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Savi insists Sai to take her to her favorite place. Sai says she has a lot of pending work and hence should reach home soon. Savi says she treats patients, does household chores, but never takes her to her favorite place. Sai agrees to take her to her favorite place. On the way, villagers interact with Savi and invites her to their house. They reach police training academy. Sai asks why she comes here daily. Savi says she wants to become a police officer when she grows up. A passer by asks her same. She repeats same answer. Sai tells Savi that one day she will be a brave police officer. Savi notices a boy passing by with his father and asks Sai what is her father’s name. Sai tries to change the topic and offers her to take her to an ice cream parlor. Savi refuses and insists to inform her about her father.
Virat is shown as a brave officer who is on a mission to kill the terrorists. He gets Vinayak’s call who informs that he is going on a school camp and asks where is he. He says he playing hide and seek and calls him Vinu. Vinayak asks him not to call him Vinu again as he is grown up. They interact a bit and disconnect call. Virat succeed in his mission.

Savi returns home angry. Usha asks why she is angry. Savi says mamma is not reveal her father’s name. Usha prepares tea for Sai and pampers Savi. Savi takes PT class of neighbors after watching police camp training. Sai and Usha enjoy watching it. Usha says Savi reminds her of Sai’s childhood, Sai has taken over Kamal now. Neighbors enjoy Savi’s naughty behavior. Sai sends Savi in and takes maths class for the ladies. Her phone rings. Savi reminds that she should only concentrate on class or else will be punished. Sai continues her teaching.
A school principal calls Sai and requests her to be their school medical advisor during a camp. Sai agrees. Principal says Nagpur school children will reach there anytime. Sai recalls her last fight with Virat. Principal asks Sai if she will join the camp by 10 a.m. tomorrow morning. Sai says yes. Principal asks her to bring Savi along. Sai notices a neighbor Jyoti’s hand injured and asks if her husband physically abused her again and asks why don’t she leave him. Jyoti says Sai won’t understand as she doesn’t have a husband. Sai walks in and cries recalling her last fight with Virat. Usha asks why didn’t she tell Jyoti that she also has a husband. Sai recalls the whole incident again til her accident and losing Vinayak and asks her not to talk about her husband again as only Savi and Usha are her family; Virat is a police officer and would have easily searched her, but he didn’t and hence that chapter of her life is closed.

Precap: Savi writes when will you come papa on a tree. Usha tells Sai that she has to reveal Sai’s father’s name one day. Sai says she doesn’t want Savi to know about her father and hence shifted to Kankoli from Gadchiroli. Virat reads a message on a tree and prays god to unite this child with her/his father. Savi watches him hiding.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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