains unmoved from the place and Guddan comes there to meet Antara. She says I used to think Alisha as my daughter and I am also think childless.

Guddan injects Antara with the same injection and Antara behaves panicked at firsts and then she speaks up about her plan to Guddan. Guddan says I wish I can kill you with my own hand. Why did you kill Alisha, she was such a full of life kid. Antara says I will throw you out of the house and says I will become Mrs. Akshat Jindal once again. Guddan says I am also not changed at all and I will make you out of the house soon. Guddan and Antara both goes into a cold war zone.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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