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Sai spends time with Savi before going to bed. She asks Savi narrate a story for them. She recites their story as dinosaurs, taunting Sai indirectly for not taking her out. Sai thinks she taunts her more than Bhavani and asks what happened next. Savi says little dinosaur is kidnapped and his mamma was worried for him. Usha tai joins them. Savi continues her story and says an inspector reached to save little dinosaur.

Virat looks at Vinayak’s photo and misses him. Sai laughs at Savi and asks there were no humans during dinosaur era, then how did the inspector come there. Savi continues the story how the inspector bravely fought with the kidnapper, rescued little dinosaur and returned him to his mother. She falls asleep and murmurs when will her papa come. Usha says Savi misses her father and asks why don’t she reveal that Savi’s father is a police officer. Sai says Savi’s mother’s father was a police officer and recalling Virat’s allegations says she has closed that chapter of her life and doesn’t want to remember it again, she left Gadchiroli and shifted to Kankauli for the same reason. Virat recalls their last fight.
Next morning, Sai with Savi visits school campus to assistant in a children’s camp. Principal thanks Sai for coming. An employee asks principal where he should keep children’s trophy. Savi asks principal of children like her won these trophies. Principal says yes and says they made the school proud of them. Savi says like she makes everyone proud with her intelligence. Sai says principal understood her point and asks her to go and play. Principal praises Sai for home schooling Savi and giving her good morales. She returns to her office where her subordinates discusses that Sai is overqualified to stay in a small village and can get a better job in city. She says she never saw Sai’s husband. Principal says even she didn’t.

Vinayak’s classmates bully him for his disability and mock him that he will always come late in a running race. Vinayak gives them a befitting reply. Classmate push him on ground and call him a loser. Savi notices that, helps Vinayak get up, and tongue lashes bullies for troubling a disabled classmate. Classmates run away. Savi noticing Vinayak’s leg braces asks if its hurts. Vinayak says a lot, but he is helpless. Savi says her mother is a doctor who will treat him. They introduce themselves and walk holding each other’s hands.
Sai monitors students’ vital signs. Savi takes Vinayak to her. Vinayak slips. Sai holds him. Nanha sa Chand Tu Mere Aasmaan Ka.. song plays in the background. Vinayak calls her aayi/mother. Savi asks why is he calling her aayi as his aayi. Vinayak says by mistake and apologizes. Sai asks his name. He says Vinayak. Sai gets emotional remembering her son Vinayak. Vinayak asks if she is fine. Sai says yes and asks since when he is wearing the braces. He says since he was very small and shows his medicines. Savi says her mother will cure his illness. Vinayak asks if he would be able to participate in school race. Sai encourages him to work hard and make his dream a reality. Vinayak promises her and says even her baba says same. Sai helps him walk. Savi asks her if Vinayak would be fine. Sai says if Vinayak has decided, he will.

Sai returns home after some time and teaches maths to neighbor ladies again. Neighbor asks what will she do with learning as her husband handles her money. Sai says she herself can operate her bank account. Woman’s husbands enter and snatch books from them. Local MLA provokes them to do so. Sai confronts them and warn them to dare not any woman. Savi asks why are they doing this. Sai says they can’t see woman’s progress and are afraid of them. MLA threatens Sai not to teach women or else she will face dire consequences.

Precap: Vinayak informs Savi that her father is also a police officer. Vurat reaches camp.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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