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Razia Sultan Updates - Sunday 19 February 2023

The episode starts Mirza seeing Fathima running tensely and asks what happened. She says she has to meet princess Razia right away and runs again. Razia is busy feeding soup to her dad Altamash. Shamshad checks soup first to make sure it is not poisoned. Fathima comes running and requests her to save her sister Sana from Ruknuddin as he kidnapped her and other girls for his harem. Razia asks how dare he is to kidnap girls and says she will confront him. Shamshad reminds her of the promise she made and says she cannot go as time in not in their favor. Razia says she cannot see her abbu’s kingdom people being tortured like this and wants to show that Razia is still there to protect them. Shamshad insists and warns her not to do anything.

Razia goes to Yaldos’ room and says she wants to talk to him for some time. He says she is his would be mallika/queen and his whole life is hers. She runs from there. Mirza sees her coming and tells Yasir about wearing a mask if one cannot confront himself/herself and makes him wear tiger’s mask. He fights with Yasir with sword and gets defeated purposefully. Yasir clap and even Razia. Fathima comes there and Razia says she is helpless. Fathima says she heard Shamshad’s words and is not complaining. Mirza asks why is she crying. Fathima resists but tells about her sister Sanam being kidnapped. Mirza asks Razia why is she not helping Fathima. She ignores him and locks herself in room. He continues that she is not the princess he knows. She says he is right. Their confrontation and counter-confrontation continues.
Shamshad cry looking at Qutub’s clothes. Shazia comes running and worriedly says she feels someone is spying on her. Shamshad asks her to stop worrying as she has to take care of others. Shazia requests if she can stay in her room as it is very peaceful here. Just then, prostitute Turkan enters chanting poetry. Shamshad asks if she is so shameless to enter her room without her permission. Turkan says she is asking her same and asks why did she enter her room. Shazia says it is her mom’s room. Turkan says she is queen now and it is her room her. She asks them to get out of her room. Shazia tries to confront her, but Shamshad stops her and says time in prostitute’s favor and they have to keep silent.

Razia sees Yasir practicing sword wearing mask and thinks shamshad too promise from princess, but not from a common girl. She wears a superwoman (savior)’s clothes and goes out of palace to protect kingdom people.

Ruknuddin’s goons kidnap girls and a woman stops them. One of them warns her that Ruknuddin will punish her if she stops them. She says Ruknuddin is not even a shoe dust of kind sultan Altamash, soon some savior will come to protect them from wicked ruknuddin. A savior is seen just then coming on horse wearing savior’s clothes with mask. Mirza comes there wearing mask and beats Ruknuddin’s goons. Goon asks if he is not afraid of Ruknuddin. He says he is only afraid of god and continues beating them. Goon holds knife on a small boy and says if he tries to beat him, he will kill child. Mirza helpessly drops his sword.

Ruknuddin’s goon soldiers capturing Mirza Althunia with a net. Mirza asks them to kill him, else if he is escaped he will not spare them. They tie him to a pole and are about to kill him when Razia comes wearing a mask on horse as a savior and beats all goon soldiers. Mirza enjoys her bravery and starts chanting poem. He thinks savior is fighting like him. Goon’s head asks them to kill Razia, but Razia beats them all. Head then provokes Razia that he will kill her. Razia starts sword fight with him. He slits Razia’s shoulder, but she continues fighting with him bravely and overpowers him. He runs with soldiers from there. Razia shouts that this is Altamash’s kingdom and nobody should dare to harm his people. People thank Razia and she says she will protect them in Altamash’s absence. People say she is their sultan now and chants sultan loudly.
Razia is about to leave when Mirza stops her and asks to come near him. He says he is sure she is his mohtarama/Razia.

Shamshad sees Shazia hiding kajal box under her veil and asks her to keep it back. Shazia says this is her mom’s kajal dibbi. Shamshad lets her keep it. Prostitute turkan comes there and slaps servant for serving Shamshad. She asks Shazia to go to the kitchen and learn cooking as she will also be married soon. She asks where is Razia. Shamshad says she must be somewhere around and will also be sent to kitchen. Turkan asks Shazia to hurry to the kitchen. Shamshad picks her jewelry box, chants shayari/poem in her mind and leaves, while Turkan stands smirking there.

Servant bring a big box to Ruknuddin’s room and he asks them to be careful. He opens it while sipping alcohol and smiles looking a python in it. He calls it as his brother and says they will enjoy beauty today. Turkan comes there and boasts how she sent Shamshad and Shazia out of their room. Ruknuddin’s puppet soldiers come there injured and inform him about a masked savior.

Razia walks near Mirza, but stops thinking he will identify her, so she walks back. Mirza shouts to free him first. Razia in male disguised voice says she knows he has freed himself and to stop acting. She leaves in her horse and he thinks she is sharper than him. He thinks he will follow this savior and find out who she is behind mask.

Precap: Razia enters palace hiding from Ruknuddin and his puppet soldier. Turkan sees her and calls her name. Mirza thinks his fear came true and now Razia is identified by her enemies first. Razia and Althunia’s nok jhok continues in kitchen. Turkan tells Ruknuddin that they will have to erase Qutub shahi dynasties all evidences including monuments and coins and start with destroying qutub minar.

Razia Sultan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8:00pm

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