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Virat insults Sai saying she doesn’t know the value of family as she didn’t have a family except her Aaba. Sai shatters to hear that and asks if he is making her realize that she doesn’t have anyone in her world, she is an orphan and only her Aaba was her everything, her Aaba taught her to always stand by the truth, she made a mistake by thinking he is like her Aaba as he stands against truth always. Virat arrogantly says he is standing by his family, but Sai can not understand it as she is an orphan. Ashwini asks him not to speak anything in anger as it will backfire on him. Sai says let him speak the truth, she wanted her son to live between the family, but Virat is hell bent to support truth. She warns again that if Virat brings Pakhi back home, she will leave his house with her baby. Sonali says Sai is having problems with them, so its better if Virat shifts with Sai to some other place. Sai says they are not understanding her point. Virat says he wants to stay with family and realized the value of it when he stayed away from them. He orders Sai that he will not let her take her son away from the family. Sai says he should drop the idea of bailing out Pakhi. Bhavani warns Sai that they will bail out Pakhhi at any cost and reminds Sai that she got her baby because of Pakhi.

Virat with Ninad and Omkar visits police station with a lawyer and bails out Pakhi. Vaishali thanks them and tells Pakhi that they bailed her out. Ninad and Omkar ask her not to worry as she is bailed out. Pakhi apologizes Virat for her sins. Virat ignores her and Ninad if they can leave now. Pakhi says she is ready to die in the jail for her sins and just needs Virat’s forgiveness. Vaishali says Pakhi is really repenting for her sins and is crying since she came to jail. Ninad tells Pakhi they should go home now. Pakhi says she wants to live in the jail. Virat says she can say whatever she wants to at home.

Chavans eagerly wait for Pakhi’s return. Vierat walks in followed by Pakhi. Pakhi holds Bhavani’s feet and apologizes her for her sins. Sonali comforts Pakhi. Bhavani says she will punish Pakhi later and asks her to stop crying. Pakhi wishes to meet Sai. Bhavani orders Karishma to call Sai. Karishma says Sai is taking Vinayak… Sai walk down with Vinayak holding her bag. Virat asks what is she up to. Sai says he very well knows what she is doing, she already warned that she will leave the house with Vinayak if Pakhi returns here. Bhavani orders her to return to her room with Vinayak. Sai says she will not back off from her decision.

Pakhi pleads Sai not to go as she realized her mistakes and has changed. She accepts that she tried to snatch her husband from her and then son and touching her feet pleads to forgive her. Sai asks her to stop her drama as she is not interested in it. Bhavani orders Sai again to return to her room. Pakhi says she is truly repenting for her sins and is apologizing her by heart. Sai warns her to get out of her way. Devi pleads Sai not to and promises to protect Vinayak from Pakhi. Shivani asks Sai not to take a haste decision in anger. Sai says her Aaba bought her up alone and even she can bring up her son alone. She leave home.

Sai says her Aaba bought her up alone and even she can bring up her son alone. Virat accuses her that she never considered his family as hers and hence she threatens to leave the house and does it practically as it doesn’t matter to her, he will not let her break his family. Sai asks if this is not her family; she didn’t even step out of the house and he is differentiating between them; he broke her delusion that they cannot be one in life. Ashwini asks them to stop and asks why don’t they realize that they are incomplete without each other. She pleads Sai not to leave the house. Sai says she is taking this decision for her son’s sake and like any other mother she wants her son not to grow in the toxic environment.

Virat says he is Vinayak’s father and asks Sai to give Vinayak to him. Sai warns him to back off. Virat says he wants his son to stay in this house. Sai says even she wants same, but doesn’t want her son to be around Pakhi and get a toxic upbringing. Pakhhi requests Sai to stop fighting. Sai warns her to back off and gets adamant to leave the house. Virat says Pakhi is part of his family and he can not let either of his family member go, though Pakhi made many mistakes. Sai says he spoke only about his family and didn’t include her and her son in it, he can be loyal son and there is no need to be a loyal husband and father. Virat shouts that she does whatever she wants to, he couldn’t stop her when she tricked them and got Devi married and many more incidents. Sai says she is amazed to hear that he has built such an image of her.
Ninad asks them to stop fighting as they are not only couples but parents now. Ashwini says children make parent’s bonding strong, what will they teach their son. Virat says he is tired of Sai’s drama and doesn’t want to compromise each time. Virat continues blaming Sai and says he is burdened by her wrong decisions and by his brother’s death because of her. Ninad and Ashwini ask Virat to stop talking rubbish. Sai says let him spill out the venom in him. She says her Aaba was the most beautiful relationship of her life and Virat snatched it from her, and now when she wants to build same relationship with her son, Virat wants to snatch it from her. Bhavani warns that she will slap her and clear her delusion of leaving the house. Sai warns back to dare touch her. Pakhi pleads Sai again not to leave the house because of her. 

Ashwini asks Pakhi not to interfere between husband and wife. Sai says Virat just wants his son to stay back and wants her to go. Virat says he will break their relationship if she speaks a word. Sai says there is nothing left between them now. Ashwini says Sai reunited Pulkit/Dev and her/Ninad, how can she separate from Virat. Virat stops her and says if Sai steps out of the house, she will be out of his life forever. He says she will not go if she loves him a bit. Sai says he wants her to go instead and picks her bag. Virat shouts if she has decided, then why don’t she go. Bhavani asks Virat how can he let Sai take Vinayak away. Sai says she will not leave her son there. Virat says let Sai decide if she wants to continue the relationship with him or not. Bhavani asks him to snatch her grandson from Sai. Virat says let Sai go, he will never ask her to return. Sai says she will not and walks out of house. Virat locks the door and shouts at family that nobody would go and stop Sai. Sai heartbroken walks away holding Vinayak.

Precap: Sai’s bus meets with an accident. Usha watching the news informs Ashwini about it. Sai wakes up in the hospital and searches for Vinayak. Doctor says she need not worry as her baby is fine. Sai asks her to take her to Vinayak then. Doctor reveals that she means the baby in her womb.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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