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Razia Sultan Updates - Tuesday 21 February 2023


The episode starts with Fathima seeing Razia cooking in kitchen and asking why did she hide from Mirza that she is savior sultan. Razia says Mirza has suffered a lot because of her and she does not want to trouble him more. He is very determined, so he did not go away till now, but she does not want to hold him. She asks her to go while she prepares food.

Mirza comes with spices, but soldiers stop him. He says he is taking spices for Razia’s cuisine. They still stop him. He makes them smell one of spices and they fall down unconscious. Mirza enters into kitchen then and asks Razia if she needs help. She says no. He says she is lying. She continues working unsuccessfully. He reminds her that he is a good cook and she already tasted his cuisines. She reminisces, but says she does not need his help. He continues taunting her. At last, she agrees to take his help and asks him to tell procedure while she cooks. He taunts that he cannot handle so much respect from her. She irks. He asks if she wants to prepare daal gosht or daal makhani. She yells but says daal makhani. He asks her to wash daal first. She washes daal roughly. He asks her not to torture daal and says he will show her how to wash it. He takes her hands and washes dal. She starts staring at him smilingly. Mera maula mere maula….song plays in the background. They both continue washing daal.
Mirza sees Razia cutting potatoes ruthlessly uneven shaped. He holds her hands and teaches her how to cut evenly she then goes to blow on fire, but could not. Mira helps her and gets his hand burnt in between. She also burns hand holding hot pot but then holds it with cloth and tries to drain water with difficulty. Mirza asks her to let him do, she says she will herself, tries unsuccessfully and says she does not need his help but he can if he wants. He jokes. She says she is asking his help and is about to drop utensil when Mirza holds it drains water.

Razia then starts frying spices in oil for biryani. He gives her dried chilies and tej patta, but she keeps it back and picks double quantity and drops it in oil. Strong fumes start and hits her eyes and she starts shedding tears. Mirza helps her cool down.
Ruknuddin comes near Qutub minar and shouts that he will destroy all evidences which have qutub shahi dynasty’s seal. He bombards it. People starts running around seeing it fall. Ruknuddin laughs and says his puppets that he wants it completely vanished and erect a new monument called Firozi minar which will depict sultan ruknuddin firozi’s rule.

Mirza Althunia help Razia prepare biryani and other dishes. Once prepared, Althunia taunts her that she ist so cunning not to thank him. She angrily says she does not need his help and throws whole food in dustbin. He asks her why is she showing anger on food instead of him. She says shouts and he leaves sadly. He thinks she is mad to throw food, but only a mad like him can understand her. Servant comes and informs Razia that Yaldos is asking if food is ready. Razia says she will serve in a few min.

Razia then tries to prepare food, but cannot. She then closes eyes and prepares food reminiscing Althunia’s touch and his help. She tastes food and spits it due to bad taste. She thinks Yaldos wanted to taste her food, now he will repent. She calls servant and asks to serve food. Once she leaves, Mirza enters with Fathima and checks food. Fathima says she does not think Razia would have prepared such a bad food. He asks her to taste herself. She tastes, spit it and says she cannot believe one can prepare such a bad food. Mirza asks if she believes now. She says Yaldos will be angry now and Turkan’s plan will succeed. Mirza asks her to stop emotionally blackmailing him and asks to tell what to do now.

Yaldos with his guests and Turkan/Ruknuddin wait for Razia and her food. Razia enters after dress change hiding her face with a mask. Yaldos introduces her to his guests and says them that he is marrying her. Turkan says she herself prepared food for them.

Shamshad gets tensed that Razia was her only ray of hope, but with her bad food, Yaldos will reject to marry her. She asks Shazia why did not she help her. Shazia says Mirza sent her out.

Tukran asks Yaldos to sit on dining area with his guest. Razia gets tensed and informs Fathima that food is not good. Fathima says it is fine and tells her how Mirza and she changed food which she threw in dustbin. Yaldos and his men start, Razia stops and asks him to let Turkan join them and taste food. Yaldos invites Turkan and she joins making weird faces. Yaldos and his men praise Razia’s cuisine.

Precap: Shamshad cries and informs Razia that Ruknuddin is trying to destroy Qutub minar. Razia says she will not let that happen. Ruknuddin pushes Yasir and shouts that he is sultan. Razia as savior sultan punishes Ruknuddin’s puppet soldiers and says she will not spare anyone who will dare to harm Qutub minar.

Razia Sultan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 8:00pm

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