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Razia Sultan Updates - Thursday 9 February 2023

Althunia’s friend Daru badmouth about Razia. Althunia holds knife on him and says he can not hear anything bad against Razia. Daru says he thought he hates Razia. Althunia says he does not.

Yaldos tells Altamash and Nasir that their fight will not benefit them. Altamash shouts that Nasir is still his enemy. Yaldos says someone made them fight to get Delhi. Altamash asks who is that. Yaldos goes near Turkan and Ruknuddin and they get afraid, but he takes Sultan Khwacha’s name. Khwacha says he is falsely accusing him. Yaldos tells him all the tricks Turkan used and says Khwacha did them instead. Nasir says this does not prove uncle Khwacha is the culprit. Yaldos says he has one more proof and asks why did he not send soldiers behind Razia to protect her? 

Khwacha says he did not have much army. Nasir starts insulting his helper Khwacha and accuse him. Khwacha asks him not to believe old Yaldos as he has some cruel agenda. Nasir does not believe him. Khwacha says they are doing a mistake by believing old Yaldos and runs from there. Altamash orders soldiers to catch him. He then hug Nasir and forgives him. Yaldos says Altamash he wants Nasir to be made Delhi’s subedar. Nasir says he does not need any designation. Altamash says Delhi needs a capable leader and says Ruknuddin is still incapable and will need his teachings. Nasir hug him and thank Razia for all her effort. Altamash hug both children. Turkan and Ruknuddin fume seeing all this.

Razia while traveling in palanquin dreams about Althunia. She wakes up and thinl he should return her red scarf soon and meet her.

Althunia takes bath in river and imagines Razia and says he cannot be angry on her at all. Daaru wakes him up and asks to stop dreaming. Althunia gains consciousness and starts reminiscing Razia and her words and Razia reminisces him on the other side.

Althunia reach Delhi and think his love brought him here, reminiscing Razia.
Razia tells Nasir that she feels Turkan and Ruknuddin are responsible for his fight with abbu, but since all the evidences were against uncle Khwacha, he was blamed. Nasir says they both will get their truth out in front of abbu and people. Razia smile.

Turkan sees Ruknuddin tensed and asks him to calm down. He asks her not to try her fake acts again. Yaldos comes there. Turkan asks why did not get them caught and alleged Khwacha instead? Yaldos says in politics, enemies enemy is a friend. Turkan asks what is he up to? He says he wants to marry Razia and warn her not to tell his secret to anyone, else she will repent.

Razia reach back Delhi in her palanquin with people chanting her name. A servant meets her. Razia asks how are Shamshad, Qutub, and everyone. Servant says they are fine and says she has to come with her instead of army for her safety. Razia asks the reason? She says it is Shamshad’s order. Razia agrees.

Sultan Altamash addresses his people and says the war stopped by his dear one and the credit goes to.. He search for Razia. Yaldos tells him that ladies should stay away from politics. People chant Yaldos’s name.
Razia meets Qutub. Qutub praises her for stopping the war successfully. She then hug badi naani and sister Shazia. Shazia asks how is she? Razia says she some how reached Ghazni and took Yaldos’s help to stop the fight. She then hug Fathima and says she would not have done that without her and Chanda and gets sad reminiscing Chanda and her sacrifice. Fathima says Chanda would have been very happy seeing her success and prays for Chanda’s soul. Razia then goes to Shamshad and asks if she will not speak to her. Shamshad does not budge and tells Qutub that Shah Turkan is back not as just dancer but as queen now. Razia asks her not to worry, she will not let Turkan near abbu and ammi and asks if she is angry with her even now?

Altamash and Yaldos come there. Nasir also comes and greets Fathima. Altamash speaks to Qutub romantically. Yaldos asks if he has to fill his stomach with their romantic talk? Qutub says she has prepared sweets for him and takes him in.

Servant informs Razia that Shamshad is seeking her. She meets Shamshad who tells she does not like royal family women to be in open. Razia asks what did she do? Shamshad says she ruined royal family name and asks what if something had happened to her and someone would have misused her womanhood? Razia reminisces how Althunia protected her. She reminisces him and murmurs. 

Althunia reach Delhi market.

Precap: Razia sees Althunia in market and smiles. Althunia looking at diamond necklace tells he will meet Razia today. He enters palace with flower bouquet and meet Shazia. Shazia informs Razia that someone sent her bouquet. She runs into her room thinking it must be Althunia.

Razia Sultan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8:00pm

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