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Imlie practices interviewing Aditya and asks how did he think of marrying Malvika and if he has done PhD of making a same mistake. She feels emotional and questions if he forgot his first wife s easily, etc. Aryan walks in and says she doesn’t have time to get ready like a bride and should rest to wedding venue soon. She walks down where Narmada offers her breakfast. She acts excited to have breakfast. Aryan walks down ready and askss if she didn’t go yet. She says she feels hungry. He says let him see how much she eats. She nervously fills her plate and after her usual jokergiri says one who comes first in class is always not intelligent and one who comes last is not dumb, similarly she is not a coward but is just afraid. He asks her to accompany him if her lecture is done. She accompanies him.

Wedding planners barge into Aparna and Pankaj’s room and discuss about renovating room for today’s wedding. They both oppose. Planners ask if they are groom’s parents. Aparna thinks whether they should call themselves as a disobedient son’s parents. Anu walks in and taunts them that they should be happy that their house is decorated as classic rich house from middle class, they should be happy that their grandson will get a father’s name now. Aparna tongues lashes her and sends her away. Pankaj says hopes she stops Adi from marrying Malini by scolding him. She says she is worried for Imlie.

Aryan takes Imlie to a children’s park and asks her to step on a slide. She starts her jokergiri and denies saying he is her boss in office and not in her personal life. He says if his professional life is affected, he will interfere in her personal life and get her rid off her fear of sliding down the slider. A few orphanage kids walk to Aryan and asks why he came here earlier than Sunday and informs Imlie that he visits their orphanage every Sunday and makes their day a best. Aryan asks kids to force Imlie to climb steps. Imlie trying to escape from them climbs stairs and gets afraid seeing slider. He walks to her and pushes her down the slider, then says she faced this fear and should be ready to face her next fear and reach Aditya’s house to cover his wedding.

Anu asks Malini when Aditya doesn’t have any problem with this wedding, what problem her in-laws has, wedding album won’t be good with their tantrums. Malini says Adi loves his family and he won’t be happy if they are unhappy and will not accept her completely. Anu says she should win her MIL’s heart for that, drops soap on Aparna’s way, and when she slips Malini holds her and Anu holding Malini scolds her that she was risking her life to save her MIL’s life. Malini says its her duty. Aparna tongue lashes Anu, Rupali questions that Aparna slips where only Anu and Malini were present. Anu warns to stop alleging them. Malini stops her and says their duty is to criticize and question her and her duty is to answer and take care of them. Aparna thanks her for saving her from falling.

Imlie reaches T house and remembers Adi divorcing her and Aryan supporting her. She asks Seeta maiya to let her go in and not her feelings. She shatters seeing Aditya and Malini’s old wedding photo and runs away crying. Aryan calls her and orders her go in. She asks if he is following her. He says he is her boss and its his duty to check if she is working properly or not. She says he should do come and cover the story then, she cannot face Adi. He says Adi proved that he is a coward by writing a hate article and she should prove that she is not a coward like him.

Aparna finds her lit Imlie’s named lamp missing and questions Sundar. Malini says she gave it to Imlie as Imlie left Aditya and since she is worried for Adity, she is helping him get rid off Imlie’s memories. Adi walks in and says the differences will not clear now, she did right by removing the lamp, he will not let Imlie inside even if she wants to. Door bell rings. Sundar opens door. Aparna rejoices seeing Imlie with reporter team. Adi asks what is she doing here. Anu says she called her. Imlie says she is reporter Imlie from Bhaskar Times. Adi says she cannot enter his house. Anu says she paid money to cover Adi and Malini’s wedding news. Aparna says whoever have called her, family members will decide who will visit them, and she welcomes Imlie in. Malini asks Anu if she is her enemy that she called Imlie here. Anu says she wanted to see Imlie’s discomfort seeing her and Adi’s wedding. Malini says if Imlie stays back here more, she will reveal that she had sent a love letter and not divorce papers. Anu thinks she made a blunder.

Aparna assures Rupali that Aditya will not marry Malini and prays god. Pankaj asks her not to have false hope. Aparna says with Imlie’s presence, Adi will melt down and will not marry Malini. Anu apologizes Malini and says she will set things right. Malini says she will handle it herself. Imlie asks her team to set up their cameras. Her team member asks where to take bites. Imlie looks at Adi’s room. Malini walks to her and says its bride and groom’s room and she cannot enter there. Imlie warns her not to waste her time as she has a lot of work to finish. Malini taunts her back that she cannot ruin her wedding this time and gives her wedding sweets. Imlie says its wedding laddu and people repent whether they have it or not, and tries to force feed her. Malini stops her. Imlie continues her moral gyaan and warns her to stay away from her or else she will burn in her fire. Malini thinks she will concentrate on herself and has taught something else for Imlie.
Adi notices Imlie and remembers Aryan announcing his wedding with her. A reporter requests a selfie with Adi. Adi says he is just an obituary reporter who writes obituary news, real star reporter is Imlie and she should take her selfie and autograph. Imlie slips. Aryan rushes in and holds her. T family stand shocked seeing that while Adi stands jealous. Aryan offers water to Imlie. Imlie asks him why did he come here. He says if he had not come here, she would have been entangled in her emotions. She says she just slipped. He says he wants her to be strong and not give up, etc. She says she just asked him why did he come here and he is just lecturing her. He remembers Malini calling him and citing threat from her husband’s ex-wife Imlie of grabbing back her husband asking him to come there and supervise his team or else as a client she will stop his payment. He threatens her back that if his payment is delayed, he will sue Anu and send her to jail; her mother insisted to send Imlie to cover the news, so she should speak to her. He thinks Adi dug a big pit for himself by writing an allegation article on Imlie.

Anu asks Malini why she told Aryan will not come. Malini says Aryan is her main pawn today who will help her complete her wedding with Adi. Adi comments at Aryan that he is for the first time seeing a CEO helping his team. He says he will never see a CEO like him again. Malini insists Adi to dance with her for news coverage. He dances with her while reporters click their pics. Aryan notices Imlie crying seeing that, takes her aside, and warns her to act as a reporter and think its a client’s wedding and not her ex-husband’s. Imlie wipes her tears, walks to Malini, and asks about today’s function. Malini asks Aparna if they should perform Maata’s jagrata like last time. Aparna says nothing is same like last time, but since its mata’s jagrata, she can organize it. Malini taunts Imlie that she has permission to do anything. Drama continues.

Precap: Imlie mocks Anu in lieu of taking her interview. She gets tensed when Aryan walks to her. Aditya taunts Imlie to show him and Malini how to pose as her and Aryan’s pose was romantic. She teaches him with a taunt.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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