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Guddan Updates - Thursday 2 February 2023

Vikrant comes to his room. He says it was fun to see that pain on your face. The pain of a father being helpless. It made me so happy. Now my revenge will start. I will avenge everything. That Alisha thinks she did all this. But she doesn’t know I made her do all that. She is a pawn and she doesn’t even know. The real enemy is here. And I won’t fight from the front. AJ, your family is over.

Revati says to Guddan wow Alisha made one hell of a plan. Is your heart so hurt that you can’t answer? I felt the same way when you took my Angad from me. Guddan isn’t done yet. 

Vikrant says they will never get my plan. They didn’t get it from day one. I saw your daughter and realized she will be my pawn. And she did the same. FB shows Vikrant hearing Alisha calling her thugs. He says I let her accuse me and then everyone trusted her. He laughs. Vikrant says to Alisha you’re ruining my life. If you are so mad at them, you can marry me. But you won’t do that right? Because it’s wrong right? Then take this case back. He says this story is of my revenge. I will use her anger for my benefit. This is my revenge. I planted that seed of marrying me in her mind. I will burn this house down.

Guddan says I won’t let my daughter ruin her life. I have defeated you all. This won’t happen this time. Revati says but she is your daughter. Guddan says she made a mistake but her mom is here to show her the right path. Like every time, Guddan can do this. I will do it right in front of you. Revati leave in anger.

AJ is upset. Vikrant comes to him and says I am sorry for what happened. AJ says I should apologize to you. Your life is made hell since you came here. I wanted you to start a new life. First Alisha accused you and now this. I never wanted all this for you. Vikrant says you’re my brother. AJ says I will help you get out of this marriage. I never knew Alisha would do this to you. I am so sorry. Vikrant says in heart I will show you the mirror and make you go through what I did.

Vikrant come to Alisha. He says we have null and void this marriage. You have to come with me and sign the papers. Alisha says do you want to go to jail? He says I have become a joke in my circle. Think about your papa, please. I promised AJ I will handle this. Please, we have to end it. Alisha says go from here before I lose my mind. Get lost now. Alisha says in heart I never knew this would this easy. I will ruin this house using you as a pawn. Such an emotionally fool family.
Some women come to AJ’s house and protest against them. Guddan says what is all this? She says we are society. We are here for answers. Guddan says you can’t shout at us in our house. Dadi says this is our home. The woman says your family has no shame. Dadi says who told you all that? Alisha says I called them. I had to get my much dikhai done. Thank you for coming. The woman says why did you marry in this age? We are all with you. We know Guddan is your stepmom. Did she pressurize you? We will all help you. A girl says this Guddan wants all of AJ’s wealth and she got Alisha married to an old man to get rid of her. Vikrant says shut up. You’re all wrong. Alisha says this is my husband Vikrant. Alisha says my dad married a young girl so I did the same. The woman says what else would a kid learn in a household like this. AJ says enough. You have no right to decide what’s right and wrong. This is our personal space. You better leave right now. They leave. Reporters come in. they say what is all this Mr. AJ? You got your daughter married to her molester? Vikrant says so much is left to go through. Reporter says are you doing this to end that case? Guddan says go from here. We showed you a trailer last time, better go before we show you the whole movie.

Guddan asks the media to leave. AJ says to Alisha how weak will you make me? Guddan takes Alisha upstairs. Vikrant says this is just the beginning. Guddan gives Alisha a knife and says kill me and take your revenge. Kill me and avenge your mother’s death. I can’t see AJ like this. I felt so bad when I saw that shame on his face. You are his princess. Why are you making him cry? Alisha says these tears are the answer of your questions. I am burning. You killed my mom. AJ says you want to hurt the Guddan who was the right mother to you? We are not weak. We are just parents. Only kids can make parents this weak. We will save you even if you don’t want it. He hold Guddan’s hand. AJ take Guddan away from there.

Dadi prays. Laxmi says Dadi please eat. She says this house feels like a battlefield. Why is God doing this to me. Laxmi says everything will be fine. Saru says this is all right. Dadi says shut up. Saru says a snake’s child is also a snake. It has to hiss. This is Guddan’s mistake. Why is she forcing to be Alisha’s mom. She can’t change a snake. God is doing right to us. Alisha must have started her next plan.

Alisha cooks kheer and says I got married. I have to make my first kheer. All of this pain to them.
Perv says AJ and Guddan will cry after eating this burned food. You are playing sixers all the time. You’re playing so well. Don’t kill them though. Alisha says you helped me. He says only I ordered the food and now you’re burning it. She says this food will serve as salt on their bruises. Perv says all the best. She leaves. Vikrant comes there and says idiot girl. Real fun would be when they all end up in hospital. He adds something in the food.
Guddan says to dadi, we can’t say no to the food. Please come eat. Dadi says our family is enemy of each other. Guddan says nothing would happen. Don’t worry about Alisa. I will bring her on right path. Alisha says eat. Stop the lectures. I made all this food. This is my first cooking after getting married. Guddan says we will all eat. Sit everyone. Alisha serves everyone food. Revati says I won’t eat this burned food. Perv whispers i have ordered food for us separately.
Everyone eats the burned food. Alisha says why are they not reacting? AJ coughs. Guddan gives him water. She says are you okay? Guddan says only good can win over evil. Vikrant wonders why is the medicine not working?

Vikrant comes to his room and says why didn’t the medicine affect them? They should have all fainted. Alisha comes in and says this is the vegetable they didn’t eat. I saw you mixing the medicine. What do you want to get? You do such a drama of being nice. you called media right? Your game is over. Tell me what’s your mission. Vikrant grasp her hair and says I have more enemies than your age. Don’t threaten me. I wanted to send them all to hospital. What will you do? The case you filed on me, I knew about your plan already. I made you accuse me. I fooled you into getting married to me. I made you marry me. Everything is going as per my plan. Who gave you the idea of this wedding? He grasps her hair. Alisha says leave me. He says now you see how I used you as a pawn and take my revenge from AJ. I am the real master player here and will always be. Guddan sees them.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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