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Rudra gets Mishka’s call and asks why is she calling hm. Mishka says she has information which will prove Preesha innocent. He says he cannot trust her. She says she is being punished for her acts and asks if he wants to clean his dead wife’s reputation or not. He agrees to meet her in jail and thinks he cannot trust Mishka but has to clean Preesha’s image, so he will speak to Sharda first. Arman brings gifts for Preesha’s unborn baby. She asks why did he bring so many gifts. He says he wants to give their baby happiness of whole world. Preesha fumes that its her and Rudra’s baby and she wants to break Arman’s face for calling it his baby. She acts as nauseous and rushes to bathroom. He asks if she is fine. She says its pregnancy symptoms. Once Arman leaves, Preesha acts as getting stomachache and insists guards to bring medicine for her. They hesitantly agree.

Rudra informs Sharda about getting Mishka’s call that she has information to prove Preesha’s innocence. Sharda says they can’t trust Mishka after her heinous acts, especially what she did with Saransh. He says Misha always betrays, but she knows Preesha is his weakness and hence trying to misuse it. She asks him to be careful. He leaves to meet Mishka. Mishka thinks if her plan works, she will be out of jail. She returns to her jail cell smiling. Reshma asks reason. She says she found a way to get out of jail and explains that Preesha’s husband Rudra is her relative and will get them out of jail, she should tell him that Sania is alive and how she escaped. Rudra meets her and asks what information she has. She asks what will she get in return. He says he knew she wouldn’t change and asks what she wants. She says complete freedom and not just a bail as she knows he will put her back in jail after his work is done. He asks how to trust her. She says Sunil’s girlfriend is here and knows Sunil’s location. He excitedly asks where is she. She asks him get her out of jail first or else not waste her time.

Guard gets Preesha’s prescribed medicine. Preesha acts as having it and asks him to leave. Once he leaves, she takes out medicine and thinks its hypnotic pill which will make Arman sleep and she can meet Rudra after that and inform that she is pregnant with his child. Mishka returns to jail cell and explains Reshma what she did. Reshma says Rudra will not return and must have complained against her. Constable takes Mishha to jailer and asks what magic she did that Rudra took back case, now she is free to go. Mishka gets out of jail. Rudra walks to him and says he fulfilled his promise and now its her turn, what does she know about Preesha’s murder. Mishka reveals that Sania is alive. He asks how is it possible as postmortem and forensic report is out and Presha is convicted with her murder, he shouldn’t have trusted Mishka. She reveals that Sania was alive and Sunil had performed her murder makeup, asks why would Sania call a makeup artist at 3 a.m., its Sania and Arman’s plan to trap him in Sania’s murder. Rudra is shocked to hear that. She asks who called him to Sania’s room. He says Sania. She says Preesha went in and got trapped inside, Reshma informed that Arman has hidden Suni. Rudra asks where are Sania and Arman. She says she doesn’t know, they need to get Reshma out of jail who will take them to Sunil. Rudra agrees to meet Reshma. Arman returns to Preesha who mixes medicine in his juice and serves him.
Preesha mixes hypnotic pill in juice. Arman walks in and asks if she is fine. She says she is feeling uneasy after having juice and asks him to check it. He sips juice. She insists to finish full glass. He does and says its fine. She sips from another glass. He feels drowsy, and she makes him sleep on bed thinking she wanted him to get semiconscious and reveal who is Sania’s murderer. Rudra with Mishka meets Reshma who reveals how Arman ordered Sunil to perform Sania’s murder makeup and then asked him to hide. He asks where is Sania now. He says Arman has hidden her somewhere and Sunil knows it. She demands him to get her out of jail if he wants Sunil’s location. He agrees to bail her out and asks Mishka to be with him until he finds Sania.
Preesha questions semiconscious Arman if he loves Sania. He accepts that he loves Preesha instead and how he tried to ruin Rudra’s concert to separate Rudra and Preesha. Sania asks why Sania helped him. He reveals that Sania loves Rudra like he loves Preesha and reveals what all he did. She asks what happened on Sania’s murder night. He laughs and says she is a fool and he is feeling bad for her. She asks what he mean. He continues laughing and says she is too innocent. Rudra barges into Arman’s house with his usual shouting attitude and calls Arman. Chachaji stops him. Rudra asks not to interfere. Chachaji says he is Arman’s chacha/uncle and will always support him. Rudra shouts that he wants to kill Arman as he planned Sania’s fake murder and trapped Preesha in Sania’s murder, Sania is alive and he wants to know her location. Chachaji is shocked to hear that. Rudra walks away shouting. Chachaji calls Arman, but Preesha asks Arman to disconnect call. Chachaji calls him again and asks if Sania is alive, why didn’t he hid the family, and if its true, he will go to jail; he should return home right now. Arman gets up and walks out wobbling while Preesha continues questioning him and thinking what did Chachaji say that Arman got alert and left.

Rudra returns to Mishka and says he went to kill Arman for trapping Preesha in Sania’s fake murder, but he didn’t find him. Mishka asks he alerted Arman because of his anger, and as Preesha says, he right that he loses his sense in anger. He says Preesha truth always wins, so stop her lecture. She asks him to bail out Reshma first and thinks this is just a beginning and wait and watch what will happen next. Arman returns home. Chachaji asks if Sania is alive, why did he hide his plan from him. Arman says he doesn’t want to involve him in this. Chachaji says he doesn’t want to go to jail because of his foolish acts, Rudra threatened to send him to jail as he trapped his Preesha. Arman shouts Preesha belongs to him and he knows how to handle Rudra, so Chachaji should stay away from all this. He returns to his room planning to leave for Australia with Preesha ASAP, calls his goons, and orders them to not let Preesha out until he comes there. Rudra speaks to his lawyer and tells Mishka says Reshma will be bailed out tomorrow. She asks what about her, she needs some security for herself. He yells and asks if she needs money. She demands him to marry her.

Precap: Rudra informs Sharda that Mishka wants to marry him. Arman calls Preesha and says he is coming to pick her up. Rudra asks Mishka how to trust her. She shows Sania’s live video. Preesha comes to meet Rudra hiding and shatters seeing him marrying Mishka. Arman says even she should forget Rudra and start a new life. After marriage, Mishka takes Rudra to Sania who stands shocked seeing him.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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