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Guddan Updates - Thursday 9 February 2023

Saru comes to Durag’s room with arti. She says welcome back. Durga says don’t do this drama. I know you very well. Saru says I always knew only you can fight Guddan. They’re all dazed. Durga says they had to suffer. They sent me and my child to jail. This is time to get my power back. Saru does her arti. Laxmi comes and throws it away. Laxmi says I didn’t expect this from you. Why? Durga says when you are in jail with a pregnant child you will know why am I doing this. Guddan will payback. Saru says I am with you. Laxmi says I am with Guddan. Saru says you come on our side as well. Laxmi says you people are with a demon. I will see who wins.

AJ says what do I do with people of this house? How can I fight my own family? She plays music. Guddan says massage my head. AJ says are you crazy? Guddan says I work with my instinct. So I want you to massage my head and tell me that story. AJ says what story? Guddan says you also need a head massage. AJ tells her the story. AJ says he wrote in the end ‘this too shall pass’. Guddan says see, why don’t you implement that? Everything passes. We will fight it together. AJ says if we are together we can do anything.

AJ says if we are together, we can fix anything. Vikrant comes in clapping and says wow, you find time to be romantic in such intense situations too. Durga comes in too. AJ says you.. Vikrant says you both are my servants. Servants don’t have such big rooms to sleep in. Guddan says shut up. Durga says you can’t do anything but to bow down to your fate. Vikrant says come let me show you your new place. He takes them to the hall. Everyone has sheets there. Dadi is fixing them. AJ says ma please don’t do this. Vikrant says I could set it up in the garden but this is where servants used to sleep always. This was Durga’s idea. Guddan says do you have any shame Durga? Durga says I learned it from you. Vikrant says sleep now and start working tomorrow. Alisha says it’s all my mistake. If I go to jail you won’t be tortured like this. AJ says it isn’t your mistake. Guddan says we are together, that’s enough. AJ says yes we are a single unit. Dadi says yes, we can face anything together. Laxmi says yes. No one can take our happiness from us. Guddan says let’s sleep. Alisha says I will sleep with AJ and Guddan ma. I will sleep well here. Guddan says I have to find a way to stop this Vikrant. Vikrant comes with a flashlight. AJ says what are you doing? He says enjoying seeing your family sleep in trouble like this. You can’t protect your family. Your entire family is sleeping like servants. AJ says we are sleeping like a family. They are content. Their hearts are clean. My family is my everything. You can’t take them from me. Vikrant says they will all leave you. You will be alone. You will be like a stray dog. You won’t even get a glass of water. This is my promise. Guddan gets up. AJ says I know how to handle him. Guddan says did you listen what did he say? AJ says don’t worry. Guddan says I will show him his worth.

Vikrant wakes up. It’s all full of smoke. He comes downstairs. He says where is everyone? What is this smoke? Guddan is wearing a mask and so is everyone. He says what is this? Stop it. Durga says what is this. She coughs. Guddan says the kitchen is locked. All the taps aren’t working. Vikrant coughs and says I need water. AJ has a glass of water. Vikrant says give me water. You know I have a problem. Give it to me. Aj gives him a glass of water. Vikrant drinks it and breathes. Guddan says you said AJ won’t get a glass of water? But why is it the other way round? You took everything from me. We will take our rights and our everything back. AJ says you can never win from my family’s unity. Vikrant says I am not wrong. Guddan says your path is wrong. You will only harm yourself in the end. You will realize soon. Vikrant leaves.

Vikrant breaks things in anger and says Guddan made me beg? Durga says it’s not easy to win from her. She is a servant. Make her realize that. I know how to hurt them.
Guddan massages Alisha’s head and dadi massage Guddan’s. Alisha says you do it so well. AJ says she learned it from me. Durga throws dirty clothes on them and says playing family? You’re all servants here. Don’t forget. Wear these servant uniforms. AJ you too. Guddan says he is your FIL. You have forgotten all the limits. You can’t talk to him like this. Vikrant says servants can’t say we don’t respect them. Follow our orders only. Get into your dress code and arrange our party. Durga says we have invited the entire city. The servants will do all the preparations. Guddan says we won’t do any such thing. Vikrant says you don’t have any option. If you say no. AJ says you will send Alisha to jail? She isn’t alone. We are all with her. No work is shameful. Your thoughts are shameful. I can do anything for Alisha’s happiness and safety. Vikrant says wear it then. The entire city will see you in the servant’s constume. Guddan says in heart you see what I do now Vikrant.

Perv comes and dances with Revati. He says Vikrant has hosted a huge party. We will dance like owners and everyone else will be servants and waiters. Saru says so they will be servants? Wow, this would be fun. I waited so long for this day. I will get ready like a queen. I will make Laxmi work so much. Perv says see we will enjoy now and they will serve us. Saru says this will be fun.

AJ gets ready in the costume. He looks at Guddan. Guddan says won’t you say I look good? AJ says I run out of words. He says you look gorgeous. She says thank you. AJ says you look happy? Guddan says your smile makes my day. It kills all the stress. Everything feels better when you’re with me. AJ says when I see you I feel like the luckiest person on this planet. Alisha comes there and says wow romance. My friends’ parents keep fighting but you two love each other. I am responsible for all this stress. Guddan says stop saying that. Let me tell you the solution. Let me tell you how are we positive in this stressful circumstance. That is because we are always together. If you want to stay positive, always think we are all with you. Everyone comes there. Laxmi says we will kick that Vikrant out. Dadi says yes. Guddan says see how he becomes a joke in front of everyone. AJ says what have you planned now? Guddan says just wait and watch.
Vikrant, Saru, Durga, Revati, and Perv come downstairs. He says where are all the servants? Guddan says we are here. Durga says finally wearing their worth. Vikrant says this looks good on you AJ. Guddan says you have such a huge party. Why do you have all the attention towards us? See the guests are coming. Welcome them. Dadi says let’s go and receive them. All the guests come in wearing red and black. Guddan told everyone this was a theme. Saru says wow how will people think they’re servants. Guddan says I thought everyone should wear this dress code. They would look good like us as well. Didn’t you see the invitation letter? I will get your new spectacles. Come enjoy the party. Wait, no one knows you. Durga goes upstairs in anger.

AJ meets everyone. Saru says Durga, your first bomb failed. Durga says not a single more word. Guddan didn’t win. She will remain a servant. Everyone will know their worth. Saru says what will you do? Durga says just wait and see how they get insulted in the party. Dadi says Guddan you saved our name. Thank you. Guddan says Durga and Vikrant will plan something now. The lights go off. A spotlight is on Guddan and the family. Durga comes on stage and says you all must be wondering why do they have a light on them? That’s because their position in this house has changed. Let me tell you who they are. A man says we all know who they are. AJ is one of the most famous chefs in India. Durga says wrong. They’re something else now. I will introduce them.

Durga says Dadi is now the senior supervisor of the servants here. Senior servant. She can’t do anything. We still gave her work. Laxmi is now a servant as well. She does the cleaning. AJ is angry. Alisha is the youngest servant. Intern servant. She will learn about her work from her parents. Vardan, he will work on the trash. Now AJ, entire city knows him as chef. So he will cook here.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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