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Razia Sultan Updates - Monday 20 February 2023

The episode starts with Mirza Althunia following Razia. He thinks he will get her truth out, but Razia throws steel billets on tree and makes its branches fall in Mirza’s way to stop him. Mirza stops and thinks she must have gone to palace and he will confront her there.

Razia reaches palace and hides seeing joker Ruknuddin and his puppet soldier. She hears Ruknuddin discussing that some traitor must be trying to gain people’s confidence, but he will give him a torturing death. Turkan searches Razia’s room and shouts at servants. She shouts that she will make Razia her servant. Razia hears her shout and runs in. Mirza hears turkan’s shout and thinks Razia is seen by her enemies before friend, not to worry he will rescue her. He then is shocked to see Razia coming towards him in princess clothes and thinks he is just imagining her due to his love for her. She comes near him and asks if he fed Yasir and passes.
Turkan stops her and asks where was she. She asks if she wants to break fast seeing her. Turkan gets irked and shouts how dare she is to misbehave with her. She says she is her servant and should apologize. Sultan Yaldos comes and asks who dare she is to misbehave with princess Razia who is his would be queen. Turkan gets tensed and says she was teaching Razia manners. Yaldos says a prostitute dancer wants to teach manners now. He apologizes Razia on turkan’s behalf and says he has guests attending and she should be present with him. Turkan asks servant if Razia knows cooking. Servant says she cannot even boil water. Turkan tells Yaldos that she heard Altamash praising Razia’s cuisine. Yaldos orders Razia to prepare food for his guests then. Prostitute Turkan laughs at Razia and asks servant to show her kitchen.

Ruknuddin jokes reaches town with his puppet soldiers and asks people to tell who is their savior and warns them that he will kill everyone if they don’t. He shouts that he is their sultan now. An old lady asks him to stop being in a disbelief as Altamash is their sultan and if he tries to trouble them or their children, their savior whom they call sultan will come back. They come near him to beat him and he runs towards his horse.

Razia tries to cut vegetable in kitchen. Servant shows her how to cut it. Shazia sees her and tells prostitute Turkan insulted Shamshad today and made her work like a servant. Razia angrily picks knife but stops reminiscing Shamshad’s promise. She thinks if not princess Razia, sultan can teach Turkan a lesson.

Mirza sees Razia and Shazia cooking food in kitchen. To make Razia jealous, he asks Shazia to go and rest. Razia taunts him that he will cook food instead of Mirza. Mirza says he will and asks Shazia again to go and rest. She leaves. Razia starts taunting him and their nok jhok starts. She starts cleaning table repeatedly while talking. He says if she had cleaned her heart like this, she would have seen what is in it.

Fathima comes there and tells Razia how a savior named sultan saved people from Ruknuddin’s puppet goons and made then run for their life. Razia listens surprisingly. Mirza thinks she does not know Razia herself is sultan. He jokes that sultan has come and everyone looks at door except Razia. He says her that everybody looked at door except her, so he is sure she is sultan. Razia denies. Fathima says sultan is a great fighter and Razia does not know fighting at all. She further says that sultan got a cut on her hand while fighting and if Razia is sultan, she will be having one.
Razia just then cuts her hand and says she cut it by mistake. Mirza tries to check it, but she snatches hand. Fathima realizes that Razia is sultan. Mirza bandages Razia’s wound and their nok jhok starts again. Turkan comes there and sees mirza holding Razia’s hand. She shouts that is happening here. Yasir comes and says Razia cut her hand by mistake, so Mirza was nursing it. Mirza says kid is right. Shamshad comes there and asks what is happening. Turkan starts taunting and misbehaving and asks if Razia will kill her. Shamshad says no and asks Mirza to go from there. Turkan says Razia that Shamshad used to her experience now and she should learn from there. She tells her usual ugly one liner tirkittha.. and leaves.

Razia looks at Shamshad’s blistered hands and asks why is she tolerating Turkan’s torture. Shamshad says she already told her, until Sultan Altamash gets well, she has to obey Turkan for her children’s sake. Once she leaves, Razia angrily throws all kitchen groceries and utensils. Mirza and Yasir close their ears standing outside.

Ruknuddin angrily breaks things in his room reminiscing kingdom people insulting him. Turkan comes and says he is a sultan and should be in control. He says people are spitting on him and don’t even respect him. She suggests him to destroy Qutub shahi dysnasty’s all evidences to erase them from people’s memories. He says biggest evidence is qutub minar and he will destroy it. Turkan says ugly dialogue again tirkittha…

Precap: Mirza taunts Razia that Razia sultan is cooking food for Yaldos’s guests. Ruknuddin asks his men to destroy qutub minar and erect a new monument Firozi minor in its place. Razia asks mirza to tell his price for helping her cook. He says she always thinks about about money and not emotions. Shamshad cries that ruknuddin wants to destroy qutub minar. Razia says she will not let it happen.

Razia Sultan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8:00pm

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