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Imlie shatters remembering Aditya asking her to sign divorce papers and get out of his life forever and informing that he is going to marry Malini. She collapses. Aryan holds her and lifts her up. He says she should visit office now after a half day leave and advices her to keep her professional and personal life separate. He thinks 2 people lost everything because of Adi, one day Adi has to repay for his family and Imlie’s tears. At T house, Aparna and other knock Adi’s room door and ask him to open it. He says its between him and Imlie and they shouldn’t interfere. Aparna cries and asks Pankaj if her children will separate. Radha says Imlie has changed since she got job, she didn’t hesitate to send divorce papers to Adi. Aparna says there must be some misunderstanding. Rupali says why should only Imlie compromise just because she is woman, she herself worked hard and is taking care of herself within a year’s span of coming from her village, they should question their son instead, its better if Imlie leaves if she has to beg for her rights after doing all this.

Imlie cries remembering her happy days with T family and thinks she told she will move on, but she doesn’t have courage to move on; she is unable to tolerate this pain, then how ill she tolerate the future pain which life gave her; its better if she returns to Pagdandiya. She imagines herself in her old avatar holding her potli/bag and entering T house. She stops her and asks not to go in as there is no love there but broken relationships and a pain of broken heart is more severe than the pain of stepping on broken glass pieces. Old Imlie says she should remember her mother’s advice to become a seed in soil and ash in air and adopt to her situation. New Imlie feels confident hearing her advice and tries to hug her but realizes its her imagination. 

Malini walks to her with lamp and says Aparna lit this lamp with the hope that Imlie will return, Imlie should take it along as she will never return again or else she will blow it off. Imlie takes lamp and says its Devimaa’s lamp and can never be blown off and it will brighten her life from hereon. Malini says they tip a servant when they leave, she can take this lamp and ask for more. Imlie taunts back that she gave her happiness in charity and can ask more if she wants to. Malini gets angry and warns her to shut up. Imlie says she let her stay in this house and herself is leaving this house, she should protect her husband as there are husband thieves in this city, etc., and walks away holding lamping.

Radha says she is sure Imlie and Adi will realize their mistake and will reconcile. Aparna says they have to make Adi realize what he lost. Adi opens door and says he realized that he lost everything, but why don’t they realize it even after seeing divorce papers. Aparna says she doesn’t believe in papers. Adi takes her oath and says he will never have any relationship with Imlie hereon and hence nobody should talk about her. Aparna takes his oath that they will talk about Imlie in their house whether he likes or not.

Narmada hires a tarot reader who informs that a new chapter will start in Aryan’s life. Narmada gets happy and tells Arpita that she will become a nanad/SIL. Arpita says maybe Aryan will get a new project or a friend. Tarot reader says Aryan will get a new girl who will change is life for good. Narmada thanks her and asks if she is single. Malini speaks to Anu and informs that Imlie is out of house and Adi agreed to marry her, soon he will accept her. Anu says she feels happy for her and can’t wait to see servant Imlie’s reaction. Malini says she wants Imlie to feel the pain she experienced. Anu says she will fulfill her wish and asks her to plan her wedding with Adi. Adi remembers seeing Imlie with Aryan and angrily breaks mirror. Malini walks in and says she knows the feeling of heartbreak and says she can delay their wedding until he feels normal. He thanks her. She says in fact they can marry after Aryan and Imlie’s marriage. He says we don’t have to wait till then. She thinks he spoke her heart out.

Imlie speaks to Mithi over phone. Mithi asks if she should come there. Imlie asks her to come when she rents a house and makes all the necessary arrangements. Mithi says she is her mother and can sense her pain. Imlie cries. Mithi says she made a mistake with Dev but will not let Imlie make a mistake with Aditya; one can live without necessities but not without hope, Imlie was a hope of her life, even Imlie should dream and work hard to make it a reality. Imlie says becoming a big journalist is her dream. Mithi says she should work on her dream. Imlie says even her boss said same but was rude.

Anu visits Aryan’s office and introduces herself. He says he doesn’t meet anyone without an appointment and asks her to take an appointment from his secretary and then come back in. She does. He warns secretary that he will fire her if she lets anyone in without an appointment next time and asks her to send Anu in. Anu walks in and says she is ignoring his misbehavior as she is in a hurry and asks him to cover her daughter’s wedding in his newspaper’s page 3 section and wants Imlie to cover the wedding. Aryan calls Imlie and briefs her. She asks whose wedding is it. Anu says her daughter Malini’s wedding with journalist Aditya Kumar Tripathi. Aryan if he had know she is Malini’s mother, he wouldn’t have let her in. Imlie denies to cover the story and walks away. Anu offers Aryan 7 crores cheque and says she knows Bhaskar Times is in losses and he can over with it. He says money doesn’t matter to him. She says it matters to his news paper and walks away to think over again.

Aryan walks to Imlie and keeps cheque in front of her. She asks what is it. He says its the loss newspaper would make if she doesn’t cover the story. She asks if he is heartless not to see her pain. He says she is heartbroken thinking Adi divorced her and marrying Malini after just a few days, she should fight her fear and overcome it to succeed in life, etc. She feels impressed, returns to his cabin, agrees to cover the story, keeps 1 rs on cheque and says its a shagun coin for her journey towards fighting her fear. She hopes even Aryan gets courage to face his pain and returns to her desk.

Pankaj consoles crying Aparna. Aparna says she was happy when Rupali got divorced as shew was getting rid off a bad man, but why Adi is separating with Imlie. Pankaj says he will realize his mistake. She asks why is he marrying Malini. He says he took a hasty decision in a hurry and will change it. She says he is getting into a trap. Door bell rings. Pankaj opens door and sees Anu with a team of wedding planners. At Aryan’s house, Arpita gets cold. Narmada and Aryan force feed her multiple medicines. Imlie walks in. Narmada asks if she met her husband. Imlie says everything is sorted out now. Imlie offers kadha/herbal tea to Arpita for her cold. 

Arpita asks if its bitter. Imlie says she is habituated to bitterness, pointing at Aryan. Aryan asks if it will relieve cold in 1 dose. She says not in 1 dose, but slowly and if he needs instant relief, he should speak to her amma. Anu brings wedding planners for Malini and Adi’s wedding and starts her drama. Pankaj asks her to stop it and asks how could she enter their house uninformed. Aparna says this wedding will not happen. Adi says she wanted him to move on with Malini earlier and now wants him to wait for Imlie, he will not change his decision this time and asks Anu to start wedding preparations.

Precap: Imlie with reporters visits T house. Adi asks what is she doing. Malini says Imlie is not this house’s bahu anymore. Imlie says she is reporter Imlie form Bhaskar Times and walks in. Imlie with reporters visits T house. Adi asks what is she doing. Malini says Imlie is not this house’s bahu anymore. Imlie says she is reporter Imlie form Bhaskar Times and walks in.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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