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Guddan Updates - Wednesday 22 February 2023

Dadi is crying. Guddan says please don’t cry. Dadi says what else should I do? AJ is marrying Antara. This injustice in front of you. Guddan says I am 2020 girl. I won’t cry. I will fix everything. I will stop this wedding, trust me.

Guddan comes to the room and sees Laxmi and Revati faint there. She wakes them up. Guddan says are you okay? how did this happen? Laxmi says they hit us and went to stop Durga. Revati says we have to save Durga and the proof. Guddan says I was already worried for Durga. Why did you send her? I have to go and find them. Laxmi says you have to stop this wedding. Guddan says I am really worried about Durga. Revati says give me this one chance. I won’t let anything happen to Durga and her child. You stay here and stop this wedding. Guddan says I will stop this wedding at any cost.
Antara gets ready and says I look so gorgeous. I have crossed all the limits. The victory look so good on me. I will be Mrs. Jindal. All the property would be mine. I should go. Guddan comes there. Antara says you are here to take me downstairs? Did you give up right? It would look so good if you take me downstairs. Guddan is about to spray something on her face. Antara stops her and says you can’t stop me today. So you’re doing things like me? Guddan says yes, it doesn’t suit me. I have to stoop to your standard to stop this wedding. Antara sprays it on her. Guddan faints. Antara laughs and says you can never be like me. You won’t be able to attend your husband’s wedding.

Antara comes downstairs. Antra says I was a little worried. I called my pandit ji. He said the wedding should be done in 15 minutes. Pandit says okay sit. She sits next to AJ. Pandit ji says we can do it in 15 minutes. You have to stay in ghunghat for your own good. He won’t see your face. AJ says I don’t care. Antara puts her face under the ghunghat. Antara says in 15 minutes I will ruin your life Guddan and I will become the owner of this house and AJ’s life. Dadi says in heart I know who your eyes are looking for. You love her. Why are you doing this? I have to go and see Guddan.

Dadi looks for Guddan. She is nowhere. Dadi says God, please stop this wedding. Please don’t let it happen. Dadi checks everywhere. Guddan is nowhere. Dadi peeks inside the closet. Guddan is there, fainted. Dadi brings her out.
Perv and his goons stop Durga’s car. Kishor reverses. Saru is there. Saru says come out. Perv says welcome. We have arranged so many people to welcome you. Give us the proofs. Durga says you won’t get it. And saru you’re doing so wrong. Perv says we are the same family. Saru says we don’t want to harm you. We respect you. Perv says let’s solve it with love. Give me the proofs. Durga says okay take this drive. She throws it away. Saru says are you crazy. They look for the drive. Durga gives a drive to Kishor and says run. Everyone runs after Kishor. She says in heart I knew they would do something like this. I gave a fake drive to Kishor and have the real one. She sits in the car and says I have to take it home.

Dadi give Guddan water. Dadi says how did this happen? Guddan says this wedding can’t happen. Please trust me, I didn’t kill my child. She killed my child and Alisha. She hit me. Dadi says I am with you. Please stop this wedding. I am with you on everything.

Pandit ji says who would tie the knot? AJ says ma would. Where is she? Let me bring her. Antara says he shouldn’t leave the mandap. She pretends to cry. AJ says are you okay? Antara says I know you’re doing this wedding to take revenge from Guddan. If you want, we can still stop it. AJ says I am doing it as per my choice. This wedding would happen. Pandit ji ties their knot. He says stand up for the rounds.

Durga’s car stops. She says I have to get home. She looks out for lift. A car stops. Durga sits inside it and says please drop me at my place. Perv and Saru are there. Saru says welcome. Perv says you aren’t as good of a player. Saru says give us the drive. Durga says you will never have it. She runs out. Durga comes to a shed. Perv and Saru come after her. They look for Durga. Perv and Saru look around. Saru screams. Durga hears her and runs. Durga locks them insides. Saru says open it. Perv says what would we do now? Durga runs from there.

Dadi comes to the mandap. Antara says few more minutes, I will be the ruler here. AJ and Durga are taking the rounds. Dadi comes and faint. AJ leaves the wedding and holds her. He says ma are you okay? He takes her upstairs to the room. Antara comes and says is she okay? AJ says I am calling the doctor. Take care of her I am bringing the doctor. Antara says this woman is creating problems in my wedding. I will kill her. Antara says open your eyes. Guddan comes there and sprays on Antara’s face. Antara faints. Dadi gets up. Guddan says I do what I want to. Dadi says take her dress and hide her. AJ calls the doctor. Guddan wears a bridal dress and hides her face. AJ comes in. He touches the spray and bows down to pick it. dadi stops him. He holds her hand. Dadi says I just feel weak. Don’t call the doctor. I am fine. Let’s go downstairs.

Pandit ji says we have to start the wedding again. Guddan sit next to AJ. Guddan says in heart I hope Durga comes with the proofs before everyone. Dadi sees Guddan’s face in the water. She picks it before AJ sees Guddan’s face. Dadi ties their knot.

Durga sits in an auto. She says I have to get home and stop all this. Dadi says I hope my kids are always tied like this. Saru and Perv stop the auto. Perv asks the driver to run. Saru says enough of this game. We are all done. Give us the pen drive. Durga says go from here. I will never give you the drive. Saru says this won’t get you anything. AJ is marrying Antara anyway. Think about your child and give us the drive. Durga says don’t mess with me and never dare to take my child’s name. They hold Durga. Perv takes the drive from Durga. Durga says to return it back. Perv and Saru play catching with. Saru says come take it if you can.

Pandit jia asks Guddan to give her hand to AJ. Dadi says AJ will realize from her hand that it’s not Antra. Dadi places a leaf on Guddan’s hand. AJ and Guddan stand for the rounds. Guddan says where are they? Antra opens eyes. She is tied under the bed.

Perv says until Antara calls and tells us the wedding is complete we will keep playing this game. Throw this drive and let’s go home. They throw the drive. Revati catches it. Laxmi says only Antara will be kicked out of the house. Saru says give us the drive. Perv says give it to me Revati. She gives it to Laxmi. Perv takes out his knife and puts it on durga’s belly. He says give me the pen drive. Durga hits him and they all run and sit in the car. Saru says they ran. What will we do now? Guddan says I hope they come before the wedding is over.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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