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Razia Sultan Updates - Friday 17 February 2023

The episode starts with Althunia giving flowers to Razia and saying it his expression of love. She asks if he is in his senses. He says he is. She says he is shameless to speak romantic with her during sad period. He starts speaking more romantically and asks her to express her love. She says her dear ones have left her forever and asks if he knows how it feels to lose dear ones, can’t he see dead bodies, this is mourning house. He says time does not matter and whoever is born has to die, but love is always alive and will be always. She asks him to control his tongue. He says life will not stop if he shuts up. She will not stop living with her dead dear ones.

She continues to ask him to control his tongue. He says his brother was a brave warrior and died fighting, he got a best warrior death. She slaps him. He shows badi naani and says she lived her life and was about to die anyhow. She slaps again and yells at him. He then shows Qutub and says she sacrificed half of her waiting for her husband and today people. He continues provoking her and she starts beating him and cries loudly reminiscing Nasir and other’s death. He hugs to console her. Fathima comes and even she consoles her while Althunia leaves. She takes her from there.

Priest comes and performs namaz and men carry all dead bodies to burial ground. Shamshad and razia mourn wearing black dress. Razia then runs to burial ground and sees Althunia performing last rights with others.
Razia then meets Althunia in jungle and says if he is feeling guilty for her, she has forgiven him and he can leave. He says he thought she needs him. He says she does not need him and says he can go, with teary eyes. He sadly walks. Yasir comes running, hugs im from behind and requests him not to leave him alone. Althunia says he is feeling suffocated in palace, so he is going to feel fresh air. He will come back soon. Yasir says he will not let him go and requests Razia to stop Mirza.

Razia asks Mirza Althunia to get out from her life and palace. He sadly walks. Yasir runs and hugs him and requests not to go. Fathima pleads Razia to stop Mirza for Yasir’s sake. Razia asks him to stop for Nasir’s sake. He stops and Nasir happily runs and hugs him. She walks through leaving him.

Ruknuddin ask Yaldos if he is looking like a tiger. Yaldos says he is looking like a khacchar/mule and does not even know to act like a sultan. Ruknuddin says he will become sultan soon. Yaldos says until Altamash or any of his family member is alive, he cannot become soon. Ruknuddin says it is a matter of some days and who is stop him. Just then, they hear soldier shouting that Shamshad is coming. He thinks why is she coming here.

Razia comes back to palace gate in palanquin and asks Mirza to take Yasir from there. He takes Yasir on horse and thinks what she is up to. Razia tells Fathima that there is nothing like coincidence in this world and she knows a traitor who started killing spree. Fathima asks who is it.

Shamshad tells Yaldos that she wants to discuss important political issue with him. he asks to go ahead. She says she and all priests minister think that Ruknuddin should not be made temporary sultan. Ruknuddin is shocked to hear that. Minister also backs Shamshad. Yalso asks who should be made sultan then. She says he should make Yasir as sultan under his supervision as Yasir has royal blood in him.

Razia tells Fathima that she saw Ruknuddin walking suspiciously before killing spree and Turkan is unhurt even after being in the royal hurt, she doubts they both are involved in this. Fathima says she believes her, but how will she prove it.

Yaldos says Shamshad that political decisions cannot be taken with emotions and Yasir is still a kid, so it is better to make Ruknuddin as sultan. Ruknuddin says he has caught killer and has kept him caged in the market. Shamshad asks who is he. Ruknuddin says her son-in-law sultan Khawacha. Razia sees caged person and people shouting that he is a killer. She tells Fathima that she will not let an innocent punished. She identifies him as Khwacha and tries to walk towards him to rescue, but Mirza stops her. She asks what is he doing here instead of being with Yasir. He says he is taking jalebis for him. She leaves market. He thinks he knows she will come back to rescue traitor for sure.

Mirza tries to cheer up Yasir with magic tricks, but he panics imagining blood on his hands. Mirza sees Razia leaving.

Ruknuddin meets Khwacha in prison who shouts that he will inform everyone that he and Turkan are behind killing spree. Ruknuddin takes out dagger and cuts his tongue before Razia could reach there.

Precap: Razia reaches prison and asks Khwacha to tell truth. Ruknuddin says dumb cannot speak and shows khwacha’s cut tongue. Mirza asks killer to tell truth that Khwacha is not involved in killing spree. He agrees. Fathima informs Razia that Khwacha is being killed tonight instead of tomorrow.

Razia Sultan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8:00pm

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