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Razia Sultan Updates - Sunday 12 February 2023

The episode starts with Althunia being kicked out of palace and he yells at Razia that she used him and his heart. Razia in palace feels guilty. Shazia comes there and taunts her that everyone is praising would Ghazni queen and asks how did she fall in love with rich Yaldos. Razia asks her to stop taunting.

Shamshad calls Qazi to fix Razia’s nikah/marriage with sultan Yaldos. Altamash says he is not happy about this alliance and even Razia seems unhappy. Razia comes. He asks if she is happy with this marry or she is accepting it under pressure. Shamshad says this is the best alliance for Razia and if she is happy or not what difference it makes. Altamash says it does make a difference and Razia’s happiness matters to her. Shamshad says Razia herself agreed to marry Yaldos. Razia says she is okay with the marriage and walks out. Nasir says this marriage cannot happen as Yaldos has many wives and Razia is special and cannot be one among them. She needs a man who cares for her and makes her feel special. Althunia says he is right, even he is not happy with this alliance. He will tell Yaldos that this marriage cannot happen.

Althunia tells Daru that he needs answer from Razia. Daru say she is princess and will get him hanged. He says he does not care.
Razia in her room feels sad reminiscing Althunia. She asks servants to give her anklets and they hand it over to her. She sees Althunia in mirror and gets happy, just her imagination. Althunia dorns anklet on her ankle and asks how is she feeling becoming queen of his heart. She says she has promised Yaldos and cannot break it. He says heart’s promise is most important in world and cannot escape from it. They both get romantic and are about to kiss when Razia hears Yaldos’s voice and wakes up. She gets up and says she would have called her instead of coming. He says he does not want to trouble her legs and tries to get intimate. Razia says as per royal rule, they cannot see each other before marriage. Servant informs Yaldos that Nasir and Altamash called him. He whispers in Razia’s ears that Qazi must have fixed marriage date, so they called him. He is waiting for the day when he will get intimate with her. Razia fumes in anger.

Razia call Fathima and ask her to bring Nasir’s crown. She says she is very happy that the awaited moment will soon come. She sees Nasir with soldiers and goes towards them. Fathima hopes Razia’s dream come true without any hurdles.
Turkan dancer sensuously in front of her dance partner (an eunch). He starts dancing then. She says she is mad behind his movements. He says dancing and killing is an art.

Razia sees a soldier standing near her room and asks who is he. Soldier turns back and Razia is surprised to see Althunia. She takes him to the corner and asks why did he come. He says he came to seek answer from her. She asks him to leave before anyone sees. She holds her and says when she did not love him, then why did she call him to Delhi and threw coins on him. She says she will not reply. He says if she does not, he will kidnap her. She says he cannot as it is very risky. He says she knows he is expert in taking risks.

Shamshad comes calling her. Althuna asks her why did she give her kerchief and asked to return it to her in Delhi. Shamshad passes from the other side without noticint her. Razia pushes Althunia and starts acting like scolding Althunia for not doing his work efficiently. She then acts as seeing Shamshad and asks why did she come here instead of calling her. shamshad scolds her that she should behave with everyone like a princess and asks her to go and get ready for Nasir’s crowning ceremony.

Prostitute Turkan’s eunuch dancer friend tells his plan, shows idols and identifies them with Nasir, Altamash, Razi, etc. He says with years’ of practice, he has learnt an art and asks his men tto show a demo. Prostitute kills dummies imagining Razia and thinks she will not see tomorrow’s sun.

Precap: Turkan’s friend tells his students will start killing spree during Nasir’s throning ceremony. Razia shouts. Althunia closes his eyes. Razia asks Rukn uddin to open the box as she wants to see the thing.

Razia Sultan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8:00pm

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