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Guddan Updates - Wednesday 8 February 2023:

Vikrant comes in and says removing it won’t end the marriage. Alisha is still my wife. AJ goes to him in anger. AJ says you fled and saved your life. No one can save you now. Vikrant says will you kill your SIL? Your daughter will be a widow. AJ says don’t even dare to take her name. Vikrant says she is my wife. I have right on her and this house. Guddan says shut up. Don’t you dare to take her name? Vikrant says chill. He says see who I brought. A lawyer comes in. AJ says what is all this? Vikrant gives AJ a set of papers. Vikrant says these are the property papers Guddan gave to Alisha. It’s mine now. Your remaining half is mine as well. Vikrant says it has your signature. This house is mine now. Everyone is shocked.

Vikrant says we made a deal to merge our business. You signed those papers. AJ recalls Vikrant asked him to do a partnership and AJ signed the papers without reading. AJ says you tricked me into signing them. Vikrant says I asked you to read but you trusted me. This is a battle and only winning matters. Dadi says shame on you. I considered you my son. AJ considered you a brother. Guddan says go from here before I hit you. AJ says this animal won’t change. AJ says this house is yours but this home and my family is mine. My Guddan is with me. You will live alone here. You were always alone. Saru says I want to live here. Perv says I will live here as well. AJ says we are leaving this house right now. Pack your bags. Vikrant says no stuff. Go empty-handed. Everyone is shocked. Vikrant says everything in this house is mine. Guddan takes off her slipper and says this slipper would also look good on your face. AJ says let’s go, everyone. Vikrant holds Alisha’s hand and says where are you taking her? She is my wife. AJ says leave her hand I will kill you. Vikrant says if you want to live with her stay here. It’s such a big house. We will need servants. Guddan says he deserves a slipper. Vikrant says you’re my MIL you should give me respect. If you live here, I will rule you. I decide what everyone does here. AJ says you think I will take my family and daughter from here. Do what you want? Let’s go. I will see who stops you. Vikrant says you as a father would stop. See how. He calls someone. Police come there and say we are here to arrest Alisha. Mr. Vikrant complained she fooled him into this marriage. We have proof. We have to take action. AJ says stop. AJ says stop this Vikrant. Guddan says she is a kid. They arrest Alisha. Vikrant says my FIL is an angry man. AJ says please stop it. Vikrant says then stay here as my servant. Guddan agrees. Vikrant takes his complaint back. Vikrant says now you know how can I send her back to the jail she came from. Listen to your wife and be my servant. Be my servant and clean my shoes.

Guddan cries and says no AJ. AJ says I have to do this for Alisha. Vikrant says he is mature. Learn from him young guddan. Dadi says I considered you son but you’re a snake. He says AJ gave me my venom and I will return it. Your countdown has started. He goes upstairs.

AJ says to Vikrant it wasn’t my mistake. All that happened wasn’t intentional. Vikrant shoves him and says get out. AJ says you want to be an enemy right? I know how to protect my family. Vikrant says you’re my servant. Get out. Guddan says it’s useless to talk to him.

Vikrant is out. Guddan get son her bike and says now you see what I do. AJ holds her bike and says what are you doing? Gudddan says I have to hit him. It would hurt you too. Don’t you want to be an actress? We don’t have to be like him. Guddan says I am wearing a helmet. Vikrant leaves. Guddan says I could hit him. AJ takes off her helmet. AJ says we have to be here for Alisha. We will make a sane plan against him.

Guddan comes to Alisha and says what are you hiding? She writes in a letter it was all my mistake. Guddan says you want to confess and want to go to jail? Alisha says there’s no other option. I can’t see you all like this. He has asked dadi to do the dishes. Guddan says it feels so good to see you like this. Caring for your family. Vikrant says wow emotional scene going on here. wow she is speaking your language. He grasps Alisha’s hand. Guddan says leave er hand or I will cut your hand. He takes the knife from her and stabs Guddan. Alisha screams says what did you do? Guddan faints.
Alisha screams. Everyone comes there. AJ says who did this? Guddan please open your eyes. Vardan calls the ambulance. Vikrant runs out. He says what did I do? AJ will kill me. He says key, where is the key. There’s a woman there. He says you? What are you doing here?

Guddan opens her eyes. She laughs. Guddan gets up. Guddan says I knew you would miss me. AJ says why this dirty joke? Guddan says to trap Vikrant. It was important to do this drama. This is a tomato. And this knife is fake. AJ says you didn’t have to do all this. Guddan says Vikrant will run away from this house to save himself from a sentence. Vikrant comes in and says wow Guddan what acting. He says I accepted I did this and I was running. Then an angel stopped me. The angel knows how clever you are. The angel told me this could be a drama. You’re dead so I won’t run anywhere. That angel will help me take my revenge who knows you for long. Come in.
Durga enters the house. Everyone is shocked. Vikrant says take your spot. Guddan says how can you help Vikrant? Durga says I was on your side too. What happened? My family sent me to jail for being on your side. AJ says you were wrong. Durga says everyone does wrong. I don’t see anyone going to jail. Dadi says vikrant is an outsider. You will go against your family? Do you have any shame. Durga says does your DIL have any shame? Perv says wow. Laxmi says Guddan did all that for out better. Durga says this family is a drama. Only two people rule here. Guddan and AJ. But that won’t happen anymore. AJ says you went to jail because you tried kidnapping Alisha. You were wrong. She says look at this Perv, Saru, Revati and your own daughter. Was my sin bigger than theirs? And all these people are living with all the fun here? Guddan says I won’t tolerate you disrespecting AJ. Durga says I always respected him. You’re disgusting yourself. I am pregnant. Yet I was sent to jail.

Dadi says shame on you. You’re our DIL. Durga says did you care about her and her unborn child? Dadi says Kishor. Talk to her. Is it right to be with outsiders? Kishor says she is with the right people now. Laxmi says what are you saying. Kishor says no one cared about us earlier. So we won’t. Vikrant says what a useless family. Guddan says you stay out of our family matters. I know you provoked her. AJ says it’s useless to talk to them. If Durga was sane she won’t have been with Vikrant. Vikrant says yeah you are the sane one only. No see what we two enemies do together. Saru says what an entry. Perv says this would be fun.

Saru comes to Durag’s room with arti. She says welcome back. Durga says don’t do this drama. I know you very well. Saru says I always knew only you can fight Guddan. They’re all dazed. Durga says they had to suffer. They sent me and my child to jail. This is time to get my power back. Saru does her arti. Laxmi comes and throws it away. Laxmi says I didn’t expect this from you. Why? Durga says when you are in jail with a pregnant child you will know why am I doing this. Guddan will payback. Saru says I am with you. Laxmi says I am with Guddan. Saru says you come on our side as well. Laxmi says you people are with a demon. I will see who wins.

AJ says what do I do with people of this house? How can I fight my own family? She plays music. Guddan says massage my head. AJ says are you crazy? Guddan says I work with my instinct. So I want you to massage my head and tell me that story. AJ says what story? Guddan says you also need a head massage. AJ tells her the story. AJ says he wrote in the end ‘this too shall pass’. Guddan says see, why don’t you implement that? Everything passes. We will fight it together. AJ says if we are together we can do anything.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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