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Razia Sultan Updates - Monday 6 February 2023

The episode starts with Althunia and Razia going to a hotel and asking manager if they can get a room. Razia says two room. Manager says all rooms are booked and even lawn is not free. He says they can stay in horse stable. Razia says if there is bathroom as she wants to get fresh. Althunia murmurs in her ears that he has already seen her body once, so no need to shy.

In horse stable, Razia gets emotional. Althunia says he will not taunt her if she cries due to pain. Their usual nok jhok starts She feels weak and is about to fall when he holds her. He then draws a curtain between them and they both sleep and start their talks. He asks what is in Ghazni that she is so eager to reach there. She says it is a secret and let it be a question. He falls asleep. She silently peeps slides curtain and looks at his face. He opens his eyes. She gets shy, turns and smiles. Even he smiles. Mere maula mere maula……plays in the background.

Dumb sultan Altamash tells Qutub and Nasir that he will break their ego and will make Turkan as mallika/queen. Turkan grins hearing that. Nasir says it is expected from dancer’s lover and walks out. Altamash promises that war will happen before set date.
Razia in her sleep asks servants to not shout and prepare bathtub for her. She wakes up and realizes her mistake and thinks if someone heard her. She thinks Althunia must have heard and asks him not to take her words seriously, but he does not reply. She says she will tell her secret and ask to promise he will keep it secret. She does not hear from him and says she does not need even promise and says she is king of Hindustain, Sultan Altamash’s daughter princess Razia and is going to Ghazni on an important work. She does not hear from him even then and removes curtain, but he is missing. Her soul tells though Altamash is a good man he is a stranger, so she should not speak out her secret.

Razia goes to manager and asks if breakfast is ready. He says breakfast is over, but she has arrangements upside. She goes and sees table full of dishes. She enjoys all dishes. Althunia asks if she liked the food. She says cook is a magician and she should thank him. He says cook is standing in front of him. She says it cannot be as he is warrior and not cook. He says warriors also have hobbies and asks if he should take oath. She nods no. He tries to pick food. She stops him and says it is all hers and he can prepare his own food. He asks if she needs anything else. She gives a list of items. He gets irked and says he would not even serve the princess he loves. She says he can scold her, but forgive her. He looks into her eyes and says she is not that bad and asks her to apologize him. She asks what if she does not. He says Mirza does not like no. She says no. They both get even closer. He says she is not more adamant than him. She asks to try. The get more romantic.

Razia get Fathima’s message via Nasir’s eagle that situation is out of control at dargah’s urs and she has do her work fast. She rushes towards her horse and tells Althunia that she has to reach Ghazni as soon as possible. He asks what is the reason. She says he does not know what is happening with her family and her dad… He asks until she says, how will he help. She says only Ghazni’s sultan Yaldos can help him. He says Yaldos is a big sultan and she won’t be able to meet him.

Dumb sultan Altamash walks with ugly prostitute Turkan to the royal tent to marry her. She starts her ugly acting and says she is marrying him after sacrificing her unborn child. He says he is sad that she lost her child because of his dear ones. Marriage ceremony starts and kazi saheb asks altmash if he accepts turkan as his wife. Just then Qutub reaches there with Nasir and family. Altamash reminisces Qutub slapping prostitute and Nasir telling that altmash is neither father nor husband, but a prostitute dancer’s lover. He says he accepts. Qutub and family are shocked and dejected. Turkan also says she accepts. Altamsh’s puppets congratulates them.
Razia lostsher way to Ghazni and does not find map. She prays god to help her. Althunia says when she does not know route itself, how will she reach destiny. Razia gets happy hearing his voice. He comes in front. She requests him to take her to Ghazni soon. He says she looks good cribbing and not requesting. She cribs. He says now she is back to normal. Their cute nok jhok starts. Althunia starts walking with Razia on horse.

On the way back home, in her palanquin, ugly prostitute gets happy thinking she became queen from dancer, her son became subedar and Razia is dead. Ruknuddin comes and says his informers told Jangura is dead and Razia is still alive. She says that means Razia will reach Ghazni and will stop the war.

Althunia rides horse with Razia day and night and reaches Ghazni. He goes to speak to soldiers to get in. Razia thinks he is intelligent and may get success. He speaks to soldiers, but they pick and throw him out and tell if he tries to enter palace without permission, they will kill him. Razia laughs at him. He gets embarrassed and boasts. She asks not to over boast. He says his back is paining, else he would have taught a lesson to soldiers. Razia picks him up and says now she will try. He says they will also kick her out, so she should go back with him. She says she did not come here to go back and asks him to wait for him. He holds her hand and wishes her good luck emotionally Razia continues looking at his face. Mere maula mere maula.. plays in the background.

Precap: Razia meets sultan Yaldos and requests him to stop Altamash and Nasir’s fight. Yaldos peeps into Razia’s room while she changes clothes and gets mesmerized with her beauty. He tells he will go with her to Delhi with a condition. She says she will give even her life. He kisses her hands and looks at her lustfully.

Razia Sultan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8:00pm

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