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Razia Sultan Updates - Tuesday 14 February 2023

The episode starts Nasir’s crowing ceremony arrangements. Turkan’s eunuch friend reaches with his troupe and introduces himself. Altamash says he has not heard about him. Yaldos interferes and says he invited him. Altamash gets happy and says he wants to make Nasir’s throning ceremony a grand affair.

Razia sees Althunia as a waiter in palace serving juice to everyone and asks him to go. He says he will not until he gets his answer. He serves rose juice to her in front of Shamshad and leaves. Razia tensely walks and clashes with Fathima. Fathima asks her what happened. She says Mirza is her and points at him. Fathima says he is mad and asks why did he come back. Razia says he needs answer why did she call him to Delhi, why did she reject his love. She says if she tells him that she is marrying Yaldos to keep her promise, Mirzia will keep his sword even on Yaldos and is fearless. She says princess don’t have right to love normal men and says she knows even she loves Nasir brother.

Turkan tells her son how to divert everyone’s attention from her enuch friend’s troupe. He says he will do it and asks soldier to take all the palace’s armour outside city. She asks if he wants to blast everything and laughs.

Celebrations start. Altamash enters with Yaldos to the royal hall and everyone chant their name. Eunch also walks behind Yaldos. Yaldos says as per Ghazni’s rule, if throning happens under full moon, kingdom will be prosperous. Altamash says his thinking is good and waits for full name. Yaldos tells Turkan if she tries to harm Razia, he will cut her into pieces. She says she remembers his order and asks him not to worry, but thinks she is eager to see Razia being killed.
Razia comes outside palace and sends Fathima to call Althunia. Fathima tells Althunia that Razia is waiting outside to give his answer and he happily walks out.

Eunuch’s men enter badi naani’s room and kill her. Ruknuddin on the other side blasts whole palace’s armour. Atlhunia makes Razia unconscious and kidnaps her.

Yaldos and Altamash’s conversation. Yaldos thinks he refused my alliance with Razia and invited enmity. Shah Turkan offers drink to Yaldos. He drinks it. Razia is seen in the horse shed and is sleeping. Althunia sees her waking up. Razia asks what is this misbehavior? Why did you bring me here? Althunia says he doesn’t had any other option and apologizes. He recalls bringing her here and says it was his helplessness. He needs to know the answers for his questions. Razia tries to say. Althunia keeps hand on her lips, and takes her in his arms. They stare each other lovingly.

Althunia makes her rest on the grass. Khuda….plays…Althunia asks can I ask you, why did you do that and why? He says time’s nature is strange. Can’t know if it is bad or good. He says shall I think that you have changed a prince. Razia says I haven’t changed nor you have changed, it is just time which has changed. Althunia tries to speak. Razia keeps hand on his lips and the silence follows while Althunia feels her touch and closes his eyes. Razia gets emotional and says she is going to be Malika of Ghazni Sultanant.
Rukn Uddin smirks after lighting the houses on fire. He sees the people running and smiles. Yaldos tells Altamash that he is feeling unwell. Altamash asks him to rest. He asks about Razia. Later he praises Qutub. She smiles.

Althunia asks what are you saying? Razia says she is going to marry Sultan Yaldos in some days. Althunia gets shocked and says it is not possible. I won’t let this happen. Razia sees him holding her hand and says you will increase my troubles. She asks him to go, leaving Delhi. Althunia says am I increasing your troubles? I wants to move troubles from your way. Why you are marrying Yaldos as he is big sultan. Razia shouts. Althunia says he will take her out from this trouble too and asks her to decline to Yaldos. Razia syas you are not understanding the matter.

Althunia says only a mad girl can marry elderly guy. Razia says she has given tongue to Yaldos already. Althunia says rich people give heart to someone and marry someone. Razia says Yaldos took my promise before coming to Delhi. He says he will come with me and puts the condition. He will initiate a war if I refuses marriage. She says how shall I push everyone for the troubles. Our love seems to look small infront of all the people. I can’t break their hopes. Althunia is shocked and teary eyed. Razia says if we talk about love then it would be wrong.

Razia tryto go. Althunia asks her to answer one of his last question. He says I understood that time is against us. He says if it changes then your answer would be same. Then also you don’t accept my love. Razia look on sadly. Tuhi Khuda…….plays……….

Precap: Turkan’s friend kills everyone at the palace. Althunia saves the people from the fire. Razia comes to the palace and looks on. Yaldos drags Razia with him in front of Althunia. Althunia searches prince Yasir and Shamshad.

Razia Sultan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8:00pm

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